§ 171.45 Probation Officer’s Vehicle Mileage Allowance
   Probation officers of the Municipal Court, when duly authorized by the judges or by the Chief Probation Officer with the authority of the judges, in addition to their salaries, shall be allowed an expense item covering gasoline, oil and maintenance of their private vehicles when the same are used directly in connection with the performance of their duties as probation officers. The allowance shall be the rate per mile currently in effect with the union’s collective bargaining agreement for each mile which each vehicle may travel in the performance of the official duty of the probation officer owning the same, as shall be evidenced by an affidavit duly executed by an affidavit duly executed by each probation officer claiming the mileage, which affidavit shall be in the form approved by the Director of Law. The affidavit shall be executed and filed at the end of each calendar month covering the operation of the vehicle during the preceding month. The allowance shall not be construed to be a part of the salary or compensation of the probation officer, but shall be construed as a reimbursement to him or her for the expense necessarily incurred in the use of his or her vehicle on official business. The aggregate amount of such reimbursement to a probation officer for any one (1) calendar month shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00).
(Ord. No. 756-05. Passed 7-12-06, eff. 7-14-06)