18.08.010 Accessory structure.
18.08.011 Accessory use.
18.08.012 Area of shallow flooding.
18.08.020 Base flood.
18.08.021 Basement.
18.08.022 BFE.
18.08.023 Breakaway walls.
18.08.040 Development.
18.08.050 Encroachment.
18.08.051 Existing mobile home park or mobile home subdivision.
18.08.052 Expansion of an existing mobile home park or mobile home subdivision.
18.08.060 Flood, flooding.
18.08.061 Flood boundary and floodway map.
18.08.062 Flood insurance rate map.
18.08.063 Flood insurance study.
18.08.064 Floodplain or flood-prone area.
18.08.065 Floodplain Administrator.
18.08.066 Floodplain management.
18.08.067 Floodplain management regulations.
18.08.068 Floodproofing.
18.08.069 Floodway.
18.08.070 Floodway fringe.
18.08.071 Functionally-dependent use.
18.08.080 Hardship.
18.08.081 Highest adjacent grade.
18.08.082 Historic structure.
18.08.120 Lowest floor.
18.08.130 Manufactured home.
18.08.131 Manufactured home park or subdivision.
18.08.132 Mean sea level.
18.08.140 New construction.
18.08.141 New manufactured home park or subdivision.
18.08.150 One hundred year flood.
18.08.151 Obstruction.
18.08.160 Person.
18.08.161 Program deficiency.
18.08.180 Recreational Vehicle
18.08.181 Regulatory floodway.
18.08.182 Remedy a violation.
18.08.183 Riverine.
18.08.190 Sand dunes.
18.08.191 Special flood hazard area.
18.08.192 Start of construction.
18.08.193 Structure.
18.08.194 Substantial damage.
18.08.195 Substantial improvement.
18.08.220 Variance.
18.08.221 Violation.