(A) Applicability. This chapter is applicable to new employment generating developments that could employ one hundred or more persons based upon the following methodology:
Land Use Category | Gross Square Fee/employee |
Land Use Category | Gross Square Fee/employee |
Retail Commercial | 500 square feet/employee |
Office Professional | 300 square feet/employee |
Industrial/Manufacturing | 500 square feet/employee |
Warehouse | 1,000 square feet/employee |
Hotel/Motel | 5 employee/guest room |
Hospital | 300 square feet/employee |
For mixed-use developments the project employment factor shall be based upon the proportion of the development devoted to each land use | |
(B) Standards. All applicable developments shall incorporate facilities and/or programs in their development plans sufficient to attain a 12% work-related trip reduction from the expected number of trips related to the project as indicated in the latest edition of the Trip General Handbook published by the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE). Trip reduction shall be calculated in accordance with standards established by Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and/or the South Coast Air Quality management District (AQMD).
(C) Facilities. Facilities provided in accordance with the provisions of this section may include, but are not limited to:
(1) Preferential parking for carpool vehicles.
(2) Bicycle parking and shower facilities.
(3) Information center for transportation alternatives.
(4) Rideshare vehicle loading areas.
(5) Vanpool vehicle accessibility.
(6) Bus stop improvements.
(7) On-site child care facilities.
(8) Local transportation systems management methods and road improvements.
(9) Facilities to encourage telecommuting.
(10) Contributions to support regional facilities designed to reduce vehicle trips and miles traveled.
(11) On-site amenities such as cafeterias and restaurants, automated teller machines, and other services that would eliminate the need for additional trips.
(D) Trip reduction plan option. Proponents for new development proposals may submit trip reduction plans and/or design features specified in § 11.02.040 of this chapter. Said plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. Agreements to secure implementation of such plans shall be recorded as a condition of development of the property.
(Ord. 2141 § 1 (part), 1993.)