A. Applicability:
1. The standards in this Part 7.4.12 shall apply to each of the following:
a. All new building construction that requires a Development Plan with on-site lighting;
b. Any change in a primary use of property to a different use listed in Table 7.3.2-A (Base and NNA-O District Use Table). Changes of use for individual tenants in a commercial or mixed-use development with multiple nonresidential primary uses shall not require the individual tenant or the entire development to comply with the provisions of this Section;
c. All expansions of the gross floor area of an existing primary structure, or the number of dwelling units, or the number of parking spaces, by fifty (50) percent or more; and
d. All modifications, replacements, or additions of outdoor lighting fixtures constituting fifty (50) percent or more of the permitted lumens for the parcel, regardless of the actual amount of lighting already on a site.
2. Alternate requirements for lighting may be included as a part of an FBZ regulating plan.
B. Exemptions: Notwithstanding Subsection A above, the standards in this Part 7.4.12 do not apply to:
1. Lighting for the Temporary Outdoor Festival or Amusement use, or an Outdoor Stadium or Auditorium use, provided that such lighting shall be turned off within thirty (30) minutes after the last event;
2. Emergency lighting used by police, fire fighting, or medical personnel, or at their direction;
3. Public street lighting;
4. Private residential street lighting;
5. Pedestrian lighting between four (4) feet and existing grade;
6. Traffic control lighting;
7. Building-mounted residential lighting;
8. Outdoor lighted flags; and
9. Holiday lighting and seasonal decorations using typical unshielded low-intensity lamps. (Ord. 23-03)
All development subject to this Part 7.4.12 shall comply with the following standards.
A. Measurements:
1. Initial Lumens: For the purposes of this Part 7.4.12, "lumens" means "initial lumens." The acceptability and shielding restrictions applicable to a particular lamp are decided by its initial lumen output, not wattage.
2. Light Trespass Measurements: Measurements of light readings shall be taken from the midpoint of each property line of the subject property with a light meter at a height of three (3) feet above existing grade and pointed at the light source, and the maximum reading shall be used to confirm compliance with this Part 7.4.12.
B. Prohibitions:
1. Laser Source Light: The use of laser, strobe, or flashing source light or any similar high intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment is prohibited.
2. Towers: Tower lighting shall not be permitted unless required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
3. High Pressure Sodium Lights: High pressure sodium lights shall not be used for any type of site lighting.
C. Lighting Standards:
1. Light Trespass: All lighting fixtures shall be installed so that light trespass from any property line, except a property line adjacent to a public street, shall not exceed one (1) footcandle at the property line.

2. Glar e: All light ing fixtu res shall be insta lled so as not to cause glar e at or beyo nd the property line and shall not be aimed toward traffic.
3. Shielding:
a. All lighting fixtures, including wall packs (see figure to the right), except motion detector-activated lighting, shall be fully shielded so that the lighting element is not visible to an observer at any property line, except as stated otherwise in this Part 7.4.12.

b. Unless otherwise specified, all lighting fixtures shall be full cutoff type as installed. Full cutoff light fixtures are those in which no more than ten (10) percent of emitted lumens can be detected at an angle more than eighty (80) degrees from the vertical axis of the light fixture, and no more than two and a half (2.5) percent of emitted lumens can be detected at an angle more than ninety (90) percent from the vertical axis of the light fixture, as shown in this figure.
c. A lighting fixture may beam light upward only if all upward light is reflected back down by a canopy, roof, or other such structure.
d. Full shielding is not required for:
(1) Motion detector activated lighting of less than one thousand, eight hundred (1,800) lumens, provided the light cycles off no more than ten (10) minutes after coming on;
(2) Underwater lighting in swimming pools and fountains.
4. Floodlights and Spotlights:
a. Floodlights and spotlights shall be fully shielded so that the light element is not visible to an observer on any prope rty in a reside ntial zone distri ct or used for reside ntial purposes and is not visible to an observer on any public right-of-way.
b. The centerline beam of a floodlight or spotlight shall be aimed no higher than forty-five (45) degrees above vertical; however, light fixtures that cast illumination over more than ninety (90) degrees shall be aimed such that no light shall be cast above the horizontal.
5. Lighting Efficiency: All exterior light fixtures shall generate at least eighty (80) lumens per watt of energy consumed, as shown on the manufacturers' specifications for the fixture.
6. Parking Lot and Service Area Lighting: The maximum height of light poles and wall-mounted light fixtures to illuminate parking lots and service areas shall comply with the following standards, unless Subsection 7 below requires a lower height:
a. In residential zone districts, twenty (20) feet;
b. In Mixed-Use zone districts, and the BP, LI, PF, and PK districts, thirty-five (35) feet; and
c. In all other zone districts, fifty (50) feet.
7. Lighting Adjacent to Residential Lots: The maximum height of light poles and wall-mounted exterior light fixtures shall not exceed twenty (20) feet in the following circumstances:
a. Light fixtures on a lot containing a multi-family dwelling or a non-residential use that are located within seventy-five (75) horizontal feet of any property line with an adjacent lot in the R-E, R-1 9, R-1 6, R-2, or R-Flex Low zone districts or a lot designated for Single-family Detached, Single-family Attached, or Two-family dwellings in a PDZ district; and
b. Light fixtures on a lot in a Mixed-Use or Industrial zone district that are located within seventy-five (75) horizontal feet of any property line with an adjacent lot in a Residential zone or a lot designated for residential use in a PDZ district. (Ord. 23-03)
7.4.1301: Purpose
7.4.1302: Applicability
7.4.1303: Exemptions
7.4.1304: General Provisions
7.4.1305: Sign Measurement And Orientation
7.4.1306: Sign Allocation
7.4.1307: Sign Types And Criteria By Sign Category
7.4.1308: Coordinated Sign Plan
7.4.1309: Prohibited Signs
7.4.1310: Signs Along State Highways And Interstates
7.4.1311: Nonconforming And Abandoned Signs
7.4.1312: Off Premises Advertising (Billboards)
The purpose of this Part 7.4.13 is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare through reasonable, consistent, and nondiscriminatory sign standards. The sign regulations in this Part 7.4.13 are not content based, but rather regulate the adverse secondary effects of signs, particularly those that may adversely impact aesthetics and safety. In order to preserve and promote the City of Colorado Springs as a desirable community in which to live, visit, play, and do business in a pleasing, visually attractive environment, safe for motorists and pedestrians, these regulations are intended to:
A. Promote an attractive "built environment," successful commercial districts, and a healthy local economy while working to incorporate contemporary products, technology and marketing practices and improve understanding, application, flexibility and enforcement of sign regulations and standards.
B. Highlight the positive contribution signs can make to creating a sense of place in the community and ensure that new sign design standards will allow commercial businesses to function efficiently and effectively. (Ord. 23-03)
A. The provisions of this Part 7.4.13 shall apply to the display, construction, erection, alteration, use, location, and maintenance of all signs within the City, unless otherwise exempted in whole or in part. All signs should be consistent with the standards and design considerations set forth in this Part 7.4.13 . If any provision of this Part 7.4.13 conflicts with any other adopted City code that regulates signs, the provisions in this Part 7.4.13 shall govern.
B. Alternate sign requirements may be included as a part of an FBZ regulating plan. (Ord. 23-03)
The following signs shall be exempt from the provisions of this Part 7.4.13:
A. Works of art.
B. Official traffic signs, signals, and devices.
C. National, state, or City flags.
D. Official legal notices.
E. Public warning signs, traffic control and traffic directional signs erected by the City or another governmental agency.
F. Signs displayed within the interior of a building that are not visible from the exterior of the building.
G. Holiday decorations.
H. Human signs so long as the signs are not set down or propped on objects by the human.
I. Interpretative signs.
J. Street numbers or addresses.
K. Private notification signs. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Uses:
1. Residential uses as referenced in this Part 7.4.13 refer to three-family, four-family, and multi-family dwellings.
2. The regulating plan for a FBZ district may outline or exempt criteria for signs related to uses within the FBZ area.
3. Signs on which copy is manually changed shall comply with the standards and regulations for wall signs or freestanding signs.
4. Any light source intended to illuminate a sign shall be so shaded, shielded, or directed so that the light intensity or brightness shall not adversely affect surrounding or facing premises, nor adversely affect safe visibility for pedestrians or operators of vehicles moving on public or private streets, driveways, or parking areas.
5. No sign obstructing sight visibility in any direction at the intersection of a street or within an alley or driveway shall be permitted. If a sign is placed at the intersection of two (2) rights-of-way, the sign must not interfere with sight visibility as described in the Engineering Criteria.
6. A sign plan must accompany the sign permit for all new signs when required and be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department under criteria set forth in this Part 7.4.13 prior to being presented to the Building Official for issuance of sign permit. Sign permits must comply with the requirements of the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department.
B. Plan Requirements: The plan shall show the following information:
1. Building locations and dimensions;
2. Size, location and type of any existing sign and the proposed sign or signs. Show sign on building elevation if a wall sign;
3. Nearest street intersections;
4. Zoning of the subject property;
5. Name of applicant and sign installer;
6. Sight visibility as described in Subsection A.5 above, if applicable;
7. Sign type; and
8. Specifications on illumination for EMCs shall include the manufacturer's specifications, nit rating and the method of dimming.
C. Existence of Utility Facilities or Easements: The applicant is encouraged to contact Colorado Springs Utilities before design is complete to determine the existence of utility facilities or utility easements.
D. Owner Authorization: A sign shall not be placed on any property without written consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent.
E. Shared Signage: A letter pertaining to shared signage must be signed by the property owner or the property owner's representative and submitted with the sign plan.
F. Existence of Illegal Signs: Sign plans will not be approved for new signs proposed on property where illegal signs exist.
G. Issuance of Building Permit: Sign plans will not be approved until a Building Permit for the site has been issued, if applicable. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Wall Sign Area: Wall sign area shall include the entire face of the sign, frame, and artwork incidental to its decoration and includes any spacing between letters, figures, and designs but shall not include the bracing or structure. When the sign consists only of letters, designs, or figures, the total area of the sign shall be calculated by using no more than three (3) standard geometric shapes within which all of the fixed lettering, spacing between letters, and/or artwork is inscribed. Standard geometric shapes include the square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, and half-circle. Proper font tails of lowercase letters will not be included in the sign area calculation. Customized or extended tails are included.
1. Measurement by One Geometric Shape:

2. Measurement by Two (2) Geometric Shapes:

3. Measurement by Three (3) Geometric Shapes:

B. Freestanding Sign Area:
1. Freestanding Sign Area Elements: Freestanding sign area shall include the frame, if any, but shall not include:
a. A pole or other structural support unless the pole or structural support is internally illuminated or otherwise so designed to constitute a display device, or a part of a display device.
b. Architectural features that are either part of the building or part of a freestanding structure, and not an integral part of the sign, and which may consist of landscaping, building or structural forms complementing the site in general.
2. Calculation of Freestanding Sign Area:

C. Additional Sign Measurement Provisions:
1. Clearance for projecting signs shall be measured by the smallest vertical distance between existing grade and the lowest point of the sign, including any framework or other embellishments.
2. All sides of a sign that are visible from any one vantage point shall be measured in determining the area of a sign, except that only one side of a sign shall be measured if the two (2) sides are back-to-back or separated by an angle of forty-five (45) degrees or less. If the two (2) sides are not of equal size, the larger side shall be measured. A back-to-back sign shall have parallel faces, separated by not more than four (4) feet.

3. A line shall be drawn horizontally across the lowest point of copy or cabinet. The area below this is considered the base and will not be included as sign area. Above the base, lines shall be drawn across the top and bottom of each area of individual copy, continuous message, or cabinets. These lines shall extend to the edge of the sign on monoliths and to the poles or pole covers on other types of signs. The area within these lines shall be included in the sign area calculation. If blank areas or air spaces between the copy and/or cabinet are less than six (6) inches then these areas shall also be included in the sign area calculation. Irregular spaces shall be measured at the median point. Any area above the highest point of copy or cabinet shall be considered a topper since it is not required for the support of any copy. The sign area calculation shall not include any portion of a topper so long as the topper portion does not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the total allowable sign area.

4. The height of any sign shall be determined by the distance between the topmost portion of the sign structure and the ground elevation at the base of the sign. The grade may not be artificially changed to affect the sign height measurement. Signs on a slope are measured at the midpoint of the sign.

(Ord. 23-03)