17.52.220 General development plan – Revocation.
   (A)   If any terms or approval of a general development plan for a lot or lots zoned PCD, or if the approved development schedule contained in such plan or the precise development plan therefor have not been or are not being complied with, the Commission shall give to the owners of the lots and the improvements thereon written notice of its intention to consider recommending the revocation of the approval of the general development plan after public hearing thereon. The notice shall be mailed postage prepaid not less than ten days prior to a Planning Commission public hearing thereon and shall state therein the time, date and place of the hearing. Additional notice of such public hearing shall be given in the same time and manner as provided in § 17.52.120. After conclusion of the hearing, the Commission may recommend that the Council revoke the approval. Within 30 days after its receipt of such recommendation by the Commission, the Council shall act thereon by approval or disapproval after public hearing held and noticed as provided in § 17.52.120. A Council determination to revoke shall be by ordinance and shall be final and conclusive.
   (B)   In any case where an application for approval of a precise plan for a lot or lots zoned PCD has not been filed within the time period specified in § 17.52.180, or where the date and time schedule provided in the approved general development plan or approved precise plan for development of such lot or lots has not been met, or where approval or a general development plan has been revoked in accordance with division (A) of this section, the Commission or the Council may, by adoption of a resolution of intention in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.104, initiate proceedings to change the PCD zone to a different zone.
(`78 Code, § 17.52.210.) (Ord. 2885 § 2 (part), 2007.)