17.24.200 Recreational facilities.
   (A)   Wherever there is constructed on a lot or contiguous lots multiple dwellings which have 20 or more dwelling units, an active outdoor recreational facility shall be provided for the occupants of the units.
   (B)   Wherever there is constructed on a lot or contiguous lots multiple dwellings which contain 20 or more dwelling units, there shall be provided for the occupants of the dwelling units an indoor recreational facility.
   (C)   Wherever there is constructed a multiple dwelling, other than a senior citizen’s or handicapped persons apartment or a senior citizen’s congregate housing development, which has ten or more dwelling units, each of which dwelling units has two or more bedrooms, there shall be provided on the lot site of the multiple dwellings a play area for children. The play area shall be separated from any private access ways and public streets by a fence or wall.
(`78 Code, § 17.24.200.) (Ord. 1840 § 7, 1987.)