17.30.070 Property development standards – Interior facilities of a mobile home park.
   Standards are as set forth in this section.
   (A)   Sanitary sewer and water. Each mobile home space shall be provided with connections to the city’s sewer and water services.
   (B)   Drainage facilities and utility services. All storm drainage facilities, electrical, gas, telephone services and other utilities shall be placed underground in conformance with city standards.
   (C)   Community center parks (park and recreational space). A minimum of 150 square feet of net usable area per mobile home space shall be provided for a combination of both indoor and outdoor community recreation facilities. Outdoor community recreational facilities shall be consolidated into a usable area of not less than 2,000 square feet, any single dimension of which shall not be less than 25 feet. Indoor community recreational facilities shall consist of an area of not less than 2,500 square feet or of an area not less than the product of 35 square feet times the number of mobile home spaces within the mobile home park, whichever is greater.
   (D)   Interior access drives. Access drives shall meet the following standards:
      (1)   Interior access drives within a mobile home park shall be paved to a width of not less than 28 feet from a mobile home space line to a mobile home space line;
      (2)   Interior access drives shall be improved on each side by cement concrete rolled curbs and gutters, as approved by the city’s Director of Public Works;
      (3)   All dead-end interior access drives shall have a minimum outside turning radius of 40 feet;
      (4)   All corners shall have a minimum 15 foot radius;
      (5)   A mobile home space shall have a frontage of not less than 15 feet in length on an access drive.
   (E)   Storage areas.
      (1)   Service vehicles and equipment, supplies and maintenance materials, used for maintenance of a mobile home park, shall be stored in enclosed or fenced areas.
      (2)   Storage areas shall be provided for the benefit of the residents of each mobile home park in which recreational vehicles, trailers, travel trailers and other sundry type licensed vehicles may be stored. The storage area shall contain an area equal to the product of 40 square feet times the number of mobile home spaces in the park; provided, however, that the storage area for each mobile home park shall not be less than 4,000 square feet.
      (3)   Such a storage area must be thoroughly screened by fencing or otherwise and designed so as to be easily accessible and compatible with the mobile home spaces.
   (F)   Landscaping. All mobile home park areas not used for interior access drives, parking, circulation, buildings and service areas shall be completely and permanently landscaped, and the entire site shall be maintained in good condition. The provisions of Chapter 17.70 shall apply.
(`78 Code, § 17.30.060.) (Ord. 2885 § 2 (part), 2007; Ord. 1624 § 2, 1981; Ord. 1585 § 5, 1980.)