   14.1001   Parades; picketing; demonstrations
   14.1002   Permit required; issuance
   14.1003   Imposition of restrictions
   14.1004   Appeals
Editor’s note:
   This article has been inserted from court decisions and generally accepted municipal practices.
   a.   It shall be unlawful to parade, picket or march unless permission has been secured from the town. Those desiring same shall make application, duly signed by the individual organizer or by an officer of the organization, and submit it unto the Clerk/Treasurer not less than seven days prior to the time of such parade. The application shall state the time, duration, purpose, the number of persons or vehicles to be engaged, the area in which said picketing, parading or marching will occur and the individual, group of individuals or organization directing and responsible for said picketing, parading or marching.
   b.   When picketing or engaging in demonstrations, no person shall:
      1.   Use on the streets or public places any verbal abuse, including curses, insults or threats, or acts of violence, directed against any person;
      2.   March, parade, protest or picket in any manner other than as permitted by this article, except with the express written consent and approval of the Town Council;
      3.   Engage in riotous conduct which invades the privacy of homes or businesses;
      4.   Damage or destroy or injure the person or property of others;
      5.   Block, without a permit, in any manner, the streets and means of ingress and egress to places of business;
      6.   Interfere with, in any manner, or obstruct any official in the performance of his or her duties;
      7.   Interfere in any matter with the attendance, during school hours, of children in schools;
      8.   Picket other than in accordance with the following principles:
         (a)   In a manner so as not to interfere with pedestrians or vehicular traffic;
         (b)   In a manner so as not to block entrances or exits to or from picketed establishments;
         (c)   No picket trespassing upon the property of the business establishment being picketed;
         (d)   Pickets patrolling on the sidewalk at a distance of not less than eight feet from every other picket; or
         (e)   No person or persons, whether in sympathy with the pickets or not, shall assemble, loiter, congregate or engage in any kind of picketing of the establishment being picketed except those picketing in their official capacity.
      9.   Demonstrate, other than in accordance with the following principles:
         (a)   Walking not more than two abreast upon the public sidewalks or in groups of not more than 30 persons;
         (b)   Observe all traffic-control devices;
         (c)   Walking close to the building line or curb so as not to interfere with or obstruct other pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk; and
         (d)   Assemble peacefully and speak peacefully for a period of time not exceeding 30 minutes and when traffic to and from places of business or employment is not at its peak, and in such circumstances as will not unduly disrupt the public peace, and conducted in such a manner as not to deprive the public of adequate police and fire protection.
   c.   This section shall not apply to funeral processions, the United States Armed Forces or the military forces of this state.
(Prior Code, § 14.1001)
Editor’s note:
   See § 18.501, this code, for other funeral processions.
   Upon receipt of an application for a permit for a parade, procession or gathering, the Clerk/Treasurer shall issue a permit therefor, subject to considerations of the public convenience and public welfare.
(Prior Code, § 14.1002)