General Provisions
31.001 Appointments
31.002 Surrender and assumption of office
31.003 Bonds; oaths; approval of bonds
31.004 Indemnification of all officers, city employees and members of the Volunteer Fire Department
31.005 Reports to City Council
31.020 Duties and powers
Finance Director; City Clerk
31.035 Duties and powers of Finance Director
31.036 Duties and powers of City Clerk
City Engineer
31.050 Duties and powers
City Physician
31.065 Duties and powers
City Administrator
31.080 Office established
31.081 Duties, responsibilities and powers
31.082 Appointment of Acting City Administrator
31.083 Compensation
Removal From Office
31.095 Removal from office
31.096 Charge for removal of elected officials
31.097 Notice
31.098 Hearing
31.099 Failure to appear
(A) The Mayor shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the City Council, at the second regular meeting of the City Council at which the Mayor shall after the Mayor’s election preside, the following city officers: Engineer; Attorney; Physician; City; Finance Director; and City Administrator, each of whom shall hold office for the balance of the term of the Mayor or until sooner removed.
(B) The Mayor shall appoint at such time and in such manner as provided by the provisions of this code:
(1) A Chief of the Fire Department, Assistant Chief of the Fire Department and safety trainer;
(2) Chief of Police; and
(3) Such other officers, board members and city employees as may be provided for by the provisions of this code.
(Prior Code, § 31.001) (Ord. 96-22, passed 6-3-1996; Ord. 02-03, passed 2-4-2002; Ord. 05-20, passed 3-21-2005)
Each appointive officer shall immediately upon the appointment and qualification of the officer’s successor surrender the office on demand to that successor, and it is hereby made the duty of each incoming appointive officer immediately upon appointment to qualify and assume the office and make a demand therefor. In no case shall an appointive officer be considered as holding over the entire term, but the officer shall hold over until the officer’s successor is appointed and qualifies.
(Prior Code, § 31.002)