It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator of a mechanical or electrical mechanical amusement device to cause, permit within 300 feet of the nearest street entrance to or exit from any public or private school of elementary or high school grades, such 300 feet to be measured from the entrance or exit in the most direct line or route on, along or across such street adjacent to such public or private school.
(`83 Code, § 5-904) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any mechanical amusement device in the Town without having first obtained a permit for each device from the Town Clerk.
(`83 Code, § 5-906) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Application for the permit required by this subchapter shall be made to the Town Clerk on forms provided, shall be signed by the applicant and shall contain the following information and such additional information as is deemed necessary by the Town Clerk:
(1) Name and address of applicant;
(2) Name and address of the location where the mechanical amusement device is to be placed for operation;
(3) The nature of any business or calling being conducted at said location, together with the name of the owner and operator of the business and the owner of said machine, if different;
(4) The number of mechanical amusement devices in place or to be placed by the permit holder at that location.
(B) The application may be made for a permit to place more than one mechanical amusement device at the same location, but no single application may include more than one location.
(`83 Code, § 5-907)
The original and one copy of each application for a permit under the provisions of this subchapter shall be submitted to the Town Clerk or designee for approval; if approval is granted, a fee of $25 for each electrical mechanical amusement device and each nonelectrical amusement device shall be paid to the Town Clerk, who shall stamp the approved application and copy “fee paid” and return the original to the applicant and maintain the copy in file.
(`83 Code, § 5-908)
(A) Upon receipt of the application for a permit under this subchapter, the Town Clerk (or designee) and the electrical inspector shall conduct an inspection to the proposed location within 24 hours (working day), the proposed installation and the machine itself to determine if the mechanical amusement device meets the requirements of this chapter.
(B) The Town inspectors may, at the time, make additional inspections of the premises to insure compliance with these regulations. The inspection of the machine shall not be construed as to require internal inspection of the machine.
(`83 Code, § 5-909)
Upon completion of inspection by the Town Clerk and electrical inspector, the Town Clerk shall cause a permit to issue forthwith, unless:
(A) The applicant is not of good moral character. Good moral character shall be defined, for the purpose herein, as not having been convicted of a violation of a federal statute, state statute or any local ordinance involving vice or moral turpitude within the preceding ten years;
(B) The location for which the permit is sought is currently subject to a suspension or revocation of permit issued under this chapter; and/or
(C) The inspection by the Town Clerk and/or electrical inspector reveals a violation of this chapter. Any person aggrieved by the action of the Town Clerk in denying the permit shall have the right of appeal to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Collierville, provided such appeal is perfected within ten days from such denial.
(`83 Code, § 5-910)