It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep or maintain a gambling house or room or place where people resort to engage in gambling or games of chance or to permit gambling or games of chance in any building on their premises or under their control.
(Prior Code, § 14.505)
Pursuant to S.C. Code § 16-19-120, the Chief of Police is hereby vested with the authority to destroy gambling or gaming devices of any kind whatsoever that shall come into his or her possession and caused by a violation of state or town gambling laws immediately after final disposition of a case, unless otherwise directed by court order.
(Prior Code, § 14.506)
No person shall keep, operate or maintain at any place within the town any faro bank, or bank of the same or like kind, or gaming table or other device for gambling by whatsoever name it may be called, and any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 14.507)