13.08.280 Spill containment system.
   All users must create a spill containment system and submit same to the Director for approval. Spill containment systems, as may be required, shall conform to requirements established by the Director. No person shall operate a spill containment system that allows incompatible substances to mix, thereby creating hazardous or toxic substances in the event of a failure of one or more containers. Spill containment systems shall consist of a system of dikes, walls, barriers, berms or other devices designed to contain spillage of the liquid contents of containers. Spill containment systems shall be constructed of materials impermeable and non-reactive to the liquids being contained. Spill containment systems shall conform to local regulations and policies as to percent containment, container type and size.
(`78 Code, § 13.08.280.) (Ord. 3346 § 3, 2022; Ord. 3111 § 3 (part), 2012; Ord. 2932 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2330 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 2195 § 1 (part), 1994.)