General Business Regulations
110.01 Going out of business sales
110.02 Garage, yard or rummage sales
110.03 Central Business Improvement District I
110.04 Central Business Improvement District II
110.05 Sidewalk sales and display events
Transient Vendors
110.20 to 110.22 Reserved
110.23 Mobile frozen dessert vehicles
Door-to-Door Solicitation
110.30 Purpose
110.31 Definitions
110.32 Exemptions
110.33 All solicitation prohibited by posting of “No Solicitation” or “No Trespassing” sign or town no-solicitation sticker
110.34 No-solicitation list
110.35 Permit and identification badge required for all commercial solicitors
110.36 Application for permit
110.37 Investigation of applicant; issuance of permit and identification badge(s)
110.38 Duration of permit; renewal
110.39 Persons prohibited
110.40 Denial of permit
110.41 Revocation or suspension of identification badge
110.42 Nonrenewal or revocation of permit
110.43 Emergency summary suspension of identification badge or permit
110.44 Appeals for denial or revocation of permit; hearings
110.45 Duty to display identification badge and to exhibit permit
110.46 Limitations on all solicitation
110.47 Limitations on commercial solicitation
110.48 False or deceptive representations prohibited
110.49 Records
110.50 Administrative regulations
110.98 Enforcement
110.99 Penalty
It shall be unlawful for any person to falsely represent a sale as being a going out of business sale. A GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE, for the purposes of this section, shall be a fire sale, bankrupt sale or any other sale made in anticipation of the termination of a business at its present location. When any person, after advertising a going out of business sale, adds to his or her stock or fails to go out of business within 90 days, he or she shall prima facie be deemed to have violated this section.
(`83 Code, § 5-101) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) Not more than two garage, yard, or rummage sales may be held at the same location in a residential zoning district during the period of a calendar year (January through December).
(B) (1) Any person, persons or groups holding a garage, yard, or rummage sale in violation of the provisions of this section shall immediately cease and desist from such activity when directed to do so by the Code Enforcement Officer or Chief of Police.
(2) Any person, persons or groups holding a garage, yard, or rummage sale in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed in violation of a municipal ordinance and shall be subjected to the general penalty prescribed by law.
(`83 Code, § 5-102) (Ord. 95-06, passed 5-8-95; Am. Ord. 2005-04, passed 3-28-05; Am. Ord. 2010-01, passed 8-23-10) Penalty, see § 110.99