(A) The term of each regular member shall be three years. All regular members shall hold office until their successors are appointed. Any member may, after a public hearing before the City Council, be removed by the Mayor with the consent of a majority vote of the members elected to the City Council, for inefficiency, neglect of duty, malfeasance in office or other good and sufficient cause.
(B) Vacancies occurring otherwise than through the expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 32.036)
The Commission shall be funded by the City Council from time to time out of the General Fund. The expenditures of the Commission, exclusive of gifts, shall be within the amounts appropriated for that purpose by the City Council, and no expenditures nor agreements for expenditures shall be valid in excess of such amounts.
(Prior Code, § 32.037)
A number of Commissioners equal to a majority of the number of regular members appointed to the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. Regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be held in the Council Chambers on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. However, the regular meetings may be changed from time to time. Special meetings may also be held upon the call of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or any three members of the Commission.
(Prior Code, § 32.038) (Ord. 23-07, passed 7-17-2023)
(A) The Commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its transactions, findings and determinations which shall be a public record.
(B) The Commission shall make and adopt plans for the physical development of the city, including any areas outside its boundaries, which in the Commission’s judgment bear relation to the planning of the city and shall carry out the other duties and exercise the powers specified in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 19-929. All actions by the Commission shall be subject to review by the Mayor and City Council.
(C) The Commission shall be responsible for making such reports and performing such other duties as the City Council may from time to time designate.
(Prior Code, § 32.039)
(A) There is hereby created a Public Library Board to consist of at least five members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, from residents of the city, of which Board neither the Mayor nor any member of the City Council shall be a member.
(B) The Mayor may appoint, with the consent of the City Council, one of the five members of the Board, a nonresident of the city, residing in the county, during such term as the city has in place an interlocal agreement for library services with the county. The members of the Board shall hold their office for a term of four years.
(C) In case of vacancies by resignation, removal or otherwise, the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall fill such vacancy for the unexpired term. No member shall receive any pay or compensation for any such services rendered as a member of such Board.
(Prior Code, § 32.066) (Ord. 89-20, passed 6-19-1989; Ord. 02-38, passed 8-19-2002; Ord. 12-13, passed 10-1-2012; Ord. 13-04, passed 4-1-2013)