(a) Any person desiring a license to establish, maintain or operate a barber shop shall make written application for a license to the Commissioner of Environmental Health, which shall set forth a description of the premises as well as the location of the same.
(b) The application for a license shall contain the following information:
(1) The exact location, including street and number where the barber shop is to be opened, conducted, maintained or operated;
(2) The name and the address of the owner of the premises in which such barber shop is to be located;
(3) The name under which the barber shop will be opened, maintained, operated or conducted;
(4) Such additional information as the Commissioner may require.
(c) The Commissioner shall then make or cause to be made an investigation of the premises named in such application for the purpose of determining the fitness and suitability of the premises for the conduct of such business from a sanitary standpoint. He or she shall also cause an investigation to be made to determine if all City ordinances and State law’s relative to the operation and maintenance of barber shops have been complied with, and if all necessary precautions are and will be taken to prevent the spread of contagious and communicable diseases. The Commissioner upon completion of such investigation shall transmit the application to the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses, together with a recommendation for or against the issuance of such a license.
(Ord. No. 511-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
The annual license fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) for a barber shop and one hundred seventy dollars ($170.00) for a barber school. All licenses shall expire on December 31 following the date of issuance, and no license shall be issued except for the full license period and for the full license fee. Licenses shall not be transferable but shall be renewable under the same terms and conditions as required for the original issuance.
(Ord. No. 2393-02. Passed 2-3-03, eff. 2-3-03)
No person shall operate, maintain or conduct a barber shop in which the view to the interior is obstructed by the use of blinds, shades, screens, painted or frosted glass or any other device to prevent a free and unobstructed view from the outside of such barber shop.
(Ord. No. 511-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
No place shall be used, maintained or permitted to be used or maintained as a place where barbering, manicuring or hair dressing is done for pay unless all of the following requirements are complied with:
(a) Local Provisions.
(1) Every such place shall be supplied with running hot and cold water;
(2) No vessel, utensil, instrument, towel, cloth or other article coming in contact with the skin of any person in the process of barbering, manicuring or hair dressing shall be used until after it has been sterilized, and no sponge, powder puff or other articles that are not so sterilized shall be used in any such process. No alum or other material for stopping the flow of blood shall be used, except in powdered or liquid form in any such process;
(3) No room where barbering, manicuring or hair dressing is done shall be used for sleeping purposes, and no furniture adapted for sleeping room purposes shall be in any such room;
(4) Every such place and all furniture, fixtures and equipment in such place shall be maintained in a clean condition at all times;
(5) No person having any communicable disease shall engage in any of the processes of barbering, manicuring or hair dressing. No proprietor, manager or person in charge of any place where barbering, manicuring or hair dressing is done for pay, shall permit a person so infected to be engaged in any such process. Such proprietor or manager shall, within twelve (12) hours after the discovery that any person engaged in any of the processes above referred to has any communicable disease, report such fact to the Department of Health.
(b) State Provisions.
(1) All barber shops shall be open for inspection during business hours to the members of the State Board of Barber Examiners or their inspectors and authorized representatives of the State or City Departments of Health;
(2) The holder of a certificate of registration or permit shall post the same, together with his or her photograph, in a conspicuous place adjacent to or near his or her work chair, where it may readily be seen;
(3) No barber, apprentice or student shall continue the practice of barbering in a barber shop while such person has an infectious or communicable disease;
(4) Only a water supply approved by the Ohio or City Department of Health shall be used in any barber shop. Both hot and cold water shall be piped under pressure to a water basin. The waste water shall be discharged into an approved sanitary sewage system or otherwise disposed of in a manner approved by the Ohio or City Department of Health;
(5) Every barber shop shall be provided with toilet facilities, including hot and cold running water and a water flushed toilet approved by the Ohio or City Department of Health;
(6) The hands of the barber shall be thoroughly washed with soap and water and dried on a clean, freshly laundered towel or paper towel, immediately before serving each patron;
(7) All instruments shall be kept in a closed compartment and shall be disinfected before each use on a patron by immersion in a five percent (5%) solution of carbolic acid for not less than five (5) minutes, or by other methods of disinfection which shall be equivalent to this standard.
A dip disinfectant solution container, not less than eight (8) inches tall and three (3) inches in diameter, shall be kept for each chair in operation. Such container shall be kept filled at all times, and it shall be completely emptied, cleaned and refilled with fresh solution at least once a week.
Since disinfecting solutions may injure the skin, instruments immersed in these solutions shall be carefully rinsed in warm, running water before use;
(8) All laundered linen shall be kept in a closed compartment at all times;
(9) All linen used on a patron shall be freshly laundered, including dry and steam towels, before using;
(10) The head rest of a barber chair shall be covered with a freshly laundered towel or fresh paper for each patron;
(11) In cutting the hair of any patron, a newly-laundered towel or paper shall be placed about the neck to prevent the hair cloth from touching the skin;
(12) All towels used on each patron shall be deposited in an enclosed towel receptacle. Towels shall not be left lying on work bench or wash bowl. Soiled or used towels found on work bench, barber chair or wash bowl constitute prima facie evidence that the same are being used without being relaundered;
(13) Nothing but powdered or liquid astringents, applied in each case on a clean towel, shall be used to check bleeding. The possession of styptic or astringent pencils, lump alum, finger bowls or sponges is prima facie evidence that the same are being used in that practice of barbering and are unlawful;
(14) No barber or other person in charge of any barber shop shall undertake to treat any disease of the skin;
(15) No patron showing evidence of disease of the face or scalp shall be served in any barber shop until he or she presents a statement from a physician that the infection is not communicable;
(16) The use of a neck duster or hair brush from one (1) patron to another is prohibited;
(17) The use of any room or place for barbering which is also used for residential business purposes, except the sale of hair tonics, lotions, creams, toilet articles, cigars, tobacco, confectionery, laundry and such other commodities as are used and sold in barber shops, is prohibited by law, unless a substantial partition of ceiling height separates the portion used for residential or business purposes;
(18) All barber shop equipment, furniture, floors, walls, ceilings, windows, bathrooms, toilets, adjoining rooms and all articles within the immediate environment of a barber shop shall be kept clean and orderly at all times. Cuspidors and waste paper baskets must be emptied and cleaned at least every twenty-four (24) hours;
(19) Performing any of the services constituting barbering for pay, free or otherwise on Sunday is expressly prohibited;
(20) No barber shop shall be opened for the business of barbering until a certificate of approval is given by the State Board of Barber Examiners. Any person or persons proposing to open a barber shop in a new location or to change locations shall first make application to the State Board of Barber Examiners for an inspection and approval of the premises.
(Ord. No. 511-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
(a) The Department of Public Health is hereby authorized to assess the following license fees, for licenses issued under RC Chapter 3730:
Body Piercing Establishment only | $250.00 |
Tattooing Establishment only | $250.00 |
Body Piercing and Tattooing Establishment | $325.00 |
Temporary Body Piercing Establishment only, under Section 225.07 | $50.00, per day |
Temporary Tattooing Establishment only | $50.00, per day |
Temporary Body Piercing and Tattooing Establishment | $75.00, per day |
All licenses issued for body piercing and/or tattooing establishments shall expire on December 31st of the year in which the license is issued except those licenses issued to temporary body piercing and/or tattooing establishments which shall expire on the fifth day following issuance.
(b) RC Chapter 3730 is incorporated by reference, as it now exists and as it may be amended in the future, and any violation of those state statutes or of rules promulgated under those statutes shall also be violations of these Codified Ordinances, and may be prosecuted by the Director of Law. The penalty for such violations shall be as established in RC 3730.99.
(Ord. No. 1234-13. Passed 10-28-13, eff. 10-30-13)