“Multi-wheel agricultural tractor” means a type of agricultural tractor that has two (2) or more wheels or tires on each side of one (1) axle at the rear of the tractor, is designed or used for drawing other vehicles or wheeled machinery, has no provision for carrying loads independently of the drawn vehicles or machinery, and is used principally for agricultural purposes.
(RC 4511.01(GGG); Ord. No. 188-16. Passed 10-16-17, eff. 10-20-17)
“Municipal parking facility drive” means that portion of a Municipal parking facility designated for the purpose of providing ingress and egress to vehicles and used for the movement of vehicular travel within a Municipal parking facility.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
“Operate for hire” includes “plying for hire” and “carrying passengers for hire” and means the engaging by any person, firm or corporation, directly or through any agent, lessee, representative, officer or employee in the business of transporting persons, or of providing or furnishing such transportation service, for hire to the public generally or under special or individual contracts, over the streets and highways of the City, and also includes the soliciting of public patronage upon the streets and highways of the City, the demanding, accepting or receiving of any compensation, remuneration, reward, gift, donation, gratuity, tip or other consideration, for transporting any person or persons over the public streets of this City, whether the amount received is equal to, greater or less than the rates prescribed in Section 443.26; the holding out of himself, herself, themselves or itself to the general public as prepared to transport any person or persons without charge or for such fee as the person or persons transported may voluntarily contribute; and the employing of any other scheme, device or method to circumvent or evade the provisions of this Traffic Code.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
“Parking key” or “parking card” means any key or card or similar device issued by the Commissioner of Traffic Engineering and Parking designed to be inserted into a parking meter upon a Municipal parking facility or automatically operated gate so that upon such insertion the parking meter or automatically operated gate will be set into operation.
(Ord. No. 1684-76. Passed 6-29-76, eff. 7-6-76)
“Parking meter” means any mechanical or electronic device used, placed, installed, or erected upon a Municipal parking facility or in a metered parking zone where it is indicated thereon the legal parking time established by the City or otherwise on property that is owned, leased, or operated by the City. A parking meter includes, but is not limited to, single space meters, multi-space meters, and parking mobile payment applications authorized by the City.
(Ord. No. 817-2023. Passed 9-18-23, eff. 9-21-23)