(A) "Alternate work schedules" means a variation from the traditional 5-day/40-hour work week to either a 4-day/40- hour or 9-day/80-hour work schedule.
(B) "Applicable development" means any new or existing development that meets or exceeds the employment threshold identified in § 11.02.030.
(C) "Flextime" means allowing employees to determine their own starting and quitting times by either extending the work day in the morning or evening or both.
(D) "Parking management" means an action taken to alter the supply, operation and/or demand of parking facilities to force a shift from the single-occupancy vehicle to carpool, vanpool or other transportation mode.
(E) "Rideshare" means a transportation mode with multiple occupants per vehicle.
(F) "Telecommuting" means the employee forgoes a trip to the normal worksite and instead works from home or from a satellite office near home.
(Ord. 2141 § 1 (part), 1993.)