A. Purpose: It is the policy of the City that whenever land is proposed for residential use, the owner of the land shall provide for land for park needs generated by the proposed residential use through dedication of land, payment of Park Fees in lieu of land dedication, or fulfillment of the dedication requirement by Alternative Park Land Compliance to facilitate adequate provision of park land.
B. Applicability:
1. General: This Section 7.4.307 shall apply to residential development in all Subdivision Plats that have not satisfied both of the following conditions prior to August 28, 1974:
a. The Preliminary or Final Plat must have been approved by the City Council or the Board of County Commissioners of the County of El Paso; and
b. The Preliminary or Final Plat must have satisfied all prerequisites of plat approval imposed by this UDC and all provisions and stipulations imposed by the City Council or all prerequisites of plat approval imposed by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of El Paso.
2. Residential Development: The following residential uses are subject to the requirements of this Section 7.4.307 (see Part 7.3.2 (Allowed Use Tables)):
a. All Household Living Uses;
b. Human Services Establishments;
c. Group Cooperative Living; and
d. Long-Term Care Facility.
3. Replatting or Resubdividing: The City will consider the following factors in any replat of land platted prior to September 6, 1973, for which Park Fees were paid or land was dedicated:
a. If the replat is to correct engineering errors (legal descriptions), it is exempt from this Section 7.4.307.
b. If Park Fees have been paid or land dedicated, or both, the land replatted shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section 7.4.307 unless as a result of such replat residential density is increased. If residential density is increased, the owner shall pay the fees or dedicate land, or both, in those amounts set forth in this Section 7.4.307 as applied only to additional residential units shown on the replat. If residential density is decreased in the replat, the provisions of this Section 7.4.307 shall not apply. No credit for land or fees previously dedicated or paid will be granted if a replat results in a decrease of residential density.
C. Compliance Required:
1. As a condition of Final Plat approval or Building Permit issuance for each residential development, as applicable, in accordance with the requirements of this Section 7.4.307, every subdivider shall dedicate land for parks in accordance with the dedication requirements in Subsection D below at the time of plat, agree to pay a sum of money sufficient to provide for such needs at the time of Building Permit issuance in accordance with Subsection E below, or provide Alternative Park Land Compliance as set forth in Subsection F below.
2. At the time of filing of a Final Plat, the Parks Department shall indicate whether land dedication, Park Fees, or Alternative Park Land Compliance are required. If the City desires land dedication, the Subdivider shall designate the area to be dedicated by the Preliminary and Final Plat.
3. Approval of Accessory Dwelling Units shall pay required fees in lieu of land dedication at the time of Building Permit issuance.
D. Park Land Dedication Requirement:
1. The park land dedication requirement for neighborhood parks is set forth in Table 7.4.3-B and for community parks is set forth in Table 7.4.3-C.
Neighborhood Park Land Dedication Requirement | |
Structure Type | Dedication Requirement Per Residential Dwelling Unit |
Single family detached residential structure | 0.0064 acres or 281 square feet |
2-4 units in residential structure | 0.0052 acres or 229 square feet |
5-19 units in residential structure | 0.0047 acres or 204 square feet |
20-49 units in residential structure | 0.0043 acres or 191 square feet |
50 units or more in residential structure | 0.0040 acres or 178 square feet |
Community Park Land Dedication Requirement | |
Structure Type | Dedication Requirement Per Residential Dwelling Unit |
Single family detached residential structure | 0.0077 acres or 337 square feet |
2-4 units in residential structure | 0.00623 acres or 274 square feet |
5-19 units in residential structure | 0.00568 acres or 244 square feet |
20-49 units in residential structure | 0.00565 acres or 229 square feet |
50 units or more in residential structure | 0.00478 acres or 213 square feet |
2. Any land to be dedicated for park use shall be adaptable for use as a neighborhood park or community park as determined solely within the discretion of the Parks Manager. Factors used to evaluate the adequacy of proposed park areas shall include, but not be limited to, size and shape, topography, geology, flora and fauna, access, location, and conformance with the City's Parks System Master Plan.
3. All required park land dedication shall be accomplished by plat dedication. The subdivider shall be required to convey clear title to the land to be dedicated to the City in accordance with the subdivision requirements of this UDC and the following:
a. The subdivider shall plat any designated park areas and shall indicate the number of acres proposed for residential uses, the number of lots, number and type of proposed dwelling units, and the number of dwelling units within each structure. The plat shall identify land dedicated to the City and reference any easement, covenant, or deed restrictions applicable to private park land. Dedication or conveyance and acceptance of the land shall state that land is to be used for park purposes.
b. Any easement, covenants, or deed restrictions for private park land shall be submitted to the City prior to approval of the Final Plat and shall be recorded contemporaneously with the Final Plat.
E. Park Fees in Lieu of Land Dedication:
1. When the City determines Park Fees are required in lieu of land dedication, the Park Fees due for each lot shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of any Building Permit for the lot.
2. Park Fees are calculated as set forth in Subsection 7.4.307H (Review Requirements).
F. Alternative Park Land Compliance:
1. General Requirements:
a. The City or the subdivider may propose fulfillment of a requirement to dedicate land by Alternative Park Land Compliance. The Parks Manager shall make the final determination of whether the proposed residential development can be adequately served by Alternative Park Land Compliance. The Parks Manager's decision shall be guided by the Park Land Dedication Ordinance Criteria Manual.
b. Parks Manager approval shall be conditioned on the execution of an Alternative Park Land Compliance Agreement. The Alternative Park Land Compliance Agreement shall be contingent upon all appropriate land use approvals by the City.
c. If the Parks Manager denies the request for Alternative Park Land Compliance, the subdivider shall comply with this Section 7.4.307 in accordance with the requirements of Subsections D or E above. The decision of the Parks Manager of whether to approve Alternative Park Land Compliance is administrative and not subject to appeal.
2. Types of Alternative Park Land Compliance: One (1) or more of the following park types may be used to meet the Alternative Park Land Compliance standards:
a. Neighborhood Park Land Owned by Metropolitan Districts; Special Districts, and Common Interest Community Associations: Non-City-owned land provided and intended to be used and maintained by or for the future residents of the development for park-related purposes may be credited against the requirement of land dedication for neighborhood park purposes up to a maximum of 100 percent of the dedication
requirement depending upon the extent to which the land serves the overall park and recreation needs of the future residents of the development, provided that the following standards are met:
(1) Building and parking setbacks required to be maintained under this UDC are not included in the computation of such land;
(2) Operation and maintenance of the land is adequately provided for by written agreement with the City;
(3) Reasonable rules and regulations are established for the land and the land remains accessible to the general public for park related uses;
(4) The use of the land is permanently designated for park purposes, by recorded document such as an easement, covenant, or by deed restriction which runs with the land and which cannot be defeated or eliminated without the consent of the City Council;
(5) The proposed land is reasonably adaptable for use for neighborhood park purposes, taking into consideration such factors as size, shape, topography, geology, access and location; and
(6) The City approves a land use Development Plan or park Development Plan.
b. Multiuse Trail Corridors: Land dedicated for trails that are a minimum of fifty (50) feet wide may be credited against the requirement of dedication for neighborhood and community park purposes up to a maximum of one hundred (100) percent of the dedication requirement, provided the following standards are met:
(1) The proposed trail dedication is consistent with the multiuse trail system identified within the City's Park System Master Plan, is within the land use master planned area, and is adjacent to, or within, the developed area.
(2) The portion of any trail dedication that satisfies neighborhood park land dedication requirements must be located within the same Geographic Service Area that serves the subdivider's residential development.
c. Open Space: Land dedicated for Open Space may be credited against the requirements of dedication for neighborhood and community park purposes up to a maximum of fifty (50) percent of the dedication requirement, provided the dedicated land is consistent with the Open Space Candidate Areas identified within the City's Park System Master Plan and exhibits significant natural resources and open space values
d. Mini Parks, Plazas, Industrial Parks, and Other Alternative Forms of Park Lands: Where mini parks, plazas, Industrial parks or other alternative forms of park related lands are appropriate to meet park needs, land dedicated and used for mini parks, plazas, Industrial parks or other alternative forms of park related lands may be credited against the requirement of dedication for neighborhood park purposes up to a maximum of one hundred (100) percent of the dedication requirement. If the land is not City-owned, the requirements of Subsection a above apply.
e. Acceptance of Park Facility Construction or Expansion of Existing Park Facilities: If the Parks Manager determines that park facility construction or expansion of an existing park facility is needed to serve the residential development, construction of park facilities may be credited against the requirement of dedication for neighborhood or community park purposes up to a maximum of one hundred (100) percent of the dedication requirement, provided the following standards are met:
(1) The Subdivider and the City enter into a written agreement that identifies the specific terms and conditions for construction and expansion;
(2) The new park facility construction and expansion is not otherwise required by this UDC or other building;
(3) A Development Plan or Park Master Plan is approved by the City;
(4) The proposed park facility construction or expansion to be substituted for Neighborhood park dedication requirements is located within the same Geographic Service Area serving the subdivider's residential development; and
(5) The proposed park facility construction or expansion is in conformance with and supports the City's Park System Master Plan.
G. Expenditure of Park Fees: Park Fees collected in accordance with this Section 7.4.307 shall be spent as follows:
1. Neighborhood Park Fees: Neighborhood Parks are intended to serve neighborhoods within a Geographic Service Area. Park Fees collected by the City for Neighborhood park dedication shall be applied within the same Geographic Service Area or an adjacent Geographic Service Area to the development in order to benefit the neighborhood for which the Park Fees were paid.
2. Community Park Fees: Community parks are intended to serve as destination parks for all City residents. Park Fees collected by the City for Community park dedication may be applied anywhere within the City to acquire, develop, or redevelop Community parks.
H. Review of Requirements:
1. The Parks Board and the Planning Commission shall review the park land dedication requirements and household dwelling data and this part and pertinent dwelling density data once every four (4) years and make a recommendation regarding any needed amendments to City Council.
2. City Council shall establish Park Fees, by resolution, once every four (4) years. In addition to applicable Platting Fees, Park Fees shall include a benchmark average value for one acre of unplatted, undeveloped land Citywide. Beginning in the year 2021 and every subsequent four (4) years, the Parks Department shall request that the City's Real Estate Services Manager contract with a certified land appraiser doing business in the City, to conduct a study of the land value for one acre of unplatted, undeveloped land Citywide and in each of the Geographic Service Areas. The Parks Manager shall present the study to the Parks Board and to the Planning Commission. The Parks Board and Planning Commission shall each then make a recommendation for Park Fees to City Council. Park Fees shall be administratively updated to include any Platting Fees that are amended from time to time.
3. By resolution, City Council shall adopt or amend the Geographic Service Areas boundaries as necessary. City Council shall provide for at least eight Geographic Service Areas within the City, which shall be designated in a manner to ensure that park services are located in reasonable proximity to residential development.
I. Park Land Dedication Ordinance Criteria Manual: The City Council shall review and adopt by resolution a Park Land Dedication Ordinance Criteria Manual, which may be amended from time to time, and which provides the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department policies and standard procedures regarding the administration of this Section 7.4.307. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: It is the policy of the City that whenever land is proposed for residential use, the owner of the land shall provide land for school needs generated by the proposed residential use through the dedication of land or payment of fees in lieu of land dedication, or both.
B. Applicability:
1. General: This Section 7.4.308 shall apply to residential development in all Subdivision Plats that have not satisfied both of the following conditions prior to August 28, 1974:
a. The Preliminary or Final Plat must have been approved by the City Council or the Board of County Commissioners of the County of El Paso; and
b. The Preliminary or Final Plat must have satisfied all prerequisites of plat approval imposed by this UDC and all provisions and stipulations imposed by the City Council or all prerequisites of plat approval imposed by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of El Paso.
2. Replatting or Resubdividing: The following considerations will be taken in account in any replat of land platted prior to September 6, 1973, for which School Site Fees were paid or land was dedicated:
a. If the replat is to correct engineering errors (legal descriptions), it is exempt from this Section 7.4.308.
b. If School Site Fees have been paid or land dedicated, or both, the land replatted shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section 7.4.308 unless as a result of such replat residential density is increased. If residential density is increased, the owner shall pay the fees or dedicate land, or both, in those amounts set forth in this Section 7.4.308 as applied only to additional residential units shown on the replat. If residential density is decreased in the replat, the provisions of this Section 7.4.308 shall not apply.
C. School Land Demand: The City has determined that the following information is a reasonable and valid basis for determining the City's school land dedication requirement.
1. The minimum acreage requirements for schools, assuming ideal site topography, are set forth in Table 7.4.3-D.
2. The survey area for the school population study of June 1973, set forth in Table 7.4.3-E is typical of the developing areas in the City.
Students Per Dwelling Unit | |
Population | Students per Dwelling Unit |
Elementary | |
5,499 single-family and duplex at 4,032 students | 0.7332 |
2,651 multi-family at 469 students | 0.1769 |
Junior High School | |
5,499 single-family and duplex at 1,691 students | 0.3075 |
2,651 multi-family at 135 students | 0.0509 |
Senior High School | |
5,499 single-family and duplex at 1,139 students | 0.2071 |
2,651 multi-family at 193 students | 0.0728 |
3. The demand for land for school sites for new development is set forth in Table 7.4.3-F.
Required Acres per Dwelling Unit | |||||
Land Use/School Type | |||||
Low Density | Students per Dwelling Unit | Acres per Student | Required acres per Dwelling Unit | ||
Elementary | 0.7332 | x | 0.0127 | = | 0.0093 |
Junior High School | 0.3075 | x | 0.02 | = | 0.0061 |
Senior High School | 0.2071 | x | 0.0225 | = | 0.0046 |
Total Low Density | 0.0200 | ||||
High Density | = | ||||
Elementary | 0.1769 | x | 0.0127 | = | 0.0022 |
Junior High School | 0.0509 | x | 0.02 | = | 0.0010 |
Senior High School | 0.07 | x | 0.0225 | = | 0.0016 |
Total High Density | 0.0048 | ||||
D. Dedication or Fee-in-Lieu Required:
1. School Site Requirement:
a. Based on the data presented in Subsection C above, the school site land dedication requirement is 0.0048 acres (two hundred and nine (209) square feet) per dwelling unit for residential development with a density greater than eight dwelling units per acre, and 0.02 acres (eight hundred and seventy-one (871) square feet) per dwelling unit for residential development with a density of eight (8) dwelling units per acre or less. Land to be dedicated for a school site shall meet the following criteria:
(1) Provides adequate access;
(2) Include a proper general configuration; and
(3) Contain suitable physical characteristics, such as drainage, vegetation, and soil type.
b. The fee in lieu of land dedication is $76,602 per acre.
2. Procedure for Determining Land Dedication or Payment of Fee-in-Lieu:
a. At the time of filing a Final Plat, if the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan or an approved Land Use Plan or Development Plan for the for the area including the plat area indicates a site for a future school, the Subdivider shall contact the school district to determine the desire of both agencies regarding the area.
b. At the time of filing a Preliminary or Final Plat, the appropriate school district shall indicate whether land dedication or fees in lieu of land are required for school purposes. The appropriate school district shall submit their recommendations to the Planning Department within ten (10) days of notification that a plat has been filed.
3. Procedure for Dedication of Land: Dedication when required shall be accomplished by transfer of deed or dedication by plat. This must be done prior to approval of the Preliminary/Final or Final Plat. The subdivider shall be required to convey clear title to the land to be deeded or dedicated to the school district. Where the subdivider cannot convey clear title at the time of Final Plat approval, the City Council may, in its discretion, accept a contract to convey the land at a later time certain accompanied by an acceptable assurance guaranteeing payment of a sum equal to the value of the land. Where the site is under the control of a third party, a similar three-party arrangement may be made.
4. Procedure for Payment of Fee-in-Lieu: Where fees are required, such fees shall be paid at the time of platting. School Site Fees shall be made payable to the appropriate school district.
E. Additional Information Required on All Plats: The Final Plat shall record the manner of compliance with the provisions of this Section 7.4.308. As appropriate, the plat shall record acreage dedicated. Dedication or conveyance and acceptance of the land shall state that land is to be used for school purposes.
F. Cost of Development of School Site: If land is dedicated to a school district in accordance with this Section 7.4.308, the school district shall be required to pay its share of costs incurred in the development of the school including but not limited to adjacent roads, drainage, sidewalks, and utility extensions. The payment of these costs shall be deferred until funds are appropriated and may be deferred pursuant to a recovery agreement between the landowner and the school district so that the costs need not be paid by the school district until improvements to the land are completed and the land is put to public use. If payment of costs is deferred pursuant to a recovery agreement, ten percent of the costs shall be added to the costs for each year up to fifteen (15) years.
G. Disposal of Surplus School Land: If any school district which has received school site land as a result of the provisions of this Section 7.4.308 determines that the land will not be used for school purposes, the following disposal procedure shall be followed:
1. That portion of the school site adjacent to the park site that was to be used as a joint site for recreational activities by both the City and school district or that portion of the school site that can be used for recreational activities or any portion thereof that can be used for recreational activities, as determined by the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Manager, shall be offered to the City for park or open space purposes. If the City accepts such offer, the City shall reimburse the school district and/or the landowner in an amount equal to the amount of land times the current School Site Fee in effect at the time of the school site disposal plus any actual costs incurred by the school district in the development of the portion of the school site acquired including but not limited to adjacent roads, drainage, or sidewalks. Ten percent of the actual costs shall be added to the actual costs for each year up to fifteen (15) years.
2. If the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Manager determines that the City does not desire the recreational portion of the school site or only desires a portion of the recreational portion of the school site, then the school district shall offer all of the remaining surplus school site to the person who dedicated such real property for school purposes. If the person who dedicated the property desires to acquire the land from the school district, that person shall trade, if possible, for other land the school district desires or that person shall pay the current School Site Fee in effect at the time of the school site abandonment plus any actual costs incurred by the school district in the development of the site including but not limited to adjacent roads, drainage, or sidewalks. Ten (10) percent of the actual costs shall be added to the actual costs for each year up to fifteen (15) years.
3. If there is any school site land left over after the City and original dedicating person have made their decisions regarding acquisition of such site, the school district may offer the land for sale subject to applicable State statutes, rules, and regulations.
4. Anyone other than the City that acquires surplus school site property shall be required to meet all the terms and conditions of this UDC before developing such land. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: Subdividers of land shall provide land for off-street bicycle paths in the recommended network of the Bicycle Master Plan and Parks Master Plan. It is the purpose of this Section 7.4.309 to require the dedication of land to fulfill the needs set forth in the Bicycle Master Plan and Parks Master Plan, as adopted by City Council.
B. Access and Connectivity: All required street improvements shall comply with the access and connectivity standards in Part 7.4.4.
C. Dedication of Land for Off-Street Bicycle Paths:
1. Bicycle Paths Located Adjacent to Arterial Streets: Where an off-street bicycle path is to be located adjacent to a major street, as shown by the Bicycle Master Plan and Parks Master Plan, the subdivider shall be required to dedicate an amount of right-of-way or provide a public access easement sufficient to accommodate the appropriate bicycle facility as directed by Traffic Engineering per the guidance of the Engineering Criteria, and the standards set in the Bicycle Master Plan.
2. Bicycle Paths Not Located Adjacent to Arterial Streets: Where an off-street bicycle path is to be placed in a location that is not adjacent to a major non-arterial street, as shown by the Bicycle Master Plan, the subdivider shall be required to dedicate an amount of right-of-way and/or provide a public access easement such that a strip of land at least fourteen (14) feet in width is available for the placement of a bicycle path. The required strip of land may include a combination of available public utility or public drainage right-of-way or easement, additional dedicated right-of-way, public access easement, or a combination of the those means. The Colorado Springs Utilities Chief Executive Officer, Stormwater Enterprise Manager, and City Engineer shall determine the amount of public utility or public drainage right-of-way or easement available for this purpose. In no instance shall bicycle path improvements conflict with utility or stormwater facilities. (Ord. 23-03)
This Part 7.4.4 is intended to implement the policy of the City that:
A. Streets shall be planned, located, constructed, named, and numerically addressed to promote the health, welfare, and safety of the public. Streets in the City shall provide for ease of vehicle, bicycle, pedestrian, emergency response, and public transit circulation and the lessening of traffic congestion. Streets shall be designated and constructed to provide for safe and convenient resolution of potential conflicts between alternative modes of transportation.
B. Major streets shall provide for the rapid and relatively unimpeded movement of vehicular traffic throughout the City, while still accommodating safe and convenient movement of pedestrians on the City's arterial streets, and major streets shall be located so as to provide access to major land use or activity centers in the City.
C. Minor streets shall provide safe and convenient vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian access to all property in the City. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Compliance with Life Safety Regulations: In addition to all other provisions of this Part 7.4.4, all developments shall comply with all applicable regulations and standards for fire protection, emergency vehicle access, and life safety adopted by the City, including without limitation those that may limit the number of residential dwelling units relying on a limited number of vehicle access points. If there is a conflict between the requirements of this Section and life safety or engineering standards, the Manager in consultation with the Public Works Director and managers of affected Departments shall determine which standard shall apply.
B. Americans with Disabilities Act:
1. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") and other Federal and State accessibility laws is the sole responsibility of the property owner. Therefore, compliance with this Code does not assure compliance with the ADA or any other federal or state accessibility laws or any regulations or guidelines enacted or established under or with respect to such laws. The City of Colorado Springs is not responsible for enforcement of the ADA or any other federal or state accessibility laws.
2. The following note shall be added to all Development Plans prior to approval:
"The parties responsible for this plan have familiarized themselves with all current accessibility criteria and specifications and the proposed plan reflects all site elements required by the applicable ADA design standards and guidelines as published by the United States Department of Justice. Approval of this plan by the City of Colorado Springs does not assure compliance with the ADA or any other Federal or State accessibility laws or any regulations or guidelines enacted or established under or with respect to such laws. Sole responsibility for compliance with Federal and State accessibility laws lies with the property owner."
3. Each Development Plan submitted to the City of Colorado Springs shall illustrate the provision of ADA accessible routes in accord with the applicable ADA design standards and guidelines as published by the United States Department of Justice with clearly identified corridors reflected on the site Development Plan, as applicable. (Ord. 23-03)
The following standards apply to the layout and design of subdivisions approved after the Effective Date, including all streets whether public or private.
A. Street System: Design and development of the street system in a Subdivision Plat shall conform to the requirements of this Section 7.4.403. Whenever a tract shown on a Subdivision Plat includes or is adjacent to a major street designated on the Major Thoroughfare Plan, that section of the major street shall be dedicated and constructed in the location and at the width indicated on the plan.
B. Street Layout:
1. External Access:
a. All subdivisions shall provide vehicular access to the street system outside the subdivision in accordance with the table below unless the exemptions in Subsection b below apply.
Minimum Subdivision Access Points | |||
Development Type and Size
| |||
Residential, Structures with One to Four Units | Residential, Structures with Five or More Units, Up to Three Stories | All Other Uses | Minimum Number of Vehicle Access Points |
Fewer than 40 units | Fewer than 80 units | Fewer than 5 acres | 1 |
More than 40 units | More than 80 units | More than 5 acres | 2 |
b. The Manager, City Engineer, and Fire Department may approve a subdivision with fewer access points than required in Subsection a above if the applicant demonstrates one (1) of the following:
(1) The provision of additional vehicular access points is not possible due to existing lot configurations, the absence of connecting streets, or environmental or topographical constraints;
(2) CDOT or another non-City jurisdiction will not authorize additional access points and there is no reasonable alternative that avoids the use of the CDOT or other non-City roads on which access is limited;
(3) Alternative access can be provided in a manner acceptable to the City that provides adequate vehicular circulation and is supported by a traffic impact study acceptable to the City; or
(4) All units are provided with an approved fire sprinkler system.
2. Future Streets: The street system shall be designed to align with and continue existing or proposed streets in adjacent lands, where the adjoining lands are developed and have rights-of-way dedicated or reserved for such connections, or where proposed roads to the adjacent lands are included on a Land Use Plan, the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan, or another plan approved by City Council. All such streets shall be of equal width in right-of-way and in street section with the existing or planned streets on the adjacent lands with which they align.
C. Street Design:
1. Basic Street Design: Except in cases where the Major Thoroughfare Plan, Land Use Plan, or a plan adopted by City Council line specifies a greater or lesser width as a minimum, the minimum right-of-way, roadway, planter strip, sidewalk and pedestrian way widths shall comply with the standards in the Engineering Criteria.
a. On-Street Bicycle Routes: All streets designated by the Bicycle Master Plan or the Parks Master Plan as on-street bicycle routes shall be designed as indicated in the Engineering Criteria or pursuant to the direction of the City Engineer. The subdivider shall include with the Development Plan a master facilities plan to the Manager, City Engineer, Stormwater Enterprise Manager, and Colorado Springs Utilities Chief Executive Officer for review. The master facilities plan shall show the placement and size of all public facilities including curb, gutter, sidewalks, pavement, utility lines, and stormwater facilities and easements, and shall be approved by the Manager and City Engineer and/or Colorado Springs Utilities Chief Executive Officer.
b. Off-Street Bicycle Paths Located Adjacent to Arterial Streets: Where bicycle paths are to be located adjacent to arterial streets, as shown by the Bicycle Master Plan or the Parks Master Plan, the street right-of-way, bike path, and planter strip dimensions shall be designed as indicated in the Engineering Criteria or pursuant to the direction of the City Traffic Engineer. The subdivider shall submit a master facilities plan to the Manager, City Engineer, Stormwater Enterprise Manager, and Colorado Springs Utilities Chief Executive Officer for review. The master facilities plan shall show the placement and size of all public facilities including curb, gutter, sidewalks, pavement, utility lines, and stormwater facilities and easements, and shall require approval by the Manager and the City Engineer, Stormwater Enterprise Manager, and/or Colorado Springs Utilities Chief Executive Officer.
2. Frequency of Street Intersections and Visibility: Street intersections shall be at right angles or as nearly so as topography and other limiting factors of good design will permit. "T" or "cross" intersections shall be used wherever possible and intersections designed on a curve shall not be allowed except when topography or other limiting factors warrant. Frequency of intersections shall be as outlined in this Part 7.4.4, as applicable, and in the Engineering Criteria.
3. Cul-De-Sacs:
a. The maximum length of the cul-de-sac shall allow for effective fire protection in the event the entrance to the cul-de-sac is wholly or partially blocked, and for efficient provision of utilities. The Development Plan shall not include any cul-de-sac over seven hundred and fifty (750) feet in length, as measured from the curb line at the farthest end of the cul-de-sac to the centerline of the through street to which it connects, unless the applicant obtains approval of the Fire Code Official and City Engineer and/or Colorado Springs Utilities Chief Executive Officer in conjunction with the review of the Development Plan.
b. Whenever a cul-de-sac over five hundred (500) feet is provided, a pedestrian access or public utility easement at least twenty (20) feet in width shall be provided where feasible based upon site or topography conditions between the cul-de-sac head or street turnaround and the sidewalk system of the closest adjacent street or walkway to encourage neighborhood connectivity.

4. Half Streets: Half streets or portions of a street are prohibited unless specifically approved by City Engineering.
5. Alleys: Where provided, alleys shall be fully improved to the specifications of the Engineering Criteria, shall contain a right-of-way width of at least twenty (20) feet, and shall be certified by the City Engineer as meeting such design specifications. Where alleys are intended to be used as a fire apparatus access road, they shall also meet the requirements of the Fire Code Official for such roads.
6. Grades: Grades shall be as prescribed in the Engineering Criteria.
7. Curves: Minimum horizontal and vertical curves shall be as prescribed in the Engineering Criteria.
8. Temporary Dead End Streets: On stub end streets designed to provide future connection with adjoining unsubdivided areas, there shall be provided a temporary turnaround at the stub end or a temporary connection to another street if required by the City Engineer or Fire Code Official. If such a provision is required, the design for such stub end or connecting street shall be approved by the City Engineer and Fire Code Official.
9. Vehicle Access: Access from arterial streets into a residential development shall meet the requirements of the table below.
Residential District Access Standards | |
A | All residential units and associated parking spaces shall have direct vehicular access from a public street or alley or private street. Where alleys are intended to be used as a fire apparatus access road, they shall also meet the requirements of the Fire Code Official for such roads. |
B | Vehicular access shall be from local or collector streets only, except that R-5 or R-Flex High districts may have curb cuts from an arterial street if the City Traffic Engineer determines the access is safe as supported by a traffic study. |
C | Vehicular access to multifamily developments shall be oriented toward local or collector streets serving Mixed-Use and Industrial zone districts, rather than local or other streets that serve the R-E, R-1 9, R-1 6, R-2, or R-Flex Low zone districts or that serve approved PDZs containing predominantly attached and detached single-family and two-family dwellings. |
D. Sidewalks and Pedestrian Curb Ramps: The following standards shall apply to the installation of curbs, sidewalks, pedestrian walkways, and curb ramps. Additional standards related to pedestrian ways may apply.
1. Sidewalks, Accessways, and Pedestrian Walkways:
a. Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of all City streets as provided below and shall comply with the following standards:
(1) In residential developments that are not zoned PDZ and that have a density of two (2) dwelling units per acre or less, sidewalks are required on both sides of all public and private streets.
(2) In PDZ residential developments, sidewalks shall be required on both sides of all public and private streets.
b. Notwithstanding Subsections (1) and (2) above, sidewalks shall be required adjacent to all developed parks and schools. Where a sidewalk is not required, an ADA-compliant Pedestrian Accessible Route must be identified and may be required to include curb ramps, sidewalks, walkways, and other compliant infrastructure.
c. All sidewalks shall comply with the following standards:
(1) Sidewalks shall be constructed in accord with Engineering Criteria, subject to modification by the City Engineer based on topography or site conditions.
(2) All required sidewalks and pedestrian walkways shall be installed at or before the time of issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for an adjacent property. The Certificate of Occupancy will be withheld until all sidewalks are completed.
(3) If required sidewalks or pedestrian walkways have not been installed at the time of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy due to inclement weather or another reasonable delay approved by the City Engineer, then an acceptable assurance pursuant to Section 7.4.306 (Assurances and Guarantees for Public Improvements) shall be placed on file with the City Engineer prior to final inspection and issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The City will release assurances upon inspection and acceptance of the sidewalks.
2. Accessways: In the MX-M, MX-L, and MX-I zone districts, accessways that accommodate bicycles, pedestrians, and other non-motorized access and that are open to the public shall be required through and near the middle of any block that is longer than six hundred (600) feet, as measured from the near side right-of-way line of the subject street to the near side right-of-way line of the adjacent street on the opposite side of the block. Accessways shall not be required if the applicant demonstrates there is no appropriate destination at the other end (e.g., the accessway would terminate at a lake). Where required, these accessways:
a. Shall be a minimum of fourteen (14) feet in width;
b. May use an alley for a portion of the through connection; and
c. Shall terminate at public sidewalks or other spaces accessible to the public.
3. Curb Ramps:
a. All new development requiring sidewalks shall provide adequate and reasonable access for the safe and convenient movement of physically handicapped persons as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
b. Curb ramps shall be constructed at all pedestrian crosswalks at all intersections in conjunction with the construction of the new street, or if street curbs exist, the curb (curb and gutter) shall be removed and a ramp installed.
c. Limiting conditions or safety concerns such as physical constraints, limited sight visibility, steep grades, drainage problems with a potential for property damage or undesirable crosswalk locations, as determined by the City Engineer, may necessitate the exclusion of a pedestrian ramp. Where such conditions exist, the City Engineer may grant a waiver for such locations after written request is received detailing the request and appropriate limiting conditions or problems. (Ord. 23-03)