17.74.130 Parcel identification sign regulations.
   The following requirements apply to parcel identification signs in commercial and industrial zones. Two types of parcel identification signs are allowed: monument and pylon signs. The maximum sign height and areas of the signs shall be subject to the provisions of § 17.74.150.
   (A)   Unless expressly provided for in this chapter, including, but not limited to, § 17.74.120, no sign shall be erected or used on any property other than the one on which the business identified is located.
   (B)   Sign proposals shall be submitted with the precise plan or conditional use permit applications. Signs must be complementary to the architectural design of the building. Sign proposals shall include color scheme, types of materials, typeface, and a general maintenance schedule.
   (C)   Signs within required building setbacks shall be located within a landscape planter subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.70.
   (D)   No portion of the sign shall be permitted to overhang or encroach into the public right-of-way.
   (E)   With the exception of freeway-oriented signs, pylon signs may be oriented (perpendicular or parallel) toward the frontage on which they are installed and must be located within the one-third of the lot adjacent to the frontage. Pylon signs shall be setback 50 feet from residential properties.
   (F)   Pylon and monument signs may contain an address plate identifying the subject property. Numbers shall be a minimum of six inches in height and shall be clearly visible from the public right-of-way. Address plates shall not be calculated against the allowed sign area.
   (G)   Pursuant to § 17.99.075(A)(1) and (A)(2), the Zoning Administrator may issue a permit for up to an additional 30% in sign area to commercial businesses with a freeway viewshed and an increase of not more than 20% in the allowable height of pylon signs in commercial zones.
   (H)   Electronic message centers are allowed to be installed on parcels with freeway or major street frontage. Messages may not be changed at a rate faster than one message every four seconds, with an interval between messages of not less than one second.
   (I)   Parcel identification signs are allowed in the C-2 Restricted Commercial Zone, the C-3 General Commercial Zone, and the C-P Professional and Office Zone, subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Parcel identification signs are allowed within the landscaped building setback subject to the provisions in § 17.74.150;
      (2)   The number of parcel identification signs are allowed based on the following criteria:
         (a)   Commercial or office centers ten acres and greater:
            (i)   One parcel identification sign per street frontage.
            (ii)   Centers having more than one street frontage may have no more than two parcel identification signs on one street frontage provided the other street frontage has no parcel identification sign. In this case, the total sign area for both signs combined on one street frontage shall not exceed the maximum sign area allowed in § 17.74.150.
            (iii)   Each parcel identification sign may list up to six tenants.
            (iv)   The name of the center, which may be included on the parcel identification sign provided that it does not exceed 32 square feet, shall not be calculated against the maximum sign area.
         (b)   Commercial or office centers less than ten acres:
            (i)   One parcel identification sign per street frontage.
            (ii)   Centers having more than one street frontage may have no more than two parcel identification signs on one street frontage provided the other street frontage has no parcel identification sign. In this case, the total sign area for both signs combined on one street frontage shall not exceed the maximum sign area allowed in § 17.74.150.
            (iii)   Each parcel identification sign may list up to four tenants.
            (iv)   The name of the center, which may be included on the pylon provided that it does not exceed 32 square feet, shall not be calculated against the maximum sign area.
      (3)   Shall be placed perpendicular or parallel to the street and located to ensure that vehicular and pedestrian sight distances at entry driveways and sidewalks are not impaired.
   (J)   An individual business within a multi-tenant commercial retail center with more than one building may be permitted to have a separate parcel identification sign provided that all of the following requirements are met:
      (1)   The business is in a separate structure on a separate legal lot;
      (2)   The lot accommodates all of the parking needs of the business;
      (3)   The lot has its own access from the street; and
      (4)   The linear frontage of the parcel was not calculated as part of the sign area for the center's parcel identification sign.
   (K)   An individual business within a multi-tenant office professional business or industrial center may be identified on a separate monument sign (maximum height per § 17.74.150) identifying up to three tenants, provided that all of the following criteria are met:
      (1)   The center is only identified by one monument style parcel identification sign which contains only the name of the center and the address range of the buildings;
      (2)   No more than one additional monument sign shall be permitted for each building per street frontage within the center, provided that no more than one sign per public street access is provided;
      (3)   Signs shall be subject to all other provisions of the Corona Municipal Code; and
      (4)   The aggregate total of all signs shall not exceed that which is permitted by the zone.
(Ord. 3294, 2019; Ord. 2958 § 1 (part), 2008; Ord. 2729 § 4, 2004.)