§ 171.49 Officers’ and Employees’ Right to Free Expression
   (a)   Every officer and employee, whether in the classified or unclassified service of the City, shall have and enjoy the right of free speech, as guaranteed to them as citizens of the United States and the State, as provided in the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State, and may freely discuss any matters, including but not limited to matters relating to religion or politics.
   (b)   No officer or employee of the City, whether in the classified or unclassified service of the City, shall promulgate or enforce or attempt to promulgate or enforce any order, rule, regulation or directive, either written or oral which prohibits or attempts to prohibit any officer or employee from exercising his, her or their right to free speech, as Constitutionally and legally guaranteed, except that the provisions of this section shall not protect speech or conduct or both, which are clearly disruptive of the work of such officer or employee or his or her co-workers or which clearly constitutes an act of insubordination to a lawful order or directive of a person in a supervisory capacity, which order or directive is necessary and related to the carrying out of the authorized business of the City, and which is directly related to the assigned duties and tasks of such employee.
(Ord. No. 2160-76. Passed over Mayor’s veto 10-4-76, eff. 10-5-76)