§ 3126.11 Relocation of Sewers and Drainage Courses
   (a)   If the Commissioner of Water Pollution Control deems it necessary to adjust, relocate, add to, or otherwise modify the existing sewer system or drainage course serving the area affected by an excavation or fill operation area or protecting the existing sewer system or drainage course from damage, a permit shall be issued in accordance with this chapter only if the applicant for the permit obtains a permit to provide, relocate, or modify the sewer system or drainage course for the affected area pursuant to the requirements of the Division of Water Pollution Control and the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. Permit, easements, and construction shall be at the expense of the applicant.
   (b)   No grading work drainage provisions shall fail to adequately contain the surface runoff to the site area, cause a stagnant pond to form, or interfere with existing drainage conditions.
(Ord. No. 721-16. Passed 7-13-16, eff. 7-17-16)