17.82.030 Eligibility determination.
   Any project developed pursuant to this chapter shall meet the following requirements, and any such permit issued shall be subject to conditions established under this chapter.
   (A)   The following standards are applicable to all development under this chapter.
      (1)   Project size. The land area and dimensions of the project shall not be less than the lot area requirements established by the zone.
      (2)   Yard requirements. Yards shall be measured from the property lines of individual lots or from the accessways if individual lots are not provided. Yards shall be established as follows.
         (a)   Multiple-family attached dwellings.
            1.   Front yard. The front yard shall be a minimum of 20 feet for front-on garage setbacks. Corner cut-offs shall be in compliance with §§ 17.70.030 and 17.70.050.
(Ord. 1781.)
            2.   Interior side yards. The interior side yards shall be a minimum of five feet for one-story buildings, ten feet for two-story buildings and 15 feet for three-story buildings, except that an attached patio structure, open on three sides, may extend to within three feet of a side property line.
            3.   Street side yards. The street side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten feet from private and local streets, 15 feet from collector streets and 20 feet from major and secondary streets, except that an attached patio structure, open on three sides, may extend to within ten feet from property line.
            4.   Rear yard. The rear yard shall be a minimum of ten feet except that an attached patio structure, open on three sides, may extend to within three feet of a rear property line.
            5.   Building separation. In no case shall buildings be separated by less than 15 feet for one-story buildings, 20 feet for two-story buildings and 25 feet for three-story buildings. In the case of two buildings of differing heights, the more stringent separation shall apply.
         (b)   Single-family attached dwellings.
            1.   Front yard. The front yard shall be a minimum of 20 feet. Corner cut offs shall be in compliance with §§ 17.70.030 to 17.70.050.
            2.   Interior side yards. Interior side yards shall be a minimum of five feet except where attached along a common property line.
            3.   Street side yards. Street side yards shall be a minimum of ten feet on a local, private or collector street and 15 feet on a secondary or major street. Corona Municipal Code Chapter 17.70 standards applicable to corner cut-offs, key lots and reverse corner lots shall apply.
            4.   Rear yards. The rear yard shall be an average of 15 feet with no building area closer than ten level feet to the rear property line. An attached patio structure, open on three sides, may extend to within three feet of the rear property line. For accessory buildings see Corona Municipal Code § 17.66.010.
            5.   Building separation. The minimum building separation shall be ten feet between one-story conditions, 15 feet between a one- and a two-story condition and 20 feet between two-story conditions.
         (c)   Detached dwellings. The setback requirements of the underlying zone shall apply except that zero side yard set backs may be allowed with a minimum building separation of ten feet upon approval from the Planning Commission.
      (3)   Maximum number of dwelling units.
         (a)   The number of dwelling units permitted in a project shall not exceed the number of dwelling units permitted by the property development standards of the zone in which the project property is located.
         (b)   In computing the maximum number of dwelling units which may be permitted for a project, the land area within the proposed project shall be considered less any portion thereof for street purposes and/or easements for master-planned flood control and drainage facilities have been accepted for dedication by the city or offered to the city for dedication or required to be so offered by law or as a condition to any permit or entitlement granted by the city.
         (c)   Additionally, the maximum allowable number of dwelling units within a project, pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall be computed by adding to the number of dwelling units permitted within the project by reason of the zone in which project property is located the number of dwelling units which would be allowed on that property on which development rights are to be dedicated to the city for open space, even though such open space property is not eligible for inclusion within the project by reason of its zoning or location; provided, however, the additional dwelling units shall not exceed the maximum number of allowable dwelling units permitted in the project by reason of the zoning thereof.
         (d)   The maximum number of additional dwelling units relative to such open space property shall be computed as if the open space property were zoned the same as the property on which dwelling units are proposed to be constructed.
      (4)   Minimum lot area and width. The minimum lot area and width shall be determined by the zone in which the projects are situated as follows.
*Single-family detached development in the R-2 or R-3 zone shall conform to the standards of the R-1-7.2 zone.
      (5)   Requirements. That property on which development rights are proposed shall be dedicated to the city for open space and shall be of sufficient size so as to assure that every lot within the project meets the minimum lot area per dwelling unit standards for the zone in which project property is located as computed pursuant to pertinent provisions of this section; provided, however, that the open space property on which dwelling units for a project are computed, which is used to assure that every lot within the project meets the minimum lot area standard, shall not be property, or any portion thereof, on which development rights have been dedicated or have been required to be dedicated for open space purposes or which has been considered open space in computing the maximum number of dwelling units for a project which a conditional use permit for a planned unit development has been previously granted by the city.
   (B)   If the open space property is to be offered for dedication as a public park, the open space must contain at least five contiguous acres at a location approved by the City Council and shall be accessible by motor vehicle or pedestrian use to those persons residing within the project. A conditional use permit for a planned unit development may contain a condition that any open space property, the development rights to which are dedicated to the city, shall be landscaped, and such landscaping shall be maintained by such owners of the property within the project and/or by the owners of the open space property through the creation of a landscape maintenance district or maintenance shall be guaranteed by covenants, conditions and restrictions imposed on the open space property and/or the property within the project or by other competent guarantee, as approved by the Planning Director.
(`78 Code, § 17.82.030.) (Ord. 2032 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1987 § 1, 1990; Ord. 1728 § 1, 1984.)