17.66.010 Accessory buildings.
   (A)   No garage or other accessory building shall be located in any R zone without a permissive primary unit.
   (B)   Detached accessory buildings shall be at least five feet from the primary unit. Accessory buildings shall be separated by five feet.
   (C)   (1)   Detached accessory buildings which match the architecture of the primary unit shall be permitted to be constructed at or up to the front setback line and are subject to all other applicable setbacks.
      (2)   Detached accessory buildings which do not match the architecture of the main structure shall be located to the rear of the primary unit.
      (3)   Both of the following are not subject to the development standards in this subsection: detached accessory buildings under six feet in height which are located in the rear yard and detached accessory buildings that are less than 120 square feet in area.
   (D)   Detached accessory buildings without fire resistive walls shall be at least four feet from a side or rear lot line. Detached accessory buildings with fire resistive walls shall be permitted at least two feet from a side or rear lot line; provided, however, that any area three feet or less shall be poured with a minimum of two inches or concrete and finished to provide proper drainage.
   (E)   Garages with automobile access from an alley shall not be closer than 25 feet from the opposite property line of the alley.
   (F)   No accessory building shall occupy any portion of the side yard on the street side of the corner lot, and on a reversed corner lot no accessory building shall be erected closer to the street than the building line of the adjacent key lot.
(`78 Code, § 17.66.010.) (Ord. 3311 § 3, 2020; Ord. 2494 § 1, 2000.)