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Colorado Springs Overview
Colorado Springs, CO Code of Ordinances
   A.   Uses:
      1.   Residential uses as referenced in this Part 7.4.13 refer to three-family, four-family, and multi-family dwellings.
      2.   The regulating plan for a FBZ district may outline or exempt criteria for signs related to uses within the FBZ area.
      3.   Signs on which copy is manually changed shall comply with the standards and regulations for wall signs or freestanding signs.
      4.   Any light source intended to illuminate a sign shall be so shaded, shielded, or directed so that the light intensity or brightness shall not adversely affect surrounding or facing premises, nor adversely affect safe visibility for pedestrians or operators of vehicles moving on public or private streets, driveways, or parking areas.
      5.   No sign obstructing sight visibility in any direction at the intersection of a street or within an alley or driveway shall be permitted. If a sign is placed at the intersection of two (2) rights-of-way, the sign must not interfere with sight visibility as described in the Engineering Criteria.
      6.   A sign plan must accompany the sign permit for all new signs when required and be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department under criteria set forth in this Part 7.4.13 prior to being presented to the Building Official for issuance of sign permit. Sign permits must comply with the requirements of the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department.
   B.   Plan Requirements: The plan shall show the following information:
      1.   Building locations and dimensions;
      2.   Size, location and type of any existing sign and the proposed sign or signs. Show sign on building elevation if a wall sign;
      3.   Nearest street intersections;
      4.   Zoning of the subject property;
      5.   Name of applicant and sign installer;
      6.   Sight visibility as described in Subsection A.5 above, if applicable;
      7.   Sign type; and
      8.   Specifications on illumination for EMCs shall include the manufacturer's specifications, nit rating and the method of dimming.
   C.   Existence of Utility Facilities or Easements: The applicant is encouraged to contact Colorado Springs Utilities before design is complete to determine the existence of utility facilities or utility easements.
   D.   Owner Authorization: A sign shall not be placed on any property without written consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent.
   E.   Shared Signage: A letter pertaining to shared signage must be signed by the property owner or the property owner's representative and submitted with the sign plan.
   F.   Existence of Illegal Signs: Sign plans will not be approved for new signs proposed on property where illegal signs exist.
   G.   Issuance of Building Permit: Sign plans will not be approved until a Building Permit for the site has been issued, if applicable. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Wall Sign Area: Wall sign area shall include the entire face of the sign, frame, and artwork incidental to its decoration and includes any spacing between letters, figures, and designs but shall not include the bracing or structure. When the sign consists only of letters, designs, or figures, the total area of the sign shall be calculated by using no more than three (3) standard geometric shapes within which all of the fixed lettering, spacing between letters, and/or artwork is inscribed. Standard geometric shapes include the square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, and half-circle. Proper font tails of lowercase letters will not be included in the sign area calculation. Customized or extended tails are included.
      1.   Measurement by One Geometric Shape:
      2.   Measurement by Two (2) Geometric Shapes:
      3.   Measurement by Three (3) Geometric Shapes:
   B.   Freestanding Sign Area:
      1.   Freestanding Sign Area Elements: Freestanding sign area shall include the frame, if any, but shall not include:
         a.   A pole or other structural support unless the pole or structural support is internally illuminated or otherwise so designed to constitute a display device, or a part of a display device.
         b.   Architectural features that are either part of the building or part of a freestanding structure, and not an integral part of the sign, and which may consist of landscaping, building or structural forms complementing the site in general.
      2.   Calculation of Freestanding Sign Area:
   C.    Additional Sign Measurement Provisions:
      1.    Clearance for projecting signs shall be measured by the smallest vertical distance between existing grade and the lowest point of the sign, including any framework or other embellishments.
      2.   All sides of a sign that are visible from any one vantage point shall be measured in determining the area of a sign, except that only one side of a sign shall be measured if the two (2) sides are back-to-back or separated by an angle of forty-five (45) degrees or less. If the two (2) sides are not of equal size, the larger side shall be measured. A back-to-back sign shall have parallel faces, separated by not more than four (4) feet.
      3.   A line shall be drawn horizontally across the lowest point of copy or cabinet. The area below this is considered the base and will not be included as sign area. Above the base, lines shall be drawn across the top and bottom of each area of individual copy, continuous message, or cabinets. These lines shall extend to the edge of the sign on monoliths and to the poles or pole covers on other types of signs. The area within these lines shall be included in the sign area calculation. If blank areas or air spaces between the copy and/or cabinet are less than six (6) inches then these areas shall also be included in the sign area calculation. Irregular spaces shall be measured at the median point. Any area above the highest point of copy or cabinet shall be considered a topper since it is not required for the support of any copy. The sign area calculation shall not include any portion of a topper so long as the topper portion does not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the total allowable sign area.
      4.   The height of any sign shall be determined by the distance between the topmost portion of the sign structure and the ground elevation at the base of the sign. The grade may not be artificially changed to affect the sign height measurement. Signs on a slope are measured at the midpoint of the sign.
(Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Sign Allocation for Irregularly Shaped Buildings:
      1.   Sign allocation is based on the use of the property, and linear frontage of exterior walls. Signs must be placed on the frontage from which they draw their allocation, unless otherwise approved with a CSP. For the purpose of this Part 7.4.13, all walls of a building shall be designated either north, south, east, or west.
      2.    Walls at a forty-five (45) degree angle must be designated as one of two (2) directions. The signs allocated to the angle wall may be placed anywhere on the wall to which it is designated.
      3.   If a wall is not visible from a specific elevation, it does not contribute any sign allocation to that elevation.
   B.   Sign Allocation for a Commercial Center:
      1.   For purposes of this Part 7.4.13, references to commercial center shall mean a grouping of three (3) or more attached commercial, office and/or civic uses developed and maintained under unified control. A majority of the establishments in a commercial center share common walls and parking areas, but freestanding buildings may be included as part of a commercial center.
      2.   In any commercial center in which sign allocation is part of a CSP for the center as a whole, signs may advertise properties located anywhere in the center and plan area subject to the following:
         a.   A recommendation from CDOT shall be required for signs along state or federal highways such as South Circle Drive, Nevada Avenue, Highway 24, and Interstate 25 and Powers Boulevard (State Highway 21).
         b.   CDOT does not necessarily recognize the same sign rights as the City. It is the responsibility of the property owner and applicant to determine the CDOT regulations as they apply to the property and ensure compliance with those regulations.
   C.   Shared Signage:
      1.   In multi-tenant buildings, offices, and commercial centers, tenants are permitted to share or borrow signage within the building. If a tenant wishes to have a larger sign than what is entitled based on their leased building frontage, the tenant signage may borrow from the balance of the center. Signage may not be transferred between elevations or between buildings unless outlined in a CSP. No tenant may use shared signage beyond one and one-half (1½) times their allocation.
      2.   Within a commercial center, freestanding signage may be maximized by combining allowed freestanding signs to accommodate a larger sign for multiple uses in the center, as authorized by an approved CSP in accord with Section 7.4.1308 (Coordinated Sign Plan). (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Major Sign Types:
Table 7.4.13-A
Wall Signs
Permit Required
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Additional Criteria
Table 7.4.13-A
Wall Signs
Permit Required
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Additional Criteria
40 sq. ft.
See Subsection B.1.f below
Allowance applies to properties with 3 or more units
1 sq. ft. x building length
No limit, but shall not exceed max. total sq. ft. per elevation
See Subsection B.1.f below
See Subsection B.1 below
1.5 sq. ft. x building length
2 sq. ft. x building length when set back >200 ft. from public ROW
No limit, but shall not exceed max. total sq. ft. per elevation
See Subsection B.1.f below
See Subsection B.1 below
1.5 sq. ft. x building length
No limit, but shall not exceed max. total sq. ft. per elevation
See Subsection B.1.f below
See Subsection B.1 below
1.5 sq. ft. x building length
No limit, but shall not exceed max. total sq. ft. per elevation
See Subsection B.1.f below
Shall be part of a CSP
See Subsection B.1 below
1 sq. ft. x building length
No limit, but shall not exceed max. total sq. ft. per elevation
See Subsection B.1.f below
Walls adjacent to residential uses do not qualify for signage allowance
See Subsection B.1 below
Table 7.4.13-B
Freestanding Signs
Permit Required
Linear Property Frontage
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Additional Criteria
Table 7.4.13-B
Freestanding Signs
Permit Required
Linear Property Frontage
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Additional Criteria
32 sq. ft.
7 ft.
Allowance for 3 or more units
64 sq. ft.
7 ft.
Lighting impacts to adjacent residential properties shall be limited and reviewed through the sign permit.
<160 ft.
34 sq. ft.
7 ft.
Size area and height rounded to the nearest whole number
160 ft.
0.25 sq. ft. per linear foot of lot frontage
0.06 ft. per linear foot of lot frontage, max. 25 ft.
See Subsection B.2 below
1,000 ft.
0.25 sq. ft. per linear foot of lot frontage
*Max. for all is 100 sq. ft.
2 plus 1 additional sign for every additional 1,000 ft. of lot frontage
25 ft.
Commerci al
<160 ft.
42 sq. ft.
7 ft.
Size area and height rounded to the nearest whole number
160 ft.
0.35 sq. ft. per linear foot of lot frontage
0.07 ft. per linear foot of lot frontage, max. of 30 ft.
See Subsection B.2 below
1,000 ft.
0.35 sq. ft. per linear foot of lot frontage
2 plus 1 sign for every additional 1,000 ft. of lot frontage
30 ft.
1,500 ft.
0.35 sq. ft. per linear foot of lot frontage
*Max. of 150 sq. ft.
2 plus 1 sign for every additional 1,000 ft. of lot frontage
35 ft.
< 160 ft.
34 sq. ft.
7 ft.
Size area and height rounded to the nearest whole number
160 ft.
0.25 sq. ft. per linear foot of lot frontage
0.06 ft. per linear foot of lot frontage, max. of 25 ft.
See Subsection B.2 below
1,000 ft.
0.25 sq. ft. per linear ft. of lot frontage
2 plus 1 sign for every additional 1,000 ft. of lot frontage
25 ft.
1,500 ft.
0.25 sq. ft. per linear foot of lot frontage
*Max. of 150 sq. ft.
2 plus 1 sign for every additional 1,000 ft. of lot frontage
35 ft.
The size, number and height of signs is defined by the CSP. See Section 7.4.1308.
Table 7.4.13-C
Electronic Message Center (EMC)
Permit Required
Maximum Size
Hold Time
Transition Duration
Transition Method
Additional Criteria
Table 7.4.13-C
Electronic Message Center (EMC)
Permit Required
Maximum Size
Hold Time
Transition Duration
Transition Method
Additional Criteria
Integrated into freestanding sign
Not permitted
Integrated intro freestanding sign
Not permitted
Commerci al
Integrated into freestanding sign
Up to 50% of allowed sign area
1 per property
10 seconds
<1 second
Fade or dissolve
See Subsection B.3 below
Integrated into freestanding sign
Not permitted
Integrated into freestanding sign
Yes - with CSP only
Up to 50% of allowed sign area
1 per property
10 seconds
<1 second
Fade or dissolve
See Subsecti n B.3 below
Integrated into freestanding sign
Not permitted
   B.   Additional Criteria for Major Sign Types:
      1.   Wall Signs:
         a.   The minimum sign area for each tenant shall not be less than twenty-five (25) square feet.
         b.   Each tenant may have multiple wall signs per elevation so long as the total wall sign area does not exceed the allowance established for each elevation.
         c.   Additional building signs are permitted for a building with five (5) or more floors, which is eligible for double the wall signage allotment. The additional allotment must be placed at the fifth-floor level or higher. All other wall sign criteria apply.
         d.   A wall sign extending more than twelve (12) inches from the building shall be considered a projecting sign.
         e.   Projecting signs are permitted, as part of the allowance for wall signs when designed and placed for the purpose of identifying the businesses for a pedestrian walking along the same side of the street as the business they seek or under a canopy projecting from the building.
            (1)   Signs projecting under a canopy shall have a maximum area of eight (8) square feet; the bottom of the sign shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet above the sidewalk.
            (2)   A sign projecting over a vehicular area shall not be less than fourteen (14) feet above existing grade.
            (3)   A sign projecting over a pedestrian area shall not be less than eight (8) feet above existing grade.
            (4)   The sign shall not project more than six (6) feet from the wall of the building on which the sign is placed. Adjacent projecting signs shall not be closer than twenty (20) feet.
         f.   The maximum sign height shall comply with the following:
            (1)   When attached to a pitched roof, a sign shall not extend beyond the roof pitch or peak of roof.
            (2)   When attached to the face of the wall or a flat roof, fifty (50) percent of the overall vertical height of the sign shall not extend beyond the roof line.
            (3)   No sign shall exceed the maximum height permitted in the zone district in which it is located.
      2.   Freestanding Signs:
         a.   Each property or parcel of land is allowed a minimum of one freestanding sign with an area defined by the linear frontage of the property.
         b.   No portion of a freestanding sign shall be in or project over a public right-of-way. No freestanding sign shall be placed within an existing or proposed easement.
         c.   As part of a CSP, the total permitted sign area may be aggregated into fewer and larger signs, at the election of the property owner within a commercial center, provided that the size of any single sign does not exceed the standard permitted sign area by more than thirty (30) percent.
         d.   Freestanding signage area is determined based on the primary frontage of the lot. The property owner determines the primary frontage and may place the sign accordingly. A commercial center may have two (2) primary frontages approved by a CSP.
         e.   An individual corner lot can pick one primary frontage for freestanding sign calculation. In the example shown here, the two hundred and six (206) feet of frontage is used for its sign calculation.
         f.   A corner commercial center with a Coordinated Sign Plan can use two frontages for the freestanding sign calculation. In the example shown here, over nine hundred (900) feet of frontage can be used for freestanding calculation.
      3.   Electronic Message Center (EMC): Electronic Message Centers (EMCs) are allowed subject to the following:
         a.   Shall only be allowed as part of a freestanding sign.
         b.   Are prohibited for residential uses, but may be allowed as part of a mixed-use CSP.
         c.   Shall be limited to static messages only, changed only through dissolve or fade transitions that otherwise shall not have movement or the appearance or optical illusion of movement, on any part of the sign structure, design, or pictorial part of the sign, including the movement of any illumination or the flashing, scintillating, or varying of light intensity. The transition duration between messages shall not exceed one (1) second.
         d.   Commercial messages displayed shall only direct attention to a business, product, service, activity, or entertainment that is conducted, sold, or offered on the premises on which the sign is located.
         e.   Shall have automatic dimmer software or solar sensors to control brightness for nighttime viewing. The intensity of the light source shall not produce glare, the effect of which constitutes a traffic hazard. Lighting shall not exceed five hundred (500) nits or zero point three (0.3) foot-candle between dusk to dawn as measured from the face of the sign.
         f.   Documentation shall be required from the sign manufacturer that verifies compliance with auto dimming and brightness requirements.
         g.   Temporary signage shall be prohibited on any property that has an approved EMC (see Subsection E below).
         h.   Any property that wishes to add an EMC component to an existing freestanding sign must comply with current sign code standards before the EMC is approved.
   C.   Minor Sign Types: Table 7.413-D provides criteria for minor signage permitted provided that it meets the requirements of this Part 7.4.13 and all other applicable City regulations. See Subsection D below for additional information related to minor signs.
Table 7.4.13-D
Minor Sign Types
Permit Required
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Additional Criteria
Table 7.4.13-D
Minor Sign Types
Permit Required
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Additional Criteria
A max. of 0.5 sq. ft. for each linear foot
May extend 6 ft. from the face of the building
At least 8 ft. above pedestrian way or 14 ft. above vehicular way
Valance may extend 1 ft. below awning
Not permitted above first story level of building
See Subsection D.1 below
Building Plaque
6 sq. ft.
1 per building
8 ft. attached to building
Built into building or mounted flat against the wall of a building
Lighting permitted
A maximum of 0.5 sq. ft. for each linear foot
1 canopy per elevation
Mounted flush on the face of the canopy
Lighting permitted
Corporate Flags
Not to exceed 3 ft. x 5 ft.
Max. height of zone district
Must meet required setback for accessory uses
See definition of Corporate Flag in Section 7.6.203C.
Decorative Flags
Not to exceed 3 ft. x. 5 ft.
1 per 20 ft. of lot frontage
Max. height of zone district
Must meet required setback for accessory uses
See definition of Decorative Flag in Section 7.6.203C.
Directional Signs
6 sq. ft.
Per permit
4 ft.
On premises only
Directory (freestanding)
64 sq. ft.
2 per entrance
6 ft.
15 ft. from ROW
Additional directories may be approved through a CSP
External Use
40 sq. ft.
Area is total for all external uses on the site, may be used in any combination
Gas Island
32 sq. ft. total
1 per gas topper
Copy oriented to the ROW shall not exceed 2 in. in height
Historic Signs
Sign and structure must be at least 50 years old to qualify. See Subsection D.2 below
Menu board/Drive through
75 sq. ft. per drive-through lane
2 per drive-through lane
6 ft.
10 ft.
Readable only by traffic in the drive-through lane
Lighting permitted
Monument Sign
128 sq. ft.
2 signs per access from a major arterial or collector
7 ft.
See Subsection 7.4.1307D.4 below.
Motor Vehicle Signs
Signs that are permanently painted or affixed to a vehicle for advertising purposes. See Subsection D.3 below
Any portion of the mural that is considered a sign will deduct from the wall signage for that wall.
Window Signs
25% of the window(s)
Permitted on the first floor windows only
Lighting permitted
6 ft.
4 ft. when freestanding
   D.   Minor Sign Types, Additional Criteria:
      1.   Awning and Canopy:
         a.   The sign or signs must be placed on the side of the awning or canopy from which it draws its allowed square footage.
         b.   Signs may not extend above, below, or beyond the awning or canopy.
         c.   Awnings and canopies may be backlit.
      2.   Historic Signs: May be kept, used, maintained, and displayed, subject to the following conditions:
         a.   The applicant must provide documentation that the sign has been at its present location for a minimum of fifty (50) years prior to approval of a sign permit.
         b.   The sign is structurally safe or capable of being made structurally safe without substantially altering its historic character. The property owner is responsible for making all structural repairs and restoration of the sign to its original condition.
         c.   The sign is representative of signs from the era in which it was constructed and provides evidence of the historic use of the building or premises.
         d.   Approved historic signs will not be considered abandoned so long as they continue to meet the conditions above.
         e.   Historic signs may be retained on a property in addition to new signs permitted by this Section 7.4.13.
      3.   Motor Vehicle Signs: Signs may be placed on motor vehicles provided:
         a.   Each sign must be permanently painted or affixed to the vehicle.
         b.   No sign shall project more than one foot above the roofline of the vehicle to which it is attached.
         c.   The vehicle upon which the sign is affixed must be used for the normal operation of the business and not primarily used to display signage.
         d.   The vehicle must be moved at least once every seventy-two (72) hours.
         e.   When not in use, the vehicle must be parked on the premises of the business that it advertises.
         f.   The vehicle must be parked in a legal parking space.
         g.   The vehicle may not block any other legally permitted signs.
         h.   Special event vehicles are exempt from this Subsection 7.4.1307D.3 (Motor Vehicle Signs).
      4.   Monument Sign or Subdivision Monument: Permanent subdivision monument signs must be incorporated into entryways from major arterials or collector streets. Monument or subdivision monument signs:
         a.   Shall include the name of the subdivision or development.
         b.   Shall be located at the principal street entrance to the subdivision or development.
         c.   Shall not be located in the public right-of-way without obtaining a revocable permit pursuant to Section 3.2.201 (Permits Required) of this Code.
         d.   Shall be constructed of masonry or other substantial materials.
         e.   May be placed on a subdivision wall, or other background, provided a sign permit is approved.
         f.   Shall be limited to two (2) signs per subdivision entrance (one (1) sign on each side of the entryway).
         g.   Shall be insured and maintained by the homeowners' association or other appropriate entity. Adequate provisions to maintain the sign must be provided by covenant or through the homeowners' association.
   E.   Temporary Signage Criteria: Temporary signs shall be allowed per property in addition to the permanent signage permitted in this Section unless otherwise stated in this UDC. The following chart provides criteria for temporary signage permitted provided that it meets the requirements of this Section and all other applicable City regulations. See Subsection F below for additional information related to temporary signs.
Table 7.4.13-E
Temporary Signage Criteria
Permit Required
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Additional Criteria
Table 7.4.13-E
Temporary Signage Criteria
Permit Required
Maximum Size
Maximum Height
Additional Criteria
Not attached to T-posts, walls, or fences
Not permitted in landscape areas
See Subsection F.1 below
6 sq. ft.
5 per lot frontage
2 ft. From street or public sidewalk
Additional allowances based on low size and additional criteria
See Subsection F.3 below
6 sq. ft.
5 per lot frontage
2 ft. From street or public sidewalk
Additional allowances based on lot size and additional criteria
See Subsection F.3 below
Garage sale
3 sq. ft.
Used only during the duration of the garage sale and used only on the lot where the garage sale occurs
Non-residential Inflatable Displays
5 per commercial event
Max. Height of the zone district
1.5 times the height of the display
See Subsection F.2 below
Model home sign
24 sq. ft.
1 per model
6 ft.
Off premises open house
6 sq. ft.
4 per open house - put up 1 hour before and removed 1 hour after
4 ft.
Private property only, landowner permission required
May not be placed in public-rights-of -way or medians without revocable permit
Off premises real estate
32 sq. ft.
4 ft.
Private property only, landowner permission required
May not be placed in public rights-of-way or medians without revocable permit
Removed 14 days after sale or lease
Nonresidential portable A-frames
4 ft. X. 2 ft.
1 per individual storefront/tenan t or 1 per shared entrance
4 ft.
Within 10 ft. of the main entrance, on the ground surface and not on any vehicle or structure
Lighting not permitted
Located only in front of the establishment to which the sign pertains
Displayed only during business hours
The sign cannot block a sidewalk
Real Estate
6 sq. ft.
5 per lot frontage
2 ft. From street or public sidewalk
Additional allowances based on the lot size and additional criteria
See Subsection F.3 below
Nonresidential Temporary Retail
32 sq. ft.
1 wall or free-standing
7 ft.
Removed when the use ends
Attached to a structure or mounted on posts that are anchored securely into the ground
Copy on price signs for merchandise that is displayed outside shall be limited to 2 in. in height
   F.   Temporary Sign Types Additional Criteria:
      1.   Banners:
         a.   Banners associated with residential uses:
            (1)   Size shall not exceed zero point two (0.2) square foot for each linear foot of property line.
            (2)   May be displayed for a maximum of ninety (90) days per calendar year. Display time may be any combination of consecutive days or equal weekend periods and is cumulative for all banners displayed on the property.
            (3)   Vertical banners attached to existing private light poles on residential properties shall be no larger than twenty-four (24) by forty-eight (48) inches and must be hung eight (8) feet from the ground in pedestrian areas and fourteen (14) feet from the ground in vehicular areas.
            (4)   Each banner must be kept in good repair (not frayed, faded, or sagging) and must remain firmly attached to the building or structure from which it is displayed.
            (5)   Banners hung between T-posts, attached to fences, retaining walls and/or vehicles and banners in landscape areas are prohibited.
            (6)   No banner may be illuminated, animated, or constructed of reflective materials.
            (7)   All banners shall display a City permit approval sticker on the bottom left hand corner of the banner.
         b.   Banners associated with nonresidential uses:
            (1)   Banners attached to single-story buildings shall not exceed three quarters (0.75) square foot for each linear foot of exterior building wall. For multiple-story buildings, banners shall not exceed five (5) percent of the area of the exterior building wall on which the banners are displayed. A banner must be attached to the exterior building wall from which it draws its allowed square footage. The allowed square footage can be split among several banners or allocated to one single banner.
            (2)   Vertical banners attached to existing private light poles shall be no larger than twenty-four (24) by forty-eight (48) inches and must be hung eight (8) feet from the ground in pedestrian areas and fourteen (14) feet from the ground in vehicular areas.
            (3)   Banners may be displayed for a maximum of ninety (90) days per calendar year. Display time may be any combination of consecutive days or equal weekend periods and is cumulative for all banners displayed on the property.
            (4)   Each banner must be kept in good repair (not frayed, faded, or sagging) and remain firmly attached to the building or private light pole from which it is displayed.
            (5)   All banners shall display the City permit approval sticker on the bottom left hand corner of the banner.
            (6)   No banner may be illuminated, animated, or constructed of reflective materials.
            (7)   Banners hung between T-posts, attached to fences, retaining walls or vehicles and banners located in landscape areas are prohibited.
            (8)   Banners shall be removed at the permittee's expense at the expiration of the applicable permit.
      2.   Inflatable Displays:
         a.   Inflatable displays are not permitted for residential uses.
         b.   Inflatable displays may be displayed for fourteen (14) days per commercial event.
         c.   No more than two (2) temporary sign permits for inflatable displays may be issued to a business, development, or property during a calendar year.
         d.   A maximum of five (5) inflatable displays are allowed per commercial event.
         e.   Inflatable displays shall be securely anchored or attached to prevent dislocation, entanglement or encroachment onto adjacent properties or public streets, and to prevent undue hazards to motorists or pedestrians.
         f.   Ground mounted inflatable displays must be set back from the property line one and one-half (1½) times the height of the inflatable display.
         g.   Roof mounted inflatable displays must not exceed the maximum height for the zone district. A tether is required to secure the inflatable display and shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in length.
         h.   Inflatable displays shall not be attached to fences, landscaping, utility poles or private light poles.
         i.   Inflatable displays that wave, lightly or rapidly, in an irregular manner and portable inflatable billboards are prohibited in all zone districts.
      3.   Election Signs, Construction Signs, Real Estate Signs: In addition to the allowances outlined in the temporary signs table in Subsection E above, the following allowances and standards apply to political/election, construction, and real estate signs:
         a.   Residential Uses/Property/Lots:
            (1)   One (1) to five (5) acres: One (1) sign per street frontage not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign.
            (2)   Five (5) to ten (10) acres: Two (2) signs not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign or one (1) sign not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet.
            (3)   Greater than ten (10) acres: Three (3) signs not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign or two (2) signs not to exceed forty-eight (48) square feet per sign or one (1) sign not to exceed ninety-six (96) square feet.
         b.   All Other Uses/Property/Lots:
            (1)   Less than one (1) acre: One (1) sign per street frontage not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet per sign.
            (2)   One (1) to five (5) acres: One (1) sign per street frontage not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet per sign.
            (3)   Five (5) to ten (10) acres: Two (2) signs not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet per sign or one (1) sign not to exceed one hundred twenty-eight (128) square feet.
            (4)   Greater than ten (10) acres: Three (3) signs not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet per sign or two (2) signs not to exceed one hundred twenty-eight (128) square feet per sign.
         c.   Removal: These signs must be removed not later than fourteen (14) days after:
            (1)   Sale, lease, or removal of the property from the market.
            (2)   Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or final building inspection.
         d.   Placement:
            (1)   Landowner permission is required before placing one of these sign types on or within the right-of-way in front of private or publicly owned property in accord with Subsection 7.4.1304D (Owner Authorization).
            (2)   Signs may not be placed within City owned right-of-way unless a revocable permit has been granted in accord with Subsection 3.2.217.D (Revocable Permits) of this Code.
            (3)   Signs may not be placed within State right-of-way without the express approval of CDOT.
            (4)   Signs are not permitted to be attached to public or City owned infrastructure, facilities, utility poles or signposts. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Owners or developers of property that desire signage that varies from the requirements of this Sign Code or owners that would like unified commercial center signage may apply for approval of a coordinated sign plan (CSP) for the entire site. This plan will be reviewed and approved by Planning Department staff and may be referred to Planning Commission for approval. A CSP shall include the design, color, size, height, lighting, location, number, and construction type of all signs in the area proposed for the CSP. Each CSP shall be subject to review and approval as required.
   B.   The coordinated sign plan:
      1.   May be used for a commercial center with three (3) or more adjacent properties or lots as a center with planned signage for Commercial, Office, Civic, or Mixed-Use development; and
      2.   Must be applied to properties with up to two (2) condominium platted lots or parcels that are commercial, office, or civic uses.
   C.   A CSP may be submitted that permits consideration of unique conditions, flexibility, and creativity. The application of such plan may permit additional signs
   and/or sign area based on the applicant's demonstration of unique characteristics of the design, building, and/or site and appropriate landscaping associated with the freestanding signs. The CSP bonus incentive for the commercial center shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the standards in Section 7.4.1307 (Sign Types and Criteria by Sign Category) without the approval of a nonuse variance. This may be applied to any sign standard and applied to multiple sign standards. Once a CSP has been approved subsequent sign permits shall be approved administratively when the proposed sign is in compliance with the approved CSP.
Examples of Signage that Qualifies for the CSP Bonus Incentive
(Ord. 23-03)
The following signs and sign types shall be prohibited:
   A.   Any sign erected or painted upon light poles, retaining walls, fences, rocks, trees, or natural features unless the sign meets the definition of a low profile or freestanding sign as described in Subsection 7.6.203C (Lot Area).
   B.   Any sign displaying flashing or intermittent lights or lights of varying intensity.
   C.   Any sign with a digital electronic message that changes in any manner except those permitted by Section 7.4.1307 (Sign Types and Criteria by Sign Category).
   D.   Any sign with direct or indirect lighting that causes direct glare into or upon any lot or tract with a residential use that is adjacent to the lot or tract where the sign is located.
   E.   Signs that advertise activities that are unlawful and not recognized as permitted or conditional uses per Article 7.3 (Use Regulations).
   F.   Any private sign that is an imitation of an official government protective or warning sign, including signs using the words "Stop" or "Danger" to imply a need or requirement to stop or a caution for the existence of danger, and including signs that are copies of, or which are likely to be confused with, any official government protective or warning sign.
   G.   Any sign that obstructs a window, door, fire escape, stairway, ladder, or opening intended to provide light, air, ingress, or egress for any building as required by law.
   H.   The parking of any motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, trailer, or other movable device in a manner that the vehicle constitutes a billboard or off premises sign.
   I.   Any sign attached to a flat roof. (Ord. 23-03)
For the purpose of regulating signs visible from an interstate highway as defined by C.R.S. § 43-2-101(2), there are hereby created the following zones, each zone measured perpendicularly from the boundary of the interstate highway right-of-way. Frontage roads shall be considered as lying outside the Interstate right-of-way.
   A.   Zone Number 1: This zone shall be the area within two hundred and twenty (220) feet of the Interstate right-of-way boundary. No freestanding, roof, projecting, or low profile signs, the faces of which are visible from the highway, shall exceed one hundred (100) square feet or the area specified in the applicable zone requirement, whichever is more restrictive.
   B.   Zone Number 2: This zone shall be that area from two hundred and twenty (220) feet to four hundred and forty (440) feet from the Interstate right-of-way boundary. No freestanding, roof, projecting, or low profile signs, the face of which are visible from the highway, shall exceed two hundred (200) square feet or the area specified in the applicable zone requirement, whichever is more restrictive.
   C.   Zone Number 3: This zone shall be that area from four hundred and forty (440) feet to six hundred and sixty (660) feet from the Interstate right-of-way boundary. No freestanding, roof, projecting, or low profile signs, the face of which is visible from the highway, shall exceed three hundred (300) square feet or the area specified in the applicable zone requirement, whichever is more restrictive.
   D.   Zone Number 4: This zone shall be that area more than six hundred and sixty (660) feet from the Interstate right-of-way boundary. No freestanding, roof, projecting, or low profile signs, the face of which is visible from the highway boundary, shall exceed six hundred (600) square feet, or the area specified in the applicable zone requirement, whichever is the more restrictive.
(Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Any legally established sign in existence at the time of the enactment of this Part 7.4.13 is considered nonconforming and may remain. A nonconforming sign may continue so long as it is not enlarged, replaced, or abandoned. If a nonconforming sign is removed for any reason, it may not be replaced. If fifty (50) percent or more of the sign area of a nonconforming sign is destroyed, the nonconforming sign may not be repaired or replaced and shall be removed.
   B.   Any nonconforming sign upgraded to incorporate an EMC component shall lose its legal nonconforming designation. Upgrading to an EMC will require the sign to comply with the provisions of this Part 7.4.13.
   C.   A nonconforming sign may continue in existence and function provided the sign is maintained in good condition.
   D.   An abandoned sign that is deemed to be in disrepair and structurally unsound with the potential to cause health, safety and welfare concerns must be removed and shall lose its nonconforming designation. (Ord. 23-03)
All new billboards shall comply with the following:
   A.   Purposes and Intent:
      1.   The purpose of this Section 7.4.1312 is to limit the impact of billboards on the community; to improve the appearance of the Interstate 25, Highway 24, Highway 24 bypass, and Municipal Airport entryway corridors; to enhance the urban design of the greater downtown area; to ensure compatibility between billboards and adjacent land uses; and to limit the impact that billboards have on sign clutter in the community. The City recognizes that billboards are a necessary and appropriate advertising medium, and that there are acceptable and viable locations for billboards within the community.
      2.   It is the intent of this Section 7.4.1312 to address the following specific concerns regarding the impact of billboards upon the community:
         a.   The citizens of Colorado Springs and others visiting or traveling through the City are very concerned about the urban design and visual integrity of the City.
         b.   Billboards are often incongruous with the City's natural setting and features due to their large-scale figures, numbers, letters, and colors.
         c.   A billboard can dominate the view from vehicles and interfere with the occupants' enjoyment of the City's natural setting and features.
         d.   A high concentration of billboards may create traffic safety problems and distract attention away from public safety signs.
         e.   Billboards of excessive size or height should be downsized within a reasonable time period.
         f.   Billboards are incompatible with residential uses.
         g.   The Interstate 25, Highway 24, Highway 24 bypass, and Municipal Airport entryway corridors are major entryways to the City that are of particular importance in terms of urban design and public perception to citizens, visitors, and tourists.
         h.   The downtown planning area is an area in which urban design significantly influences the health and vitality of the total community.
   B.   Area, Height, and Face Standards: All billboards shall be constructed in accord with the Uniform Sign Code as set forth in this Part 7.4.13 and shall conform to the following standards:
      1.   Sign Area: New billboard faces and supporting framework shall not exceed the following sign areas:
         a.   New billboards shall be a maximum of two hundred and forty-five (245) square feet.
         b.   Replacement billboards, existing billboards four hundred (400) square feet or larger in face area may be replaced at a size up to four hundred (400) square feet; billboards with face areas less than four hundred (400) square feet and two hundred and forty-five (245) feet or greater shall be replaced at a size up to two hundred and forty-five (245) square feet. Existing billboards of less than two hundred and forty-five (245) square feet shall be restricted to their current size in the event they are relocated.
      2.   Height: Billboards shall not exceed the maximum height permitted for freestanding signs in the zone district in which they are located.
      3.   Faces: There shall be no more than two (2) billboard faces per supporting structure.
   C.   Location Standards: All billboards shall be located in accord with the following standards:
      1.   Zones: After the Effective Date, billboards shall be allowed as conditional uses in the following zones: MX-L, LI, GI, and BP.
      2.   Conditional Uses: All new billboards shall be required to obtain a conditional use permit in accord with Section 7.5.601 (Conditional Use Permit).
      3.   Location Standards:
         a.   Billboards shall be set back the same distance required for freestanding signs in the zone district in which they are located.
         b.   No billboard shall be placed on the roof of any building or structure.
         c.   No billboard shall cantilever over any building or structure.
      4.   Spacing Standards:
         a.   No billboards shall be spaced less than one thousand (1,000) feet from the nearest billboard, except billboards in GI zones shall be spaced no less than four hundred (400) feet from the nearest billboard. In determining the physical spacing of billboards, the City will consider existing billboards and approved conditional use billboard locations.
         b.   Distances between billboards shall be measured horizontally along the centerline of the street or highway to which the sign is directed as set forth in the figure below.
         c.   Only one billboard shall be placed within a radius of two hundred and fifty (250) feet from the center point of any street or highway intersection as set forth in the figure below.
         d.   No billboard shall be placed within five hundred (500) feet of any residential zone as set forth in the figure below.
      5.   Railroad Rights-of-way:
         a.   New billboards shall not be allowed to be placed within any railroad rights-of-way.
         b.   Existing billboards within a railroad right-of-way shall be grandfathered and allowed to remain in their current locations.
   D.   Maintenance and Discontinuance:
      1.   Maintenance: All sign supports, braces, guys, and anchors shall be kept in good repair. Faces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. The City shall notify the sign owner or its agent of any sign that is not in proper state of repair. If corrective action is not taken within thirty (30) days, the City official may order the removal of the sign.
      2.   Discontinuance: The Manager may order the removal of any billboard, without compensation, upon which the advertising or other message has been discontinued for more than sixty (60) continuous days. The billboard shall be removed by the owner within thirty (30) days of notification by the City.
   E.   Billboard Credit: Permits to erect new billboards shall only be issued to those persons possessing a "billboard credit."
      1.   Billboard Credit: Billboard credits shall be issued by the City to those billboard owners who have removed a previously existing, lawfully erected billboard after the Effective Date. It shall be the responsibility of the permit applicant to show the ownership, location, and date of removal of the billboard.
      2.   Credit Basis: Billboard credits shall be issued on a per face and per structure basis. One credit shall be issued for each billboard face removed and one credit for each structure removed. If a billboard is not located upon a separate supporting structure, the building or other structure to which the billboard is attached shall constitute a single structure for the purpose of receiving one credit.
         a.   No credit shall be granted for the partial removal of faces.
         b.   No credit shall be granted for the removal of billboard faces that are less than eighty-four (84) square feet.
      3.   Use of Billboard Credits: A billboard credit may only be used in a location that meets all standards of this UDC.
      4.   Transfer of Credits: Credits may be transferred between parties through legal means.
      5.   Size: Credits will allow billboards to be reconstructed in the following sizes:
         a.   A credit for a new four hundred (400) square foot billboard will be issued for billboards that are removed that are in excess of three hundred and ninety-nine (399) square feet.
         b.   A credit for a new two hundred and forty-five (245) square foot billboard will be issued for billboards that are removed that are between two hundred and forty-five (245) and three hundred and ninety-nine (399) square feet.
         c.   A credit will be issued for a new billboard of equal size for billboards that are removed that are less than two hundred and forty-five (245) square feet.
   F.   Downsizing:
      1.   Restricted Corridors: All existing billboards that are directed toward and visible from and within six hundred and sixty (660) feet of Interstate 25, Highway 24, Highway 24 bypass, and airport entryway (Powers Boulevard between Fountain Boulevard and Milton Proby Parkway, Airport Entrance Road between Powers Boulevard and the airport terminal) corridors shall be downsized as follows:
         a.    Billboards larger than four hundred (400) square feet in face area before December 31, 1996, shall not exceed four hundred (400) square feet.
         b.   Billboards containing between two hundred and forty-five (245) and three hundred and ninety-nine (399) square feet in face area before December 31, 1996, shall not exceed two hundred and forty-five (245) square feet.
      2.   Downtown Planning Area: All existing billboards within the area of the FBZ district, as shown on the map below, on the Effective Date shall be downsized as follows:
         a.   Billboards larger than four hundred (400) square feet in face area before December 31, 1996, shall not exceed four hundred (400) square feet.
         b.   Billboards containing at least two hundred and forty-five (245) and less than four hundred (400) square feet in face area before December 31, 1996, shall not exceed two hundred and forty-five (245) square feet.
      3.   Nonrestricted Areas: All existing billboards, in areas other than the restricted corridors or downtown planning area, shall be downsized as follows:
         a.   Billboards larger than four hundred (400) square feet in face area before December 31, 1996, shall not exceed four hundred (400) square feet.
         b.   Billboards containing between two hundred and forty-five (245) and less than four hundred (400) square feet in face area before December 31, 1996, shall not exceed two hundred and forty-five (245) square feet.
   G.   Cap on Number of Billboards:
      1.   Restricted Corridors and Downtown Planning Area: There shall be a cap on the number of billboards within the restricted corridors or Interstate 25, Highway 24, Highway 24 bypass, Powers Boulevard (between Fountain Boulevard and Milton Proby Parkway) and the airport entrance road (between Powers Boulevard and the airport terminal) as well as within the downtown planning area. No new billboards shall be allowed within these areas except with the removal of an existing billboard from the same corridor/area. Permits for new billboards within the restricted corridors or downtown planning area will only be issued to those persons possessing a "billboard credit" indicating they have removed a billboard from the same corridor or downtown planning area. All new billboards within restricted corridors or the downtown planning area shall comply with the design standards as set forth in this Section 7.4.1312.
      2.   Citywide Cap: There shall be a limit of two hundred and eight (208) total billboard locations within the corporate limits.
   H.   Exemptions: This Section 7.4.1312 shall not pertain to the following types of off premises signs:
      1.   State approved signs within Colorado State highway rights-of-way.
      2.   Signs approved by the revocable permit process as set forth in Chapter 3, Article 2, Part 2 of this Code.
      3.   Off premises temporary signs that comply with the provisions of Subsection 7.4.1307F (Temporary Sign Types Additional Criteria).
      4.   Signs announcing a "special event" as defined in Section 3.2.403 (Definitions) of this Code.
   I.   General Provisions: All billboards are subject to the applicable provisions for signs as set forth in this Part 7.4.13, except Section 7.4.1311 (Nonconforming and Abandoned Signs). All billboards are subject to the provisions set forth in Part 7.5.8 (Nonconformities) except that where any provision of this Part 7.4.13 imposes a more specific requirement than imposed by Part 7.5.8, then that specific requirement shall govern. (Ord. 23-03)
7.4.1401: Purpose
7.4.1402: Applicability
7.4.1403: Interpretation
7.4.1404: Code Adopted By Reference
7.4.1405: Street Numbering
7.4.1401: PURPOSE:
This Part 7.4.14 adopts the applicable Regional Building Code for construction, development, and redevelopment in the City, requires compliance with the Regional Building Code, and clarifies the relationship between the adopted Regional Building Code and other portions of this UDC. (Ord. 23-03)
The Regional Building Code as adopted in this Part 7.4.14 shall apply to every building or structure the use of which the City has jurisdiction and authority to regulate. (Ord. 23-03)
The Regional Building Code shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the local building regulations contained in the Regional Building Code. (Ord. 23-03)