Amusement Devices
114.01 Definitions
114.02 Seal or tag to show serial number
114.03 Special requirements for electrical devices
114.04 Location near schools prohibited; exception
114.05 Machines exempt from provisions
114.06 Permit
114.07 Filing and contents of application
114.08 Permit fee
114.09 Inspections
114.10 Town Clerk to issue permit or investigate application; appeals
114.11 Numbering
114.12 Posting
114.13 Transfer prohibited
114.14 Permit covers owner of device and owner of premises
114.15 Renewal
114.16 Suspension or revocation
Pool Rooms
114.30 Prohibited in residential areas
114.31 Hours of operation regulated
114.32 Minors to be kept out; exception
114.33 Gambling and the like not to be allowed
114.99 Penalty