17.24.220 Outdoor living space.
   The following standards shall apply to all multiple-dwelling units in the R-3 district:
   (A)   Each lot shall contain a minimum of 200 square feet of usable outdoor living space for each dwelling unit, exclusive of front yards, except that senior citizen’s and/or handicapped persons’ dwelling unit lots and senior citizen congregate housing lots shall contain a minimum of 150 square feet of usable outdoor living space for each dwelling unit, exclusive of front yards. A senior citizen congregate housing development may seek a reduction in the private or common outdoor space required by submitting such request, together with evidence of compensating alternative indoor, recreational or outdoor open space amenities, to the Planning Commission for approval. The request shall be processed in conjunction with a conditional use permit per Chapter 17.92.
   (B)   The required outdoor living space shall be provided in the following ways:
      (1)   Not less than 50% of the required space shall be provided in a single common area with a minimum dimension of 15 feet at any point:
         (a)   Portions of yards (excluding the front yard) which are contiguous with and an integral part of the outdoor living space may be included in calculating the area and minimum dimensions of such space;
         (b)   Pools and paved recreation areas may be developed in the required common space;
         (c)   Not less than 30% of this common required space shall be in permanent landscaping;
      (2)   Not less than 25% of the total required space shall be provided in private outdoor living space contiguous to a dwelling unit. This required space may be provided in private areas screened from ground level exterior visibility at, on or above ground level. When a private area greater than 96 square feet with a minimum width of eight feet is provided for each dwelling unit, the total outdoor living space requirement may be reduced by 25%;
      (3)   Outdoor living areas shall be seasonably accessible to dwelling units served;
      (4)   Driveways shall not be included in calculations of outdoor space.
(`78 Code, § 17.24.220.) (Ord. 1840 § 8, 1987; Ord. 1569 § 5, 1980.)