A.   Uses:
      1.   Residential uses as referenced in this Part 7.4.13 refer to three-family, four-family, and multi-family dwellings.
      2.   The regulating plan for a FBZ district may outline or exempt criteria for signs related to uses within the FBZ area.
      3.   Signs on which copy is manually changed shall comply with the standards and regulations for wall signs or freestanding signs.
      4.   Any light source intended to illuminate a sign shall be so shaded, shielded, or directed so that the light intensity or brightness shall not adversely affect surrounding or facing premises, nor adversely affect safe visibility for pedestrians or operators of vehicles moving on public or private streets, driveways, or parking areas.
      5.   No sign obstructing sight visibility in any direction at the intersection of a street or within an alley or driveway shall be permitted. If a sign is placed at the intersection of two (2) rights-of-way, the sign must not interfere with sight visibility as described in the Engineering Criteria.
      6.   A sign plan must accompany the sign permit for all new signs when required and be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department under criteria set forth in this Part 7.4.13 prior to being presented to the Building Official for issuance of sign permit. Sign permits must comply with the requirements of the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department.
   B.   Plan Requirements: The plan shall show the following information:
      1.   Building locations and dimensions;
      2.   Size, location and type of any existing sign and the proposed sign or signs. Show sign on building elevation if a wall sign;
      3.   Nearest street intersections;
      4.   Zoning of the subject property;
      5.   Name of applicant and sign installer;
      6.   Sight visibility as described in Subsection A.5 above, if applicable;
      7.   Sign type; and
      8.   Specifications on illumination for EMCs shall include the manufacturer's specifications, nit rating and the method of dimming.
   C.   Existence of Utility Facilities or Easements: The applicant is encouraged to contact Colorado Springs Utilities before design is complete to determine the existence of utility facilities or utility easements.
   D.   Owner Authorization: A sign shall not be placed on any property without written consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent.
   E.   Shared Signage: A letter pertaining to shared signage must be signed by the property owner or the property owner's representative and submitted with the sign plan.
   F.   Existence of Illegal Signs: Sign plans will not be approved for new signs proposed on property where illegal signs exist.
   G.   Issuance of Building Permit: Sign plans will not be approved until a Building Permit for the site has been issued, if applicable. (Ord. 23-03)