17.53.040 Pre-application procedure.
   (A)   Prior to filing an application for a Specific Plan, the applicant shall submit the project for one or more development plan review (DPR) meetings, depending on the complexity of the project, pursuant to Chapter 17.102. A preliminary or conceptual plan may also be submitted for development plan review, and include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Proposed land uses to be developed within the Specific Plan;
      (2)   Schematic maps, illustrative material and narrative sufficient to describe the general relationships between land uses and the intended design character and scale of principal features;
      (3)   A preliminary time schedule for development, including quantitative data, such as population, housing units, land use acreage and other data sufficient to illustrate phasing of development and potential impact on public service requirements.
   (B)   Following the initial development plan review, the conceptual development plan shall be presented to the Planning Commission for a scoping session. The presentation shall be for information purposes only and shall be in addition to subsequent public hearing requirements pursuant to this chapter.
      (1)   The purpose of this initial presentation to the Planning Commission is for the Planning Commission to provide comment and direction regarding the following aspects of the project:
         (a)   Land use densities, locations and relationships to other on and off-site land uses;
         (b)   The provision of adequate circulation and utility systems and their appropriate relationship to the land use plan;
         (c)   Provisions for on-site open space and/or park land in residential Specific Plans and the retention or enhancement of natural features which complement the development plan;
         (d)   Preliminary design features, including streetscape and architectural concepts and community identity which promote a quality, amenity-oriented development;
         (e)   Other items that the Planning Commission believes should be addressed in the document.
      (2)   The Commission’s comments at the scoping session shall not imply, nor be construed to mean the Commission’s approval or denial of the Specific Plan.
   (C)   Once the project has completed the required DPR process and the Planning Commission scoping meeting, two copies of the draft Specific Plan text and accompanying maps shall be submitted to the Planning Department for a screencheck review. Upon revision of the plan consistent with the screencheck copy, a Specific Plan application and accompanying fees may be filed in conjunction with forms provided by the Planning Department and including the information required under § 17.53.060 of this chapter.
(`78 Code, § 17.53.040.) (Ord. 1983 § 1 (part), 1990.)