16.24.180 Recreation facilities fee – Purpose and applicability.
   The City Council declares that the purpose of §§ 16.24.170 through 16.24.200 is to assure the acquisition and improvement of adequate recreation facilities to serve the subsequently annexed areas in order to promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Corona and to comply with the law. §§ 16.24.170 through 16.24.200 shall apply to the construction of new dwelling units and to additions or improvements to existing units if such improvements or additions increase habitable living space by 25%. Further, §§ 16.24.170 through 16.24.200 shall apply only to areas annexed to the city subsequent to the date upon which this chapter is adopted by the City Council and not located within the South Corona area as defined in § 16.25.020(A) of this code.
(`78 Code, § 16.24.180.) (Ord. 1986 § 2, 1990.)