17.30.020 Permitted uses.
   The uses set forth in this section shall be permitted in the MP zone subject to those property development standards provided in §§ 17.30.050 through 17.30.070 of this chapter. Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this chapter, all buildings, premises or land in the MP zone shall be used or occupied and every building, structure and mobile home shall be erected, constructed, established, altered, enlarged, maintained and moved into within the MP zone only in accordance with the following regulations and standards:
   (A)   Mobile home accessory building or structure;
   (B)   Mobile home;
   (C)   Mobile home park;
   (D)   Parks and recreation areas subject to the provisions of Chapter 12.24;
   (E)   Sales of mobile homes;
   (F)   Trailer coach used as a construction project office during the time of construction;
   (G)   Uses which are accessory, including, but not limited to laundry and restroom facilities, offices and recreational facilities;
   (H)   Similar uses as determined pursuant to Chapter 17.88.
(`78 Code, § 17.30.020.) (Ord. 2885 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. 2311 § 11, 1997; Ord. 1946 § 13, 1989; Ord. 1655 § 1, 1982.)