The Mayor shall examine, or cause to be examined, the books and affairs of any person, persons or corporations operating public service utilities which are required by law, by Charter or by ordinance to make reports to the City or any of its officers. The Mayor shall collect all franchise taxes, payments in lieu of taxes, rental or other monies which may be due or become due to the City from public utility corporations. The Mayor shall report to the Council any refusal to permit an examination, and make any related recommendation as the Mayor deems proper. (Ord. 11-18)
The Mayor shall have the power to investigate and examine or inquire into the affairs or operations of any department, division, agency or office of Municipal operations and Municipal enterprises under the Mayor's supervision and control, and to request the assistance of the City Auditor and the City Attorney. (Ord. 11-18; Ord. 17-82)
A. The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations consistent with the terms of:
1. Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC sections 2000d et seq., 2000e et seq.;
2. The Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, 5 USC sections 1304, 3371 et seq.; 42 USC section 4701 et seq.;
3. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 29 USC section 621 et seq.;
4. Executive Orders 11246 (September 24, 1964), 11375 (October 13, 1967) and 11625 (October 13, 1971), and other Federal and/or State Statutes, executive orders and rules and regulations passed, issued and promulgated to prohibit employment discrimination and to ensure equal employment opportunity.
B. Rules and regulations adopted by the Mayor shall be applicable to all contractors and subcontractors of the City employing more than fifteen (15) employees whether or not Federal contract money or assistance is involved. An Affirmative Action Administrator for the City shall be directly responsible to the Mayor and shall have the primary responsibility for ensuring that contractors who are awarded contracts by the City meet all applicable rules and regulations of the City as well as all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of Federal contracts with the City. (Ord. 11-18)
A. The Mayor shall establish administrative departments, divisions, offices or agencies, in addition to those created by the Charter, necessary for the efficient administration of the Municipal government and to prescribe the functions of all administrative departments, divisions, offices and agencies. No function assigned by the Charter to a particular administrative department, division, office or agency may be discontinued or assigned to any other administrative department unless the Charter specifically provides. The Mayor shall in the annual budget submit to City Council the administrative organization chart which shows all positions directly reporting to the Mayor. The Mayor shall also promulgate as deemed necessary the duties and functions of the administrative departments, divisions, offices or agencies within the City.
B. Pursuant to City Charter section 5-10, City Council expressly reserves the right, for purposes of budget administration, to establish appropriation departments in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance. (Ord. 11-18; Ord. 17-80)
A. The Mayor shall have the power and duty to approve and execute, by signature, all contracts of, or on behalf of, the City, subject only to approval as to form by the City Attorney's Office in accord with section 1.2.404 of this article.
B. It shall be the Mayor's duty to ensure that all City contracts are procured in compliance with the requirements of this Code and any related rules and regulations approved by City Council.
C. The Mayor shall see that the terms and conditions imposed in favor of the City, and in the best interests of the citizens, in any contract or agreements be faithfully kept and fully performed. Upon knowledge of any violation of a contract or agreement, the Mayor shall make a report to the City Attorney.
D. The Mayor may delegate, by administrative regulation, the Mayor's signatory authority for the approval and execution of contracts to the Mayoral appointees where the contractual matters fall within their area of responsibility. With the Mayor's prior approval, the Mayoral appointees may further delegate signatory authority for those purposes authorized by the Mayor.
E. No City contract shall be approved or executed under this section unless and until sufficient funds have been appropriated by the City Council and are available for the contract. (Ord. 11-18)
The Mayor shall have the power and authority to promulgate administrative regulations consistent with the provisions of the Charter or this Code concerning matters that are applicable to all Municipal operations including departments, divisions, offices, agencies and Municipal enterprises. Subject to the Mayor's consent and delegation of authority, Mayoral appointees and department Directors or Managers may promulgate rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of the Charter and this Code for the administration of their areas of responsibility. The City Attorney shall maintain a record of all Mayoral administrative regulations, including those which have been rescinded or are no longer effective. (Ord. 11-18)
During temporary or short term absences from the City during which the Mayor is unable to perform the duties of the office, and subject to the provisions of the City Charter and this section, the Mayor may delegate the Mayor's administrative and executive authority to a Mayoral appointee. The following duties, powers and authority of the Office of Mayor shall not be delegated during a temporary or short term absence:
A. The Mayor's authority to approve or disapprove ordinances pursuant to Charter subsection 3-70(e).
B. The Mayor's authority to execute legal instruments including deeds and easements, except to the extent Council has delegated that authority to another officer or staff member by resolution in accord with the "Procedure Manual for the Acquisition and Disposition of Real Property Interests" 1 .
C. The Mayor's authority to take command of the police and govern the City by proclamation in times of public danger or emergency, except to the extent this authority has been delegated to an elective officer by ordinance.
D. The Mayor's duty to prepare and submit any report to the citizens or Council as required by Charter.
E. The Mayor's authority to appoint temporary replacement members on the Title Board pursuant to subsection 5.1.407E of this Code. (Ord. 11-18; Ord. 18-102)
1 | 1. See section 7.7.1803 of this Code. |