9-6-25: DENSITY:
   A.   The maximum density of mobile homes shall be regulated by separation requirements, occupied lot area ratios and recreation area requirements as set forth in this standard. Density will vary considerably in accommodating different sizes of mobile home units with its accessory structures used in the locality and in the type of layout proposed.
   B.   No mobile home shall be located closer than twenty feet (20') from any other mobile home or permanent building within the mobile home development.
   C.   Mobile home stands shall not occupy an area in excess of one- third (1/3) of the respective lot area. The accumulated occupied area of the mobile home and its accessory structures on a mobile home lot shall not exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the respective lot area. (Ord. 84-9)
Not less than eight percent (8%) of the gross site area shall be devoted to recreational facilities, generally provided in a central location. Recreation areas may include parks, playgrounds, space for community buildings and community use facilities, such as indoor recreation areas, swimming pools, hobby shops and service buildings. If construction of developments is in stages, then recreation areas shall be proportionately developed. (Ord. 84-9)
   A.   All mobile homes shall be located at least twenty five feet (25') from any park property boundary line abutting upon a public street or highway, and at least fifteen feet (15') from other park property boundary lines.
   B.   There shall be a minimum distance of ten feet (10') between the mobile home stand and the abutting park street.
   C.   The mobile home shall maintain a minimum distance of ten feet (10') from the side and rear lines of a mobile home space.
   D.   Accessory buildings may be located at least five feet (5') from the rear and side lines of a mobile home space, and must be at least twenty feet (20') from a front line and ten feet (10') from a corner line.
   E.   All mobile home developments located adjacent to industrial or commercial land uses shall be provided with screening, such as fences or natural growth along the property boundary line separating the development and such adjacent nonresidential uses.
   F.   Mobile homes are limited to a maximum height of twenty feet (20'). Other structures in the mobile home park are limited to two (2) stories, and thirty feet (30'). (Ord. 2017-03, 3-7-2017)
9-6-28: STREETS:
   A.   Entrance Streets: Entrances to mobile home developments shall have direct connections to a public street and shall be designed to allow free movement of traffic on such adjacent public streets. No parking shall be permitted on the entrance street for a distance of one hundred feet (100') from its point of beginning.
   B.   Circulation: The street system should provide convenient circulation by means of residential streets and properly located collector streets. Dead end streets shall be limited in length to five hundred feet (500') and their closed end shall be provided with an adequate turnaround (80 feet diameter cul-de-sac).
   C.   Pavement Widths: Pavements should be of adequate widths to accommodate the contemplated parking and traffic load in accordance with the type of street, with ten feet (10') minimum moving lanes and eight feet (8') minimum lanes for parallel parking, and in all cases shall meet the following minimum requirements:
      1.   Collector streets and residential streets: Twenty eight feet (28').
      2.   Street widths are from back to back of curb.
   D.   Street Grades: Grades of all streets shall be sufficient to ensure adequate surface drainage, but should not be more than eight percent (8%).
   E.   Intersections: Street intersections should generally be at right angles. Offsets at intersections and intersections of more than two (2) streets at one point should be avoided.
   F.   Extent Of Improvements: All streets shall be constructed with materials and thicknesses that comply with city standards and specifications. The streets shall have curb and gutter on both sides.
   G.   Streetlights: Lighting shall be designed to produce a minimum of 0.1 foot-candle throughout the street system. Potentially hazardous locations, such as major street intersections and steps or stepped ramps shall be individually illuminated with a minimum of 0.3 foot-candle. (Ord. 84-9)
9-6-29: SIDEWALKS:
   A.   Required: Sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of residential streets and on the side of collector streets that are adjacent to mobile homes.
   B.   Construction: Sidewalks shall be constructed to city standards and specifications. (Ord. 84-9)
   A.   General: The limits of each mobile home lot should be marked on the ground by suitable means. Location of lot limits on the ground should be the same as shown on accepted plans. A lot shall have a minimum of four thousand (4,000) square feet.
   B.   Mobile Home Stands: The mobile home stand shall be improved to provide adequate support for the placement and tie down of the mobile home. The stand shall not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting on the structure. Anchors or tie downs, if provided, such as cast in place concrete "dead men", eyelets imbedded in concrete screw augers or arrow head anchors, shall be placed at least at each corner of the mobile home stand and each device shall be able to sustain a minimum load of four thousand eight hundred (4,800) pounds.
   C.   Driveways: Improved driveways should be provided on lots where necessary for convenient access to mobile homes. The minimum width shall be ten feet (10').
   D.   Parking Spaces: The design criteria for automobile parking shall be based upon two (2) parking spaces for each mobile home lot. Parking may be in tandem.
   E.   Outdoor Living Area: Each mobile home lot should be provided with an outdoor living and service area. Such area should be improved as necessary to assure reasonable privacy and comfort. The minimum area should be not less than three hundred (300) square feet.
   F.   Accessory Structures: Accessory structures remain per definition provided in section 9-6-1 of this chapter, dependent upon the mobile home and shall not be used as complete independent living units with permanent provisions for sleeping, cooking and sanitation. Such structures shall be erected, constructed or occupied on a mobile home lot as directed by the management of the mobile home development, as required by applicable national, state or local standards and as specified herein:
      1.   Accessory structures shall be designed in a manner that will enhance the appearance of the mobile home development.
      2.   Accessory structures shall not obstruct required openings for light and ventilation of the mobile home and shall not prevent inspection of mobile home equipment and utility connections.
      3.   Construction and electrical installations shall comply with city standards and specifications.
      4.   Electrical circuits supplying the accessory structure shall be independent of the circuit supplying the mobile home. (Ord. 84-9)
   A.   General Requirements: An accessible, adequate, safe and potable supply of water shall be provided in each mobile home development. Where a public supply of water of satisfactory quantity, quality and pressure is available at the site or at the boundary of the site, connection shall be made thereto and its supply used exclusively. When a satisfactory public water supply is not available, a private water supply system may be developed and used as approved by the health authority.
   B.   Water Distribution System:
      1.   Public distribution systems intended to be operated and maintained by the enforcing agency shall be constructed in accordance with standards and specifications of the enforcing agency.
      2.   Private distribution systems intended to be operated and maintained by the mobile home community management shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the health authority.
      3.   Fire hydrants shall be located within two hundred fifty feet (250') of any mobile home, service building or other structure in the development.
   C.   Individual Water Riser Pipes And Connections:
      1.   Individual water riser pipes shall be located within the area of the mobile home stand and approximately thirty feet (30') from the front of such stand.
      2.   Water riser pipes shall extend at least four inches (4") above ground elevation. The pipe diameter shall be at least three- fourths inch (3/4"). The water outlet shall be capped when a mobile home does not occupy the lot.
      3.   Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of service lines, valves and riser pipes and to protect risers from heaving and thawing actions of ground during freezing weather. Surface drainage shall be diverted from the location of the riser pipe.
      4.   A shutoff valve below the frost line shall be provided near the water riser pipe on each mobile home lot. (Ord. 84-9)
   A.   General Requirements: An adequate and safe sewerage system shall be provided in all mobile home developments for conveying and disposing of all sewage. Wherever feasible, connection shall be made to a public system.
   B.   Sewerage Systems:
      1.   Public sewerage systems intended to be operated and maintained by the enforcing agency shall be constructed in accordance with standards and specifications of the enforcing agency.
      2.   Private sewerage systems intended to be operated and maintained by the mobile home community management shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the health authority.
   C.   Individual Sewer Connections:
      1.   Each mobile home stand shall be provided with a four inch (4") diameter sewer riser pipe. The sewer riser pipe shall be located within the area of the mobile home stand, and approximately forty feet (40') from the front of such stand.
      2.   Provisions shall be made for sealing the sewer riser pipe when a mobile home does not occupy the lot. Surface drainage shall be diverted away from the riser. The rim of the riser pipe shall extend at least four inches (4") above ground elevation.
   D.   Sewerage Treatment And/Or Discharge: Where the sewer lines of the mobile home development are not connected to a public sewer, all proposed sewage disposal facilities shall be private, and constructed and operated by the mobile home community management and shall be approved by the health authority prior to construction. Effluents from sewage treatment facilities shall be discharged only as permitted by the health authority. (Ord. 84-9)
A design for solid waste collection system shall be submitted by the mobile home community management to the enforcing agency with the initial application for a permit.
The same shall be reviewed and approved by the enforcing agency before the system is implemented. (Ord. 84-9)
The electrical distribution system shall be designed, constructed and operated in accordance with the applicable standards, specifications and regulations of the enforcing agency. (Ord. 84-9)
   A.   General: Gas equipment and installations within a mobile home development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable codes adopted by the supplying public utility company, which are on file with the Wyoming public service commission, and a copy on file at the utility company's local office.
   B.   Required Gas Supply: Gas piping shall be sized so as to assure an adequate supply of gas to each mobile home unit. All underground piping shall be, when required, black steel pipe of not less than standard weight (schedule 40), coated and wrapped (with approved wrap).
   C.   Installation: All gas piping installed belowground shall have a minimum earth cover of twenty four inches (24"). Gas piping shall not be installed under any mobile home.
   D.   System Shutoff Valve: A readily accessible and identified shutoff valve controlling the flow of gas to the entire gas piping system shall be installed near to point of connection to the service piping or supply connection of the liquefied petroleum gas tank.
   E.   Mobile Home Lot Shutoff Valve: Each mobile home lot shall have an approved gas shutoff valve installed upstream of the mobile home lot gas outlet and located on the outlet riser at a height of not less than four inches (4") above grade. Such valve shall not be located under any mobile home. Whenever the mobile home lot outlet is not in use, the outlet shall be equipped with an approved cap or plug to prevent accidental discharge of gas.
   F.   Mobile Home Connector: Each mobile home shall be connected to the mobile home lot outlet by an approved three-fourths inch (3/4") mobile home connector not more than six feet (6') in length. Approved pipe and fittings may be used between the flexible connector and the mobile home lot gas outlet when the distance between the mobile home lot gas outlet and the mobile home gas service connection exceeds that required to make a safe installation with only a mobile home connector.
   G.   Mechanical Protection: All gas outlet risers, regulators, meters, valves or other exposed equipment shall be protected from mechanical damage by vehicles or other causes.
   H.   Location: The mobile home gas connection shall be installed at the edge of the mobile home stand, approximately thirty feet (30') from the front of such stand; and located as not to terminate beneath the mobile home. (Ord. 84-9)