§ 188.02 Employment of City Residents
   (a)   Where not otherwise prohibited by federal, state, or local law or the terms of federal or state grants, every Construction Contract shall:
      (1)   Require that one (1) or more Residents perform twenty percent (20%) of the total Construction Worker Hours (“Resident Construction Worker Hours”) performed under the Construction Contract;
      (2)   State the penalties set forth in Section 188.05 for failure to meet the requirement of division (a)(1) of this section; and
      (3)   Require the contractor and its Subcontractors to use significant effort to ensure that no less than four percent (4%) of the Resident Construction Worker Hours required by this division are performed by Low-Income Persons.
   Upon submission of documentary proof of the hours satisfactory to the Director, a Contractor may include in its Resident Construction Worker Hours the hours worked for the Contractor or its Subcontractors by Residents who are Skilled and Unskilled Construction Trade Workers on projects that are not under a Construction Contract, between the dates that work under the Construction Contract begins and ends. A Contractor may also include in its Resident Construction Worker Hours the hours worked by Residents who are graduates of established, bona fide pre-apprenticeship programs approved by the Fannie M. Lewis Advisory Committee, including, but not limited to, the Bricklayers & Allied Crafts Preapprenticeship program, Cement Masons Pre- apprenticeship program, or Union Construction Industry Partnership-Apprenticeship Skill Achievement Program (“UCIP-ASAP”).
   (b)   The percentage levels set forth in division (a) of Section 188.02 are intended as minimum requirements for use of Residents under Construction Contracts and shall not be construed as limiting or deferring the full use of Residents beyond this numerical level.
   (c)   Prior to the commencement of work, each Contractor and Subcontractor shall, if requested by the Director, complete and submit to the Director a work-force table. The table shall identify the estimated work-force requirements for the duration of the job, broken down by trade and month. The Contractor or Subcontractor shall revise the table as required, but not less than once a month.
(Ord. No. 1056-10. Passed 10-25-10, eff. 10-28-10)