Civil Service Commission
32.001 Creation
32.002 Members
32.003 Duties
Board of Parks Commissioners
32.015 Created
32.016 Appointment; term
32.017 Duties; powers
32.018 Organization
32.019 Designation
32.020 Rules
Planning Commission
32.035 Membership; bond; organization
32.036 Term of office; removal
32.037 Funds; expenditures
32.038 Quorum; meetings
32.039 Duties and responsibilities
Library Board
32.050 Library; established
32.051 Board; created
32.052 Bylaws
32.053 Powers
32.054 Funds; control
32.055 Funds; disposition of
32.056 Library; use of
Board of Health
32.070 Members; compensation
32.071 Funds
32.072 Quorum; meetings
32.073 Duties and powers
Board of Adjustment
32.085 Organization
Board of Airport Commissioners
32.100 Membership; appointment
32.101 Appointment; term
32.102 Duties; powers
32.103 Organization
32.999 Penalty
There shall be five members of the Civil Service Commission who shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. The term of each member of the Civil Service Commission shall be for six years.
(Prior Code, § 32.002) (Ord. 89-20, passed 6-19-1989; Ord. 05-09, passed 3-7-2005)