The Library Board shall have exclusive control of expenditures of all monies collected, donated or deposited to the credit of the Library Fund, and the Board is authorized to draw warrants upon the Fund, and the Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to pay all such warrants so drawn, signed by the President or Secretary of the Board.
(Prior Code, § 32.069)
Funds collected or donated therefor shall be kept for the use of the Library, separate and apart from other funds of the city and in the hands of the City Finance Director-Treasurer, and all monies collected by the Library Board or any employees thereof in form of fines or fees shall be paid weekly to the City Clerk’s office and credited to the Public Library Fund.
(Prior Code, § 32.070)
The Library established under the provision of this subchapter shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of the city, subject always to such reasonable regulations as the Library Board may adopt, and the Board may exclude from the use of the Library anyone who shall willfully violate or refuse to comply with the rules and regulations established for the government thereof. The Library Board shall have the power to fix and impose general rules, penalties and forfeitures for trespasses upon or injury to the library grounds, rooms, books or other property, or for failure to return any library item, or for violation of any bylaw or regulation, and the penalties imposed or accruing by any bylaw or regulation of the Library Board may be recovered in a civil action. Such action to be instituted in the name of the Library Board of the city. Money collected in such actions shall be forthwith placed in the treasury of the city to the credit of the Public Library Fund.
(Prior Code, § 32.071)