§ 171.60 Dental Care Insurance
   (a)   Effective December 1, 1981, all elected officers, full-time officers and regular full-time employees of the City and its Municipal Court, except members of the building trades paid on the basis of building trades’ prevailing wages, are eligible to receive dental insurance benefits. An eligible employee or officer who does not have the same or better coverage provided free by his or her spouse’s or parents’ employer shall be provided with employee and dependent dental insurance coverage, subject to such administrative terms and conditions as the Board of Control establishes.
   (b)   The Director of Finance shall periodically contract for the issuance of a policy of dental insurance on a joint venture basis, which joint venture shall include at least one (1) minority insurance agency, covering all employees and officers who are entitled to dental care benefits pursuant to subsection (a) hereof.
   (c)   As used in this section, “regular full-time employees” does not include temporary transitory employees or temporary emergency employees.
(Ord. No. 2317-81. Passed 10-5-81, eff. 10-7-81)