§ 110-1 Civil Defense Expenditures
   That based upon the currently available scientific and medical information which overwhelmingly demonstrates that there is no realistic, practical and effective protection against the effects of a nuclear or thermonuclear attack directed at civilian population centers, such as Cleveland, and that the only alternative to any civil defense measures is the eventual elimination of nuclear or thermonuclear weapons, the appropriation and/or expenditure of public funds by the City of Cleveland for any civil defense preparedness measures against nuclear or thermonuclear attack, including, but not limited to, plans, programs, studies and the acquisition, purchase or lease of buildings, equipment, supplies or services used or to be used in connection with such civil defense measures, are hereby declared to be wasteful and unlawful expenditures of public funds and not in the public interest and any such appropriation and/or expenditure for such civil defense measures is hereby forever prohibited.
(Effective November 2, 1982)