14.801 Malicious mischief
14.802 Damaging property
14.803 Failure to leave premises when ordered
14.804 Petit larceny defined
14.805 Stolen goods
14.806 Trespassing; private property
14.807 Securing property by fraudulent impersonation of officer
14.808 Shoplifting
14.809 Advertising matter; painting; printing on sidewalks and the like
14.810 Public events; gaining admission without payment
14.811 Breaking into motor vehicle; storage tanks
14.812 Bad checks; unlawful to issue; penalty
14.813 Fences: removing, destroying or leaving down
14.814 Property to be returned to town
14.815 Town machinery, other property
14.816 Junkyards
14.817 Nuisances: creating, maintaining or permitting
14.818 Offenses committed on municipal property outside town limits
14.819 Obtaining property by fraud
Editor’s note:
This article derives from appropriate state statutes and generally accepted municipal practices.