14.501 Regulation of gaming operation; applicability
14.502 Definition
14.503 Gambling prohibited; exceptions
14.504 Same; confiscation and destruction
14.505 Same; houses unlawful
14.506 Gambling devices; destruction
14.507 Maintaining faro bank, gaming table and the like
14.508 Same; winnings to be forfeited
Editor’s note:
The state has made gambling for profit to the player illegal. This article derives from generally accepted municipal practices.
For the purpose of this article, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GAMING. Any business or other operation conducting business within the town employing the use of legal mechanical or electronic devices. They may involve the offer to redeem points, games, tokens or other similar credits won.
(Prior Code, § 14.502)
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in gambling or games of chance, to keep or operate, or permit to be kept or operated, any slot machines, punchboard, tipboard or other device pertaining to games of chance or whatsoever name or kind.
b. Exceptions shall include automatic weighing, measuring, musical and vending machines which are so constructed as to give a certain uniform and fair return in value for each coin or bill deposited therein, and in which there is no element of chance, as may be permitted by state statutes.
(S.C. Code § 16-19-40)
c. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the conduct of bingo and similar games shall be permitted within the town; provided, however, that said games are:
1. Conducted solely by and under the supervision of a church, school or other charitable, educational or eleemosynary institution;
2. The entire net proceeds from said game is applied directly to the purposes of the institution or organization conducting the same;
3. No case prizes shall be awarded; and
4. Prior to the conduction of such games, a permit shall be applied for and obtained from the Mayor and Council. The permit shall be issued only after investigation discloses compliance with the foregoing conditions.
d. It shall be unlawful to operate any punchboard in the town where there is any element of chance involved, or to raffle any article or thing, by selling chances for same where value is not received for each and every chance purchased, or to permit the use of any game of chance of any kind whatsoever, where value received is not given to every person obtaining any such chance.
(Prior Code, § 14.503)
a. Upon the charging of any person of a violation of this article, it shall be the duty of police officers to seize and take into possession any gaming device, machines, punchboard, tipboard or other device of whatever name or kind pertaining to games of chance.
b. Upon conviction, destruction of the gaming device of whatever name or kind is hereby authorized by police officers.
(Prior Code, § 14.504)
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep or maintain a gambling house or room or place where people resort to engage in gambling or games of chance or to permit gambling or games of chance in any building on their premises or under their control.
(Prior Code, § 14.505)
Pursuant to S.C. Code § 16-19-120, the Chief of Police is hereby vested with the authority to destroy gambling or gaming devices of any kind whatsoever that shall come into his or her possession and caused by a violation of state or town gambling laws immediately after final disposition of a case, unless otherwise directed by court order.
(Prior Code, § 14.506)