§ 171.18 Filing Bonds and Insurance; Record
   All official bonds, all policies of insurance and all other instruments of indemnity or guaranty required under any provision of ordinance or law shall be filed with the Commissioner of Accounts who shall preserve and keep safe the same. No such instrument shall be surrendered from his or her custody except upon the order of the Director of Law. He or she shall maintain a record in which shall be entered under appropriate headings all such instruments and such record shall show the nature of the instrument, the amount thereof, the purpose for which issued, the principal and surety thereon, the department filing the same, the date of the approval and by whom approved, the expiration date thereof and other information as he or she may deem pertinent. The official concerned with the taking or approving of any such instrument shall file the same forthwith with the Commissioner for safe keeping and record.
(Ord. No. 2608-46. Passed 2-3-47)