13.08.620 Billing and payment procedures.
   Where possible, the charges fixed by the Schedule of Sewer User/Service Fees and Citywide Master Fee Recovery Schedule shall be collected concurrently with the charges for water service fixed by the city to such premises, and the charges fixed by the Schedule of Sewer User/Service Fees and Citywide Master Fee Recovery Schedule shall be billed on the same invoice that is prepared for charges for water service, and shall be due and payable at the same time that such charges for water service are due and payable.
(`78 Code, § 13.08.620.) (Ord. 3346 § 3, 2022; Ord. 3111 § 3 (part), 2012; Ord. 2932 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2454 § 4, 2000.)