13.08.290 Integrated waste management plans.
   (A)   All industrial users shall be required to develop and maintain an Integrated Waste Management Plan (IWMP). The IWMP shall be available to the city for the Director’s review. The IWMP shall be prepared in accordance with criteria established by the Director.
   (B)   The IWMP must contain all of the following documents, unless exempted, in writing, by the Director:
      (1)   A Toxic Organic Management Plan (TOMP). A TOMP is required of all categorical industrial users who do not do total toxic organics (TTO) monitoring;
      (2)   A Spill Prevention Control Plan (SPCP). A SPCP is required of all industrial users who have batch discharge provisions, stored chemicals or materials, or the potential for a slug discharge which, if discharged to the city's collection system, would violate any of the prohibited discharge requirements of this chapter;
      (3)   A Pretreatment Systems Operations and Maintenance Manual. The manual shall be submitted by all industrial users that operate and maintain pretreatment equipment for the removal of pollutants from wastewater;
      (4)   A Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management Plan. This plan is required of all industrial users that use or possess hazardous materials and/or generate hazardous wastes;
      (5)   A Waste Minimization/Pollution Prevention Plan (WMPPP). A WMPPP is required of all industrial users. The WMPPP shall list ways in which the industrial user plans to conserve water, investigate and implement product and/or material substitution, maintain inventory controls and provide employee education to minimize the amount of waste generated and hazardous materials used.
(`78 Code, § 13.08.290.) (Ord. 3346 § 3, 2022; Ord. 3111 § 3 (part), 2012; Ord. 2932 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2330 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 2195 § 1 (part), 1994.)