§ 183.023 Lease of Real Property Acquired at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
   (a)   When the City acquires real property in the vicinity of Cleveland Hopkins International Airport for runway expansion, clear or approach zone, or other similar airport purposes and, containing habitable residential structures which there is no requirement, reason or authority to demolish, the Director of Port Control may lease such land and structures, subject to all applicable laws and regulations of the United States of America, the State of Ohio, and the City, for such term as the Director may determine and terminable at will by the Director upon sixty (60) days’ written notice to the lessee.
   (b)   A lease authorized hereby shall require the lessee to pay a monthly rent no less than four-tenths of one percent (0.4%) of the property acquisition cost, to maintain tenant liability insurance coverage including the City as an additional insured, with limits and insurer satisfactory to the Director, and to perform all repairs and maintenance on the structure which the Director previously approves in writing as necessary and appropriate. This shall entitle lessee, upon approval of documentation satisfactory to the Director, to reimbursement of major repair costs by a deduction from the monthly rent.
(Ord. No. 599-11. Passed 6-6-11, eff. 6-13-11)