   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Nothing in the following definitions shall apply to machines placed in homes for non-commercial purposes.
   ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICES. Any mechanical amusement device as heretofore defined which is fitted for electrical service or with internal wiring capable of carrying or transmitting current, regardless whether the current is used to operate mechanical components, power lights or perform other functions.
   MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICE. Any device which, upon insertion of a coin, slug or token in any slot or receptacle attached to such machine or connected therewith, operates or which may be operated for use as a game, contest or amusement or may be used for any such game, contest or amusement and which does not contain a pay off device for the return of slugs, money, coins, checks, tokens or merchandise; provided however, machines for the playing of music are specifically exempted from this definition.
   NON-ELECTRIC MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICES. Those mechanical amusement devices which are not so fitted.
   OPERATOR. The person in whose place of business any such mechanical amusement device is placed for the use, amusement, patronage or recreation of the public or of persons in or about such place.
   OWNER. The owner of such mechanical amusement device who operates or permits the same to be played or operated in his or her place of business or in any place under his or her control. OWNER shall also include one who installs or maintains the devices in any place where the same can be played or operated by persons or about such place.
(`83 Code, § 5-901)
   Every mechanical amusement device shall have a serial number. This may be a seal, a stamped plate, stamped to the cabinet or frame or tag permanently attached thereto showing the serial number of the device.
(`83 Code, § 5-902)
   (A)   Every electrical device shall have attached or stamped thereto a label indicating the name of the manufacturer and the voltage and current necessary for the proper operation of such device.
   (B)   The owner, as defined in § 114.01, shall maintain a current listing of all amusement device manufacturers and company addresses for those machines he or she owns or operates. This listing shall be made available to the Town upon request.
   (C)   Each portable mechanical amusement device wired for electricity shall be equipped with an electrical cord of a type approved by the Town Electrical Inspector and shall be connected to a convenient plug receptacle adjacent to such mechanical amusement device.
   (D)   Where it is necessary to install electrical wiring to a mechanical amusement device location, such wiring shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code.
(`83 Code, § 5-903)
   It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator of a mechanical or electrical mechanical amusement device to cause, permit within 300 feet of the nearest street entrance to or exit from any public or private school of elementary or high school grades, such 300 feet to be measured from the entrance or exit in the most direct line or route on, along or across such street adjacent to such public or private school.
(`83 Code, § 5-904) Penalty, see § 10.99