§ 171.242 Voluntary Deductions for the RTA Commuter Advantage Program
   The Commissioner of Accounts is authorized to deduct from the salary or wages due those officers and employees of the City who have filed with the Commissioner a written request authorizing deductions for the RTA Commuter Advantage Program, the amount specified in the authorization to be deducted at the time indicated in the authorization, all in accordance with applicable federal regulations. The Treasurer shall transmit money so deducted to the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA), as indicated in the authorization, for and on behalf of the employee to purchase commuter passes. This program constitutes a qualified transportation fringe benefit plan. The Director of Human Resources is authorized to enter into any necessary agreements with GCRTA to implement this program.
(Ord. No. 92-11. Passed 4-25-11, eff. 4-29-11)