17.53.060 Submittal requirements – Contents of the Specific Plan.
   The Specific Plan application shall consist of the application form, a Specific Plan narrative text, including a diagram or diagrams, and additional supporting documentation as required at the time of development plan review. Within the text, specific information and analysis is required as outlined below. The organization of the material within the document should follow the content format provided by the Planning Department. The contents and organization of the document may be modified, as appropriate, per the approval of the Community Development Director.
   (A)   Existing conditions.
      (1)   Provide a boundary survey map of the property and a calculation of the gross land area within the proposed district. A tentative subdivision map may be substituted if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property concurrently with the Specific Plan approval.
      (2)   Provide a topographic map and general grading concept plan with specific sections for sensitive areas, (as determined by the development plan review), for the property and adjacent land within 100 feet of the property, shown at contour intervals not to exceed five feet.
      (3)   Provide maps and supporting tabulations showing the current General Plan land use designation, the current zoning classification and the current land use within the proposed SP zone, including open space and on adjacent sites within 300 feet of the proposed SP zone. The location of structures and other significant improvements shall be shown. Discuss existing land uses within and surrounding the project site.
      (4)   Provide an analysis of the site characteristics as follows:
         (a)   Show and discuss the major physical features relating to the site (for example, drainage ways, waterways, known geologic hazard areas, main transportation corridors, perimeter roads, wells, utility stations, canals, and the like).
         (b)   Identify existing easements, rights-of-way and related improvements (such as utilities, canals, streets, and the like) on the site.
         (c)   Identify all areas with a slope of more than 10%. Illustrate the slope analysis.
         (d)   Identify soil types and any limiting characteristics for development.
   (B)   General Plan consistency. The Specific Plan shall demonstrate the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan by discussing:
      (1)   The impact of the development proposed on each element of the General Plan;
      (2)   Proposed standards and criteria for development which will ensure conformity with the specific goals, purposes and objectives of each element.
   (C)   Development concept.
      (1)   Discuss the nature and intent of the proposed development. Identify development objectives.
      (2)   Provide a land use plan identifying sub-areas within the proposed Specific Plan and uses to be developed therein. Discuss the need for the various land uses proposed in relationship to development trends and population projections for the area. If a market feasibility study was completed, it may be included as an appendix or submitted under separate cover. Discuss the rationale for the amount and type of each proposed land use.
      (3)   Discuss the projected population of the development, including the following information:
         (a)   Average number of people per type of unit;
         (b)   Total population of the development and for each phase;
         (c)   A ratio of the number of jobs created vs. the housing provided (job-housing balance);
      (4)   Identify the residents to be served by commercial development and any long-term employment opportunities which will result from the provision of commercial or industrial activities.
      (5)   Provide tables and maps showing the following information for all residential, commercial and industrial land uses, recreational and community facilities, open space, rights-of-way and easements:
         (a)   Breakdown of residential units by type and density;
         (b)   Number of acres for each land use and planning sub-area;
         (c)   Total acres of development.
      (6)   Discuss the spatial arrangement of land uses to one another and the rationale for their location within the development.
      (7)   Describe the measures taken to buffer or screen potentially incompatible uses on and off-site and to transition from one intensity or density of land use to another.
   (D)   Infrastructure plan.
      (8)   Provide a phasing plan indicating the areas to be developed in each phase and the anticipated time schedule for beginning of construction and for completion of each phase of development, including a pro rata share of amenities, parks and open space. This is a generalized schedule and may be adjusted according to market constraints as the community develops. Note by graphics and text the infrastructure required for each phase.
      (9)   Provide a circulation plan, showing existing and proposed public and private streets, pedestrian ways, trails and related transportation access or circulation features required to serve the proposed development. The circulation plan shall be supported by schematic designs of principal traffic and circulation improvements and such traffic engineering data as required by the City Engineer to demonstrate that existing and proposed facilities, both within and outside the zone, shall be adequate to serve land uses proposed by the development plan. Identify the classification of each street and include a cross-section of each type. Note which streets will be public and private.
      (10)   Discuss how the proposed development will impact existing transportation corridors. Also describe any proposed improvements by the developer or the city to these corridors or perimeter streets.
      (11)   Provide an overall plan describing anticipated requirements and proposed means of providing utility facilities and public services, including, but not limited to, storm drainage, sewage disposal, water supply, parks and recreation, fire protection and school facilities. Detailed plans shall be included showing the existing and proposed location of all facilities.
      (12)   Prepare a utility service plan comprised of graphics and text that includes the following topics. The plans shall identify off-site connections and improvements as well as on-site.
         (a)   Water - provide a water system plan summary. Identify service needs, system capacity and location of major lines. All detailed information should be in the appendix or supporting documents.
         (b)   Sewer - provide a sewer system plan summary. Identify service needs, system capacity and location of major lines. All detailed information should be in the appendix.
         (c)   Drainage - provide a summary of the preliminary drainage plan which identifies how on-site and off-site drainage will be handled. Include all detailed information in the appendix.
   (E)   Development standards. The text shall describe the basic land use regulations, site development regulations and performance standards designed to govern each use area identified by the land use plan. The text shall be as comprehensive as necessary to establish basic provisions and regulations which shall govern subsequent approval of specific tracts or developments within the Specific Plan. The text shall include, but not be limited to, the following provisions:
      (1)   A listing of allowable uses within each use area, including such qualifying descriptions or definitions and requirements for conditional use permits as may be applicable;
      (2)   Maximum and minimum regulations, as appropriate governing residential density, site coverage, lot size and dimensions, yard requirements, usable open space, landscaping and performance standards;
      (3)   Required yards, landscaping or other site development regulations to be applicable adjacent to other zoning districts at the perimeter of the Specific Plan and boundaries;
      (4)   Supplemental illustrations as required, establishing the basic community architectural character, environmental character and environmental design qualities to be attained throughout the Specific Plan and within particular portions of the district;
      (5)   A discussion of the architectural, landscaping, streetscape and other urban design features for development within the Specific Plan. The discussion of standards and concepts shall be specific in nature and refer to both the community design elements and theme and to the design of individual sub-areas. Streetscape design concepts shall include, but not be limited to, plant pallets, landscaped lots and medians, fence and wall material and placement, lighting, street furniture and equipment screening;
      (6)   For properties having natural slope areas prior to grading of 15% or more and which propose development in these areas, hillside development standards shall be prepared and included in the document. The standards shall include, but not be limited to, measures to minimize grading impacts, fuel modification and erosion control landscaping, modified street standards, if necessary, drainage structures compatible with the landform, fencing details and maximum height or percent of slope in yard areas and landscape maintenance districts (LMD).
   (F)   Implementation of the plan.
      (1)   Include a facilities financing plan discussing the availability of public facilities, the extent of any new facilities and associated costs and the method of financing the facilities and infrastructure. Provide documentation supporting the conclusions reached and how the financing plan will be implemented for each successive phase.
      (2)   Discuss the role of the developer, residents and others in providing, operating and maintaining services, utilities, community facilities and other development-related improvements (for example, streets, open areas, recreational facilities, and the like).
      (3)   Provide a program for the conservation, development and utilization of all open space areas and other natural resources, as applicable.
      (4)   The text shall include a section regarding implementation procedures, including but not limited to, the process for precise plans, density transfers, amendments and variances.
      (5)   The plan may propose additional subdivision standards or modifications to Title 16 standards for review by the City Engineer.
   (G)   Additional studies.
      (1)   Following preliminary consultations pursuant to this chapter, the Community Development Director may require submission of a competently prepared housing market analysis, demonstrating the need for housing by price range and number of dwelling units. The analysis may be requested as a part of the development plan review or may be requested as part of the environmental assessment or EIR.
      (2)   Following preliminary consultations pursuant to this chapter, the Community Development Director may require submission of a competently prepared commercial market analysis for any proposed shopping center or major commercial uses, showing the need for such uses in the location request and the inadequacy of existing sites to meet this need. The market analysis shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
         (a)   Determination of potential trade area;
         (b)   Estimates of existing and future population of the trade area;
         (c)   Determination of existing and potential effective buying power in the trade area;
         (d)   Determination of the net potential customer buying power for the proposed commercial development. Such analysis may be requested as a part of the development plan review procedure or may be requested as a part of the environmental assessment or EIR.
      (3)   (a)   The Community Development Director may require a fiscal impact report (under separate cover) which identifies the municipal costs associated with the development, including staffing, operation and maintenance, and all revenue sources and estimates relating to the development. The analysis shall include a tabular projection comparing costs and revenues by each project year to buildout. The report shall identify in detail all assumptions used and provide calculations to support the cost/revenue estimates.
         (b)   If the project includes an annexation request, a fiscal impact report is mandatory and shall also outline and evaluate the current costs and revenues occurring under the existing jurisdiction.
      (4)   The Community Development Director or the Planning Commission may require such other information, such as a topographic model in areas of excessive slope, deemed necessary to permit complete analysis and appraisal of the development and to facilitate adoption of the Specific Plan.
      (5)   Depending upon the scope of complexity of the project, additional requirements may be identified at the time of development plan review.
(`78 Code, § 17.53.060.) (Ord. 1983 § 1 (part), 1990.)