(A) There is hereby created a Public Library Board to consist of at least five members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, from residents of the city, of which Board neither the Mayor nor any member of the City Council shall be a member.
(B) The Mayor may appoint, with the consent of the City Council, one of the five members of the Board, a nonresident of the city, residing in the county, during such term as the city has in place an interlocal agreement for library services with the county. The members of the Board shall hold their office for a term of four years.
(C) In case of vacancies by resignation, removal or otherwise, the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall fill such vacancy for the unexpired term. No member shall receive any pay or compensation for any such services rendered as a member of such Board.
(Prior Code, § 32.066) (Ord. 89-20, passed 6-19-1989; Ord. 02-38, passed 8-19-2002; Ord. 12-13, passed 10-1-2012; Ord. 13-04, passed 4-1-2013)
The members shall have such powers as are set forth in the statutes of the state and such as are herein or may hereafter be conferred upon them by the City Council by ordinance or resolution. The members shall select and appoint the Library Director to serve at the pleasure of the Board at a salary set by the city’s pay plan, subject to the applicable ordinances and rules governing city personnel.
(Prior Code, § 32.068)
The Library Board shall have exclusive control of expenditures of all monies collected, donated or deposited to the credit of the Library Fund, and the Board is authorized to draw warrants upon the Fund, and the Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to pay all such warrants so drawn, signed by the President or Secretary of the Board.
(Prior Code, § 32.069)
Funds collected or donated therefor shall be kept for the use of the Library, separate and apart from other funds of the city and in the hands of the City Finance Director-Treasurer, and all monies collected by the Library Board or any employees thereof in form of fines or fees shall be paid weekly to the City Clerk’s office and credited to the Public Library Fund.
(Prior Code, § 32.070)