16.24.170 Recreation facilities fee – Findings.
   The City Council finds as follows.
   (A)   The subdivision and development of property annexed to the city subsequent to the date upon which this chapter is adopted by the City Council and not within the South Corona area (the "subsequently annexed areas") will create a public need for and will require the construction of recreation, parks and open space facilities to serve the residents and users of such development ("recreation facilities").
   (B)   Pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 66000 et seq. and the city’s police powers, the city may impose by ordinance a requirement for the payment of fees to cover the actual or estimated costs of constructing planned recreation facilities.
   (C)   The Comprehensive Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan, dated January 18, 1989, along with reports from city staff presented in conjunction with the adoption of this fee (collectively referred to as the "Master Plan and Reports") set forth in detail the types of recreation facilities which are required to serve the subsequently annexed areas and contain an estimate of the costs of designing and constructing the types of facilities identified in the Master Plan and Reports.
   (D)   The Master Plan and Reports demonstrate that costs of the recreation facilities funded by the fees established in §§ 16.24.170 through 16.24.200 are apportioned relative to the anticipated impact on city recreation facilities of new development within the subsequently annexed areas, both on the basis of benefits conferred by the recreation facilities, and on the basis of the need for such facilities created by new development.
   (E)   The fee for any property proposed for development within the subsequently annexed areas represents and does not exceed the fair share of the actual estimated costs of the recreation facilities serving the subsequently annexed areas.
   (F)   The information presented to the City Council in conjunction with the adoption of this fee establishes that there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the recreation facilities and the impacts of the types of development on which the fee will be imposed and that there is a reasonable relationship between the fee’s use and the type of development upon which the fee will be imposed. This reasonable relationship is described in more detail in the Master Plan and Reports.
   (G)   The cost estimates set forth in the Master Plan and Reports are reasonable cost estimates for constructing the types of recreation facilities identified therein and the fees expected to be generated by new development are not expected to exceed the total of those costs.
   (H)   The purpose and use of the fee will be to finance the public facilities described or identified in the Master Plan and Reports.
(`78 Code, § 16.24.170.) (Ord. 1986 § 1, 1990.)