A. Purpose: The purpose of this Section 7.4.911 is to provide credit for the conservation of existing natural, healthy vegetation on development sites, which helps to preserve natural ecosystems.
B. Credit:
1. An applicant required to install landscaping pursuant to this Part 7.4.9 shall receive credit for preserving existing significant trees and vegetation against all tree planting requirements that would otherwise apply in this Part 7.4.9.
2. Trees and existing vegetation that the applicant proposes to retain shall be indicated on the landscape plan.
3. Existing trees and vegetation shall not be invasive and not be dead or dying. They shall be credited towards required landscaping as follows:
a. Deciduous Trees: A credit of one (1) tree per every one-and-one-half (1 ½) inch in caliper DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) of an existing qualified deciduous or ornamental tree.
b. Evergreen Trees: A credit of one tree per every six (6) feet in height of an existing qualified evergreen tree.
c. Shrubs: A credit of one shrub for each existing qualified shrub.
C. Tree Retention Standards: Specifications, plans, and construction practices regarding the retention of significant vegetation on development sites shall comply with the standards in the Landscape Policy Manual. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Landscape and Irrigation Installation and Verification Requirement:
1. Except as provided in Subsection B below, all landscaping, irrigation systems, and other site work shown on the approved Landscape Plan and Irrigation Plan shall be properly installed and stabilized against soil erosion or financially assured as follows:
a. In the case of a double frontage lot streetscape requirement or common area, installation and stabilization shall occur, or assurance shall be provided, before a Building Permit is issued;
b. In the case of a conversion of vacant land to a nonresidential use that does not involve the construction of a structure, assurance shall be provided before a final Development Plan is approved; or
c. For all other development, installation and stabilization shall occur, or assurance shall be provided, before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued;
2. In the WUI-O district, each lot containing a residential use shall complete a fire inspection before a Certificate of Occupancy may be issued.
B. Deferral of Landscape or Irrigation Installation: When all or some portion of the required landscaping, irrigation system, or other site work cannot be installed due to seasonal conditions that would jeopardize the health of plant materials or prohibit the installation of the irrigation system or plant materials, or due to the unavailability of plant material or construction activities, the owner or developer may make the following arrangements in order to secure a Certificate of Occupancy:
1. An acceptable assurance shall be posted with the Manager. Acceptable assurances shall include cash; cashiers, certified, company, or personal checks; certificates of deposit; irrevocable letters of credit, and/or subdivision bonds. The assurance shall be accompanied by a description of the uncompleted landscaping, irrigation system (including dedicated irrigation meter if required), and/or any required private site improvement(s) identified by the Manager, plus labor charge. A cost estimate or contractor's executed bid of the cost required to complete the work shall be provided. The assurance shall be an amount equal to the cost estimate.
2. The owner or developer shall agree in writing that the owner or developer and any successors or assign, shall complete the required landscaping, irrigation system, and/or site work within one (1) year or less from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.
3. The owner or developer agree that the assurance will not be released until all of the required landscaping, irrigation system, and/or site work has been installed and verified by City staff to comply with this Part 7.4.9. The following standards must be met:
a. The owner or developer shall provide current signed and executed landscape and irrigation affidavits and soil receipts showing installed soil amendments.
b. The City staff's verification shall occur during the active growing season. The Manager shall determine the dates when inspections will stop for the year and start the following spring. (Ord. 23-03)
A. The Manager may approve alternative types or designs of landscaping, buffering, and screening requirements, unless specifically prohibited for that type of property, building, or use in this UDC, if the Manager determines that the alternative provide at least equivalent quality, visual appeal, screening,
effectiveness, durability, hardiness, and performance to the specific requirements of this Part 7.4.9 the proposed alternatives and/or adjustments are consistent with requirements and guidance and requirements listed in the Landscape Policy Manual.
B. On residential lots in the WUI-O district, all alternatives and adjustments to landscaping shall be approved by the Fire Code Official. (Ord. 23-03)
7.4.1001: Purpose
7.4.1002: Applicability And Exemptions
7.4.1003: Parking Space Requirements By Use
7.4.1004: Compact Lot Guest Parking
7.4.1005: Adjustments To Minimum Motor Vehicle Parking Requirements
7.4.1006: Accessible Parking Space Requirements
7.4.1007: Off-Street Bicycle Parking Spaces Required
7.4.1008: Parking Location And Design
7.4.1009: Off-Street Loading Location And Design
7.4.1010: Stacking Lanes For Drive-Through Facilities
7.4.1011: Parking, Loading, And Stacking Area Maintenance
The purpose of this Part 7.4.10 is to ensure the provision, location, and design of off-street parking and loading areas to accommodate the parking and loading of motor vehicles, while also supporting the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users and implementing the goals and policies of the Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Applicability: Unless otherwise stated in this UDC, off-street parking and maneuvering areas that conform to this Part 7.4.10 shall be provided for:
1. A newly constructed building or new use on previously vacant land;
2. All uses in an existing building that is being enlarged by more than fifteen (15) percent of its current gross floor area;
3. All uses in a building when any use is changed and the newly approved use requires more than fifteen (15) percent more parking spaces than the previously approved use; and
4. Any change in use that would result in increased parking demand for any property where the minimum parking requirements from Table 7.4.10-A were reduced pursuant to Subsections 7.4.1005D (On-Street Parking Credit) through 7.4.1005L (Green Infrastructure).
B. Exemptions: The areas described below are exempted from the provision of the minimum number of off-street parking spaces as required by this Part 7.4.10.
1. FBZ Exempt Area: The provision of off-street parking is not required in the area shown to the right, which corresponds to the boundaries of the FBZ districts on the Effective Date. Any off-street parking provided shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

2. Old Colorado City Exempt Area: Provision of off-street parking is not required in the mapped Old Colorado City area shown to the right. Any off-street parking provided shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

3. Older and Historic Property Exemption:
a. Certain older and historic properties do not need to provide off-street parking for the existing building or for expansions of such buildings by less than two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
b. To qualify for this exemption, the property must meet at least two (2) of the following criteria:
(1) Constructed at least fifty (50) years ago;
(2) Listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places; or
(3) Located in a City of Colorado Springs Historic Preservation Overlay.
c. Any off-street parking existing on the lot or parcel on the Effective Date may not be reduced. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces: Each development shall provide at least the minimum number of off-street motor vehicle parking spaces for the uses included in that development as listed in Table 7.4.10-A.
B. Calculation of Required Parking Spaces:
1. Area Measurements: Unless otherwise provided in this UDC, all square footage-based parking and loading standards shall be calculated on the basis of gross floor area. For outdoor areas, calculations shall be based on the portion of the site actually being used for the specified use.
2. Fractions: When the calculation of the required off-street parking spaces results in a fraction, the requirement shall be measured in accord with Section 7.6.202 (Fractions).
3. Unlisted Uses: The required off-street parking spaces for a use which is not specifically listed in Table 7.4.10-A shall be determined by the Manager based upon the requirements of other listed similar uses.
Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements
DU= Dwelling Unit GFA = Gross Floor Area N/A = Not Applicable | |
Use Types | Minimum Spaces |
Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements
DU= Dwelling Unit GFA = Gross Floor Area N/A = Not Applicable | |
Use Types | Minimum Spaces |
Household Living | |
Dwelling, Single-family Detached | 2 per DU |
Dwelling, Single-family Attached | |
Dwelling, Two-family (duplex) | |
Dwelling, Multi-family [1] | Studio or one-bedroom: 1 per DU Two bedrooms: 1.5 per DU Three or more bedrooms: 2 per DU |
Dwelling, Live/Work Unit | 2 per DU |
Manufactured Home | 1 per manufactured home space |
Manufactured Home Park | 1 per manufactured home space |
Short Term Rental | No requirement |
Tiny House Community | 1 per DU |
Group Living
| |
Group Cooperative Living | 1 per 8 beds |
Group Living Residence | 1 per 3 beds |
Human Services Establishment, Small | 1 per 8 beds |
Human Services Establishment, Medium | |
Human Services Establishment, Large | |
Long-term Care Facility | 1 per 6 resident beds |
Adult or Child Day Care, Large | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Adult or Child Day Care Center, Small | |
Cemetery | No requirement |
Club, Lodge, and Service Organization | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Correctional Facility/Juvenile Detention Facility | Per development plan |
Detoxification Center | 1 per 8 beds |
Funeral Services | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA or 1 space per 4 seats in main assembly area, whichever is greater |
Hospice | 1 per 8 beds |
Hospital | 2 per bed |
Human Services Shelter | 1 plus 1 per 8 beds |
Library, Museum, or Cultural Facility | 1 per 750 sf of GFA |
Park | Determined by Park Board |
Public Safety Services | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Religious Institution | 1 per 6 seats in main assembly area |
School, Elementary, or Secondary | Elementary or Junior High: 1 per 20 students maximum capacity Senior High: 1 per 6 students maximum capacity |
School, Higher Education | 1 per 500 sf of GFA of classroom, research, and library area, plus 1 per 6 seats in largest assembly area |
Natural Medicine | |
Natural Medicine Cultivation Facility | Gross and Process: 1 per 5,000 sf |
Natural Medicine Products Manufacturer | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Natural Medicine Testing Center | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Agriculture and Animal-Related Uses
| |
Agricultural Production | No requirement |
Agricultural Sales and Service | 1 per 750 sf of GFA |
Animal Care Facility | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Commercial Feedlot | No requirement |
Greenhouse | No requirement |
Small Animal Clinic | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Stable | No requirement |
Urban Agriculture | No requirement |
Eating, Drinking, and Lodging
| |
Adult Entertainment | 1 per 300 sf of GFA Outdoor Seating Area: If outdoor seating area is less than 20% of the size of the indoor seating area, then no additional parking is required. If outdoor seating area is greater than 20% of the indoor seating area, then additional parking required is 1 per 350 sfa |
Bar | |
Bed and Breakfast | 1 per 2 guestrooms or suites |
Campground or Recreational Vehicle Park | 1 per recreational vehicle space |
Commissary Kitchen | 1 per 750 sf of GFA |
Hookah Bar | 1 per 300 sf of GFA |
Hotel or Motel | 0.5 per guest room, plus 1 per 300 sf of GFA of restaurant or bar space plus 1 per 10 seat of meeting space |
Micro-brewery, Micro-winery, or Micro-distillery | Indoor Seating Area: 1 per 300 sf of GFA Outdoor Seating Area: If outdoor seating area is less than 20% of the size of the indoor seating area, then no additional parking is required. If outdoor seating area is greater than 20% of the indoor seating area, then additional parking required is 1 per 350 sf |
Restaurant | |
Rooming or Boarding House | 0.5 per bed |
Entertainment and Recreation
| |
Entertainment or Recreation, Indoor | Theaters or similar uses: 1 per 6 seats in assembly areas All other uses: 1 per 500 sf of GFA |
Entertainment or Recreation, Outdoor | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Semipublic Community Recreation | No requirement |
Stadium or Auditorium | 1 per 4 seats in main assembly area |
Heavy Commercial, Storage, and Industry
| |
Construction Sales and Services | 1 per 750 sf of GFA plus 1 space per commercial vehicle generally stored on-site |
Heavy Industry | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Junkyard | No requirement |
Light Industry | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Mining and Mineral Extraction | No requirement |
Self-storage | 1 per 400 GFA of office area |
Special Industry | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Stockyard | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Warehousing and Wholesaling | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Industrial Hemp
| |
Industrial Hemp Products Manufacturer - Nonhazardous | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Industrial Hemp Products Manufacturer - Hazardous | |
Industrial Hemp Cultivation Facility | Grow and Process: 1 per 5,000 sf |
Marijuana-related Services
| |
Marijuana Consumption Club Facility | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facility | Grow and Process: 1 per 5,000 sf |
Medical Marijuana Products Manufacturer-Nonhazardous | 1 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Medical Marijuana Products Manufacturer-Hazardous | |
Medical Marijuana Store | Retail: 1 per 300 sf of GFA Office: 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
| |
Medical Office | 1 per 300 sf of GFA |
Office | 1 per 500 sf of GFA Additional standards in Section 7.3.303H |
Vocational or Skills Education | 3 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Retail Sales and Services
| |
Adult Retail | 1 per 350 sf of GFA |
Commercial Center | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Liquor Sales | 1 per 350 sf of GFA |
Personal or Business Service, Large | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Personal or Business Service, Small | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Retail Sales, Large | 1 per 500 sf of GFA |
Retail Sales, Medium | 1 per 400 sf of GFA |
Retail Sales, Small | 1 per 350 sf of GFA |
| |
Airport | Per Development Plan |
Light Vehicle Staging Area | No requirement |
Parking Lot | Per Development Plan |
Parking Structure | Per Development Plan |
Railroad Facility | No requirement |
Transit Station | Per Development Plan |
Transportation Terminal | Per Development Plan |
Truck Terminal | 1 per 500 sf of GFA |
Utilities and Communication
| |
Broadcasting Tower | No requirement |
Utility, Major | Per Development Plan |
Utility, Minor | |
WCF, Eligible Facility Request | No requirement |
WCF, Nonstealth Freestanding Facility | No requirement |
WCF, Roof/building mount on multi-family, institutional or nonresidential buildings | No requirement |
WCF, Roof/building mount on single- and two-family dwellings | No requirement |
WCF, Small Cell Facility | No requirement |
WCF, Stealth Freestanding Facility | No requirement |
Vehicle Related
| |
Automobile and Light Vehicle Repair, Minor | 1 per 350 sq. ft. of indoor sales/leasing/office area; plus 1 per service bay |
Automobile and Light Vehicle Repair, Major | |
Automobile and Light Vehicle Sales and Rental | |
Automobile and Light Vehicle Storage | |
Fuel Dispensing Station | 1 per 300 sf of GFA; fuel pump spaces and any parking spaces under the canopy shall not count toward meeting the minimum required parking |
Heavy Vehicle and Equipment Sales and Rental | 1 per 400 sq. ft. of GFA plus 1 per service bay |
Heavy Vehicle and Equipment Repair | |
Heavy Vehicle Storage | |
Waste and Recycling
| |
Landfill | 1 per 100 sf of office space |
Recycling Collection Center, Large | 1 per 1,000 sf |
Recycling Collection Center, Small | No requirement |
Recycling Processing Center | 1 per 400 sf |
Waste Transfer Station | 1 per 1,000 sf |
Antenna or Satellite Dish, Accessory | No requirement |
Beehive, Accessory | |
Carport or Garage, Accessory | |
Construction Office or Yard, Temporary | |
Drive-through, Accessory | No requirement |
Dwelling, Accessory | Per standards in Subsection 7.3.304E |
Electric Vehicle Charging | No requirement |
Family Suite, Accessory | Per standards in Subsection 7.3.304G |
Garage Sale, Temporary | No requirement |
Geothermal Energy Equipment, Accessory | |
Greenhouse, Accessory | |
Home Adult or Child Day Care, Large, Accessory | 1 per DU |
Home Adult or Child Day Care, Small, Accessory | No requirement |
Home Occupation, Accessory | |
Marijuana, Home Cultivation, Accessory | |
Mobile Vending Truck, Temporary | |
Office or Bank Facility, Temporary | 2 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Outdoor Display of Goods, Accessory | No requirement |
Outdoor Display of Goods, Temporary | |
Outdoor Festival or Amusement, Temporary | 2 per 1,000 sf of site area where attendees circulate, participate, or watch activities |
Outdoor Seating or Dining, Accessory | If accessory to a bar or restaurant: If outdoor seating area is less than 20% of the size of the indoor seating area, then no additional parking is required. If outdoor seating area is greater than 20% of the indoor seating area, then additional parking required is 1 per 350 sf For other uses: No requirement |
Outdoor Storage, Accessory | No requirement |
Playhouse, Accessory | |
Real Estate Sales or Business Office, Temporary | 2 per 1,000 sf of GFA |
Solar Collector, Accessory | No requirement |
Swimming Pool, Accessory | |
Transit Shelter, Accessory | |
Vendor in Commercial Retail Center, Temporary | |
Wind Energy System, Accessory | |
(Ord. 23-03; Ord. 24-108)