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Corona Municipal Code
13.26.030 Definitions.
   For the purposes of this Chapter 13.26, the following words, terms, and phrases shall have the following meanings:
   (A)   "Appellant” means the person appealing a decision of the approving authority, General Manager, or other designated city official for relief from the requirements of this Chapter 13.26.
   (B)   “Approving authority” means the General Manager or his or her designee, charged with approving or denying written applications for relief.
   (C)   “Base year consumption amount” means the total amount of water delivered to the property of each customer in the prior fiscal year, as determined by the city.
   (D)   “Conservation offset” means the implementation of proven conservation techniques which, when installed, will result in a reduction equal to demand of the proposed use.
   (E)   “Enforcement officer” means any individual employed or otherwise charged by the city to inspect or enforce codes, ordinances, mandates, regulations, resolutions, rules or other laws adopted by the City Council or other regulatory bodies.
   (F)   “General Manager” means the General Manager of the Department of Water and Power or his or her authorized designee.
   (G)   “Person” means any natural person, firm, joint venture, joint stock company, partnership, public or private association, club, company, corporation, business trust, organization, public or private agency, government agency or institution, school district, college, university, any other user of water provided by the city, or the manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer or employee of any of them or any other entity which is recognized by law as the subject of rights or duties.
   (H)   “Potable water” means water which conforms to federal, state, and local standards for human consumption.
   (I)   “Property owner” or “owner” means the record owner of real property as shown on the most recently issued equalized assessment roll.
   (J)   “Reclaimed water” means water which, as a result of treatment of waste, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or a controlled use that would not otherwise occur and is therefore considered a valuable resource.
   (K)   “Reclaimed water distribution system” means a piping system intended for the delivery of reclaimed water exclusively and which is separate from any potable water distribution system.
   (L)   “Relief' means excuse from compliance with the regulations and restrictions on water use contained in this Chapter 13.26.
   (M)   “Responsible person” shall mean a natural person or legal entity who causes, maintains or allows a violation(s) of the city code to occur or continue by action or failure to act. A responsible person includes, but is not limited to, the owner, tenant, co-tenant, lessee, sub-lessee or other person with any right to possession of the property where a city code violation that is related to the use or condition of property occurs, the on-site manager who normally works daily at the site when the business is open and is responsible for the activities at such premises, and the owner, majority stockholders, corporate officers, trustees and general partners of a legal entity. There may be more than one responsible person for a violation.
   (N)   “State” means the State of California.
   (O)   “Water customer” or “customer” means a person who, according to the city's records, receives water service to a parcel of property.
   (P)   “Water shortage emergency” means a condition existing within the city in which the ordinary water demands and requirements of persons within the city cannot be satisfied without depleting the water supply of the city to the extent that there would be insufficient water for human consumption, sanitation, and fire protection. A water shortage emergency includes both an immediate emergency, in which the city is unable to meet current water needs of persons within the city, as well as a threatened water shortage, in which the city determines that its supply cannot meet an increased future demand.
   (Q)   “Watering Window” means a period of time established by the city within a particular water conservation stage regarding allowed water usage for outdoor irrigation.
(Ord. 3199 § 2, 2015; Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)
13.26.040 Water Conservation and unreasonable uses of water.
   (A)   It is unlawful at any time for any person to make, cause, or use or permit the use of water from the city for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, governmental, or any other purpose in a manner contrary to any provision of this chapter, or in an amount in excess of that use permitted by the water conservation stages which are in effect pursuant to this chapter or by action taken by the General Manager in accordance with this chapter. The water conservation and drought response measures set forth in this section shall be in effect at all times.
   (B)   It is unlawful at any time for any person to waste water or to use it unreasonably. Unreasonable uses of water shall include, but are not limited to, the following practices:
      (1)   Allowing water to leave a person's property by drainage onto adjacent properties or public or private roadways or streets due to excessive irrigation and/or uncorrected leaks;
      (2)   Failing to repair a water leak; and
      (3)   Using water to wash down sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios or other paved areas, except to alleviate immediate safety or sanitation hazards.
      (4)   The application of potable water to outdoor landscapes during and within 48 hours after rainfall measuring one-half (1/2) inch or more.
   (C)   A water conservation stage shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. A water conservation stage shall remain in full force and effect until otherwise determined or discontinued by the General Manager based upon a finding that existing water supply conditions and the supply of water available for distribution within the city's service area has been replenished or augmented.
   (D)   The city may declare a water shortage emergency during any water conservation stage.
   (E)   During Water Conservation Stage 1, the water conservation and drought response measures of Water Conservation Stage 2 are voluntary and will be enforced through local and regional public education and awareness measures by the city.
   (F)   During Water Conservation Stages 2 through 5, the water conservation and drought response measures of each and every previous water conservation stage are mandatory and violations are subject to criminal, civil, and administrative penalties and remedies as specified in this Chapter 13.26 and state law.
(Ord. 3199 § 3, 2015; Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)
13.26.050 Water Conservation Stage 1. — Normal Water Supply.
   Water Conservation Stage 1 is also referred to as a "Normal Water Supply" and applies during periods when the City is able to meet all of the water demands of its customers. Water Conservation Stage 1 is in effect at all times unless the General Manager otherwise declares that another water conservation stage is in effect pursuant to this Chapter 13.26. Water is a limited natural resource and must be used efficiently and economically to meet the health and safety needs of the community. All normal water efficiency programs and water conservation regulations of the city, including the city's landscape design guidelines for commercial and industrial developments as may be adopted from time to time, will be in full force and effect during Water Conservation Stage 1. In addition, lawns and/or ground cover may be watered and landscaping may be irrigated for private properties, parks, and the public right-of-ways, only between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., if the watering and irrigation is performed with potable water. This restriction shall not apply to watering and irrigation performed with reclaimed water.
(Ord. 3199 § 4, 2015; Ord. 2992 § 2, 2009; Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)
13.26.060 Water Conservation Stage 2. — Minimum Water Shortage.
   (A)   Water Conservation Stage 2 is also referred to as a “Minimum Water Shortage” and applies during periods when a reasonable probability exists that the city will not be able to meet all of the water demands of its customers. Water Conservation Stage 2 may be caused by, but is not limited to, any or all of the following circumstances or events:
      (1)   A regional water supply shortage exists and a regional public outreach campaign is being implemented asking or requiring all persons to reduce water use;
      (2)   Groundwater wells are inoperable or unusable (such as by power outages, mechanical failure, or contamination);
      (3)   Alternative water supplies are limited or unavailable; and
      (4)   Groundwater levels or groundwater quality is approaching levels which may require augmentation of the groundwater basin or other actions necessary to protect the groundwater basin as prescribed by the California Department of Water Resources, the Department of Public Health, the State or Regional Water Quality Control Board, Riverside County, or some other regulatory body.
   (B)   The objective of the measures undertaken in Water Conservation Stage 2 is to reduce water system consumption within the city by 10% to 15% as determined and recommended by the General Manager.
   (C)   Except as otherwise provided in this section, all water conservation and drought response measures of Water Conservation Stage 1 shall be in full force and effect during Water Conservation Stage 2. Upon declaration of a Water Conservation Stage 2 by the General Manager, implementation by the city and publication of notice, the following water conservation and drought response measures shall apply:
      (1)   The city shall determine the base year consumption amount. Water customers shall reduce their water consumption by ten to fifteen percent, as determined and recommended by the General Manager, from the base year consumption amount for the duration of Water Conservation Stage 2. Provided, however, the base year consumption amount for any subsequent fiscal year shall be determined by the city as appropriate in the event that the city is required to continue the Water Conservation Stage 2 for more than 12 months.
      (2)   Lawns and/or ground covers may be watered and landscaping may be irrigated, including construction meter irrigation, for a maximum of 20 minutes per day only during the following designated watering windows and designated days:
         (a)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), lawns and/or ground cover may be watered and landscaping may be irrigated for properties with odd number street addresses, parks and the public right-of-ways, only on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.;
         (b)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), lawns and/or ground cover may be watered and landscaping may be irrigated for properties with even number street addresses only on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.;
         (c)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), watering lawns and/or ground cover and irrigating landscaping is prohibited on Fridays and on any day of the week outside of the designated watering windows set forth in divisions (C)(2)(a) and (b) hereof; and
         (d)   Notwithstanding (C)(2)(a), (b) and (c), a government agency may water lawns and/or ground cover and irrigate landscaping on three days per week of the agency's choosing, only between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.
      (3)   All irrigation timers shall be adjusted to comply with the provisions of division (C)(2) hereof.
      (4)   Notwithstanding the provisions of division (C)(2), the use of reclaimed water to irrigate fruit trees, lawns and ground covers, and ornamental trees and shrubs is permitted on any day and at any time. Reclaimed water shall not be permitted to run into city streets or the city storm water conveyance system.
      (5)   All open hoses shall be equipped with automatic, positive, shut-off nozzles.
      (6)   All swimming pools, spas, ponds, and fountains shall be equipped with re-circulating pumps.
      (7)   All plumbing leaks, improperly adjusted sprinklers, or other water conduits/fixtures that require repair or adjustment shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the city.
      (8)   No person shall use water to wash down sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios, or other paved or hard surface areas, except to alleviate immediate fire or sanitation hazards.
      (9)   No person shall allow water to leave his or her property by drainage onto adjacent properties or public or private roadways or streets due to excessive irrigation and/or uncorrected leaks.
      (10)   The washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, airplanes and other types of mobile equipment, is permitted at any time with a hand-held bucket or a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic, positive, shut-off nozzle for quick rinses. Washing may be done at any time on the immediate premises of a commercial car wash or commercial service station, or by a mobile car wash or on-site car wash using high pressure washing equipment.
      (11)   Use of water from fire hydrants shall be limited to fire fighting, related activities, or other activities necessary to maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
      (12)   All restaurants are prohibited from serving water to their patrons except when specifically requested by the patrons.
      (13)   Construction operations receiving water from a construction meter or water truck shall not use water unnecessarily for any purpose other than those required by regulatory agencies. Construction projects requiring watering for new landscaping materials shall adhere to the designated irrigation requirements set forth in division (C)(2) hereof.
(Ord. 3199 § 5, 2015; Ord. 2996 § 2, 2009; Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)
13.26.070 Water Conservation Stage 3. - Moderate Water Shortage.
   (A)   Water Conservation Stage 3 is also referred to as a "Moderate Water Shortage" and applies during periods when the city will not be able to meet all of the water demands of its customers. Water Conservation Stage 3 may be caused by, but is not limited to, any or all of the following circumstances or events:
      (1)   A regional or statewide water supply shortage exists and a regional public outreach campaign is being implemented asking or requiring all persons to reduce water use;
      (2)   Groundwater wells are inoperable or unusable (such as by power outages, mechanical failure, or contamination);
      (3)   Alternative water supplies are limited or unavailable; and
      (4)   Groundwater levels or groundwater quality is approaching levels which may require augmentation of the groundwater basin or other actions necessary to protect the groundwater basin as prescribed by the California Department of Water Resources, the Department of Public Health, the State or Regional Water Quality Control Board, Riverside County, or some other regulatory body.
   (B)   The objective of the measures undertaken in Water Conservation Stage 3 is to reduce water system consumption within the city by 16% to 30% as determined and recommended by the General Manager.
   (C)   Except as otherwise provided in this § 13.26.070, all water conservation and drought response measures of Water Conservation Stages 1 and 2 shall be in full force and effect during Water Conservation Stage 3. Upon declaration of a Water Conservation Stage 3 by the General Manager, implementation by the city and publication of notice, the following water conservation and drought response measures shall apply:
      (1)   Water customers shall reduce their water consumption by 16% to 30%, as determined and recommended by the General Manager, from the base year consumption amount for the duration of Water Conservation Stage 3. Provided, however, the base year consumption amount for any subsequent fiscal year shall be determined by the city as appropriate in the event that the city is required to continue the Water Conservation Stage 3 for more than 12 months.
      (2)   Lawns and/or ground covers may be watered and landscaping may be irrigated, including construction meter irrigation, for a maximum number of minutes per day as determined by the General Manager and announced pursuant to § 13.26.100 only during the following designated watering windows and designated days:
         (a)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), lawns and/or ground cover may be watered and landscaping may be irrigated for properties with odd number street addresses, up to three days per week as determined by the General Manager and announced pursuant to § 13.26.100, and only on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.;
         (b)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), lawns and/or ground cover may be watered and landscaping may be irrigated for properties with even number street addresses up to three days per week as determined by the General Manager and announced pursuant to § 13.26.100, and only on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.;
         (c)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), watering lawns and/or ground cover and irrigating landscaping is prohibited on Fridays and on any day of the week outside of the designated water windows set forth in divisions (C)(2)(a) and (b) hereof and per the General Manager's direction; and
         (d)   Notwithstanding divisions (C)(2)(a), (b) and (c), a government agency may water lawns and/or ground cover and irrigate landscaping on day(s) of the agency's choosing, only between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., on up to three days per week, as determined by the General Manager and announced pursuant to § 13.26.100. The General Manager is authorized to reduce the number of designated watering days set forth in division (C)(2)(a), (b), (c) and (d), which will be announced pursuant to § 13.26.100.
      (3)   Notwithstanding the provisions of division (C)(2) hereof, the use of reclaimed water to irrigate fruit trees, lawns and ground covers, and ornamental trees and shrubs is permitted on any day and at any time. Reclaimed water shall not be permitted to run into city streets or the city storm water conveyance system.
      (4)   Irrigation timers shall be adjusted to comply with the provisions of division (C)(2) hereof.
      (5)   The overfilling of swimming pools and spas is prohibited. The filling or refilling of ornamental ponds, streams, and artificial lakes is prohibited.
      (6)   The operation of any ornamental fountain or similar structure is prohibited except for short periods of time to prevent damage, unless the fountain recirculates water.
      (7)   Construction projects requiring water from a construction meter or a water truck shall only use reclaimed water except as approved by the General Manager and shall not use water unnecessarily for any purposes other than those required by regulatory agencies. Construction projects requiring water for new landscapes shall adhere to the designated days and watering windows as set forth in division (C)(2) hereof. Further, construction projects necessary to maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the public, as determined by the city, are exempt from these regulations.
(Ord. 3199 § 6, 2015; Ord. 2996 § 2, 2009; Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)
13.26.080 Water Conservation Stage 4. – Severe Water Shortage.
   (A)   Water Conservation Stage 4 is also referred to as a "Severe Water Shortage" and applies during periods when the city will not be able to meet all of the water demands of its customers. Water Conservation Stage 4 may be caused by, but is not limited to, any or all of the following circumstances or events:
      (1)   A regional or statewide water supply shortage exists and a regional public outreach campaign is being implemented asking or requiring persons to reduce water use;
      (2)   Groundwater wells are inoperable or unusable (such as by power outages, mechanical failure, or contamination);
      (3)   Alternative water supplies are limited or unavailable;
      (4)   Groundwater levels or groundwater quality is approaching levels which may require augmentation of the groundwater basin or other actions necessary to protect the groundwater basin as prescribed by the California Department of Water Resources, California Department of Public Health, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Riverside County, or some other regulatory body; and
      (5)   A major failure of any supply or distribution facility, whether temporary or permanent, occurs in the water distribution system of the State, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the Western Municipal Water District, or city water facilities.
   (B)   The objective of the measures undertaken in Water Conservation Stage 4 is to reduce water consumption within the city by 31% to 40% as determined and recommended by the General Manager.
   (C)   Except as otherwise provided in this § 13.26.080, all water conservation and drought response measures of Water Conservation Stages 1, 2, and 3 shall be in full force and effect during Water Conservation Stage 4. Upon declaration of a Water Conservation Stage 4 by the General Manager, implementation by the city and publication of notice, the following water conservation and drought response measures shall apply:
      (1)   Water customers shall reduce their water consumption by 31% to 0% from the base year consumption amount for the duration of the Water Conservation Stage 4. Provided, however, the base year consumption amount for subsequent fiscal years shall be determined by the City as appropriate in the event that the city is required to continue the Water Conservation Stage 4 for more than 12 months.
      (2)   Irrigation of landscaping shall be limited to supporting minimal survival of trees and shrubs. Landscaping may be irrigated, including construction meter irrigation, for a maximum number of minutes per day as determined by the General Manager and announced pursuant to § 13.26.100 only during the following designated watering windows and designated day:
         (a)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), properties with odd number street addresses may irrigate landscaping only up to three days per week as determined by the General Manager and announced pursuant to § 13.26.100, and only on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.;
         (b)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), properties with even number street addresses may irrigate landscaping only up to three days per week as determined by the General Manager and announced pursuant to § 13.26.100, and only on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.;
         (c)   Except as specified in division (C)(2)(d), irrigating landscaping is prohibited on Fridays and outside the designated watering windows set forth in divisions (C)(2)(a) and (b).
         (d)   Notwithstanding divisions (C)(2)(a), (b), and (c), a government agency may water lawns and/or ground cover and irrigate landscaping on day(s) of the agency's choosing, only between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m., on up to three days per week as determined by the General Manager and announced pursuant to § 13.26.100. The General Manager is authorized to reduce the number of designated watering days set forth in division (C)(2)(a), (b), (c) and (d), which will be announced pursuant to § 13.26.100.
      (3)   Notwithstanding the provisions of division (C) hereof, the use of reclaimed water to irrigate fruit trees, lawns and ground covers, and ornamental trees and shrubs is permitted on any day and at any time. Reclaimed water shall not be permitted to run into city streets or the city storm water conveyance system.
      (4)   All outdoor watering and irrigation of lawns and ground covers is prohibited with the exception of plant materials classified and determined by the City Manager to be rare, exceptionally valuable, or essential to the well-being of the public at large or rare animals, and for which relief has been otherwise granted pursuant to § 13.26.150.
      (5)   The washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, airplanes and other types of mobile equipment is prohibited. Washing is permitted at any time on the immediate premises of a commercial car wash. Commercial car washes shall only use partially reclaimed or recycled water for washing automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats, airplanes and other types of mobile equipment. Further, such washings are exempt from these regulations where the health, safety and welfare of the public is contingent upon frequent vehicle cleanings, such as garbage trucks and vehicles used to transport food and perishables.
      (6)   The filling, refilling, or adding of water to swimming pools and spas or ornamental ponds, streams, and artificial lakes is prohibited.
      (7)   The operation of any ornamental fountain, pond, or similar structure is prohibited except for short periods of time to prevent damage.
      (8)   The use of water for cooling mists is prohibited.
      (9)   The use of water for commercial, manufacturing, or processing purposes shall be reduced in volume by an amount determined by the General Manager.
      (10)   No new construction meters will be issued. Construction water shall not be used for earth work, road construction purposes, dust control, compaction, or trenching jetting. Construction projects necessary to maintaining the health, safety, and welfare of the public, as determined by the city, are exempt from these regulations.
      (11)   Provided the City Council has declared a water shortage emergency pursuant to California Water Code Sections 350 et seq., except as to property for which a building permit has been heretofore issued, no new building permit(s) shall be provided, except in the following circumstances:
         (a)   For projects necessary to protect the public's health, safety, and welfare, as determined by the city;
         (b)   When using reclaimed water;
         (c)   When the recipient of the building permit can demonstrate that no net increase in water use will occur; or
         (d)   Where the recipient of the building permit provides a conservation offset. A conservation offset may be effected by paying a fee established by the city in an amount necessary to cover the cost of implementing conservation techniques or acquiring alternative water sources. The fee will be based on the conservation offset required for an equivalent dwelling unit. Such fee shall apply to residential as well as commercial and industrial buildings, and may be adjusted from time to time as determined by the city.
(Ord. 3199 § 7, 2015; Ord. 2996 § 2, 2009; Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)
13.26.090 Water Conservation Stage 5. — Critical Water Shortage.
   (A)   Water Conservation Stage 5 is also referred to as a “Critical Water Shortage” and applies during periods when the city will not be able to meet all of the water demands of its customers. Water Conservation Stage 5 may be caused by, but is not limited to, any or all of the following circumstances or events:
      (1)   A regional or statewide water supply shortage exists and a regional public outreach campaign is being implemented asking or requiring all persons to reduce water use;
      (2)   Groundwater wells are inoperable or unusable (such as by power outages, mechanical failure, or contamination);
      (3)   Alternative water supplies are limited or unavailable;
      (4)   Groundwater levels or groundwater quality is approaching levels which may require augmentation of the groundwater basin or other actions necessary to protect the groundwater basin as prescribed by the California Department of Water Resources, California Department of Public Health, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Riverside County, or some other regulatory body; and
      (5)   A major failure of any supply or distribution facility, whether temporary or permanent, occurs in the water distribution system of the State, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the Western Municipal Water District, or city water facilities and the city cannot meet all of the water demands of its customers.
   (B)   The objective of the measures undertaken in Water Conservation Stage 5 is to reduce water consumption by forty percent or more as determined and recommended by the General Manager.
   (C)   Except as otherwise provided in this section, all water conservation and drought response measures of Water Conservation Stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall be in full force and effect during Water Conservation Stage 5. Upon declaration of a Water Conservation Stage 5 by the City Council, implementation by the city and publication of notice, the following water conservation and drought response measures shall apply:
      (1)   Water customers shall reduce their water consumption by 41% or more from the base year consumption amount for the duration of Water Conservation Stage 5. Provided, however, the base year consumption amount for subsequent fiscal years shall be determined by the city as appropriate in the event that the city is required to continue the Water Conservation Stage 5 for more than 12 months.
      (2)   All outdoor watering and irrigation of lawns and ground cover, and landscaping is prohibited, with the exception of the use of recycled water to irrigate fruit trees, lawns and ground covers, and ornamental trees and shrubs, which is permitted on any day and at any time. Recycled water shall not be permitted to run into city streets or the city storm water conveyance system.
      (3)   Provided the City Council has declared a water shortage emergency pursuant to California Water Code Sections 350 et seq., the city shall not allow any new connections to the water system during Water Conservation Stage 5.
(Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)
13.26.100 Mandatory Conservation Phase Implementation.
   (A)   The General Manager, or his or her designee, shall monitor the projected supply and demand for water by its customers on a regular basis during periods of a water shortage or drought and shall determine the extent of the conservation required through the implementation and/or termination of particular water conservation stages to prudently plan and supply water to its customers. Thereafter, the General Manager may order the implementation or termination of the appropriate water conservation stage.
   (B)   The declaration of any stage beyond Water Conservation Stage 1 shall be made by the General Manager. The city shall make a public announcement of the applicable Water Conservation Stage, which shall be published a minimum of one time for three consecutive days in a daily newspaper of general circulation. Such declaration and notice shall provide the extent, terms, and conditions respecting the use and consumption of water in accordance with the applicable water conservation stage as provided in this Chapter 13.26. Upon such declaration and publication of such notice, due and proper notice shall be deemed to have been given each and every person supplied water within the City. The water conservation stage designated shall become effective immediately upon announcement.
   (C)   The declaration of a water shortage emergency during any water conservation stage shall be made in accordance with California Water Code Sections 350 et seq.
(Ord. 3199 § 8, 2015; Ord. 2962 § 2 (part), 2009.)